Re: [Dovecot] dovecot bug - kevent(EV_DELETE, 9)

2008-08-21 Thread
Здравствуйте, Timo.

Вы писали 21 августа 2008 г., 8:42:24:

 On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 22:43 +0400, wrote:
  dovecot works fine with AD! but i have this in logs (This not nice,
  but no more):
  Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
  lost to LDAP server, reconnecting
  Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
  kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 

 These should help for the Bad file descriptor error:

 I understand. Windows 2003 close idle connections every 15
 minutes (that policy set by default
 in any windows 2003 server) and dovecot reconnects with this error.
 Unfortunately dovecot haven't keep-alive parameter to keep
 connection to LDAP alive (not idle). :(
 And only that parameter can resolve my problem.

 What keep-alive parameter? If you mean for TCP connections, it is
 already set and it doesn't help here. Does LDAP have a keep-alive option
 too? I think the two timeout options I see are about client-side timeout
 handling. One thing Dovecot could do is to send a dummy LDAP request
 every few minutes, but that seems pretty ugly.

Thank you very much!!! The patch is working fine. I haven't errors in
logs any more.

About keep-alive parameter - I mean keep-alive option in config (like
you said: to send a dummy LDAP request every few minutes).
And i don't think that this seems pretty ugly.
When connection idle dovecot will reconnect to the LDAP every N
minutes. Time interval (N minutes) sets by idle_timeout option in OpenLDAP (or
by GPO in AD).

In logs it's look like (without error):
Aug 14 03:36:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting
Aug 14 03:51:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting
Aug 14 04:06:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting

It's only IMHO:
If you can add this option in new version of dovecot (only for LDAP), i will be
happy (and not only me). :)

Thanks for patch again!

Re: [Dovecot] dovecot bug - kevent(EV_DELETE, 9)

2008-08-20 Thread
 dovecot works fine with AD! but i have this in logs (This not nice,
 but no more):
 Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting
 Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 
 Aug 14 02:36:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting 
 Aug 14 02:36:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 
 Aug 14 02:51:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting 
 Aug 14 02:51:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 
 Aug 14 03:06:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting 
 Aug 14 03:06:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 
 Aug 14 03:21:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting 
 Aug 14 03:21:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor 
 Aug 14 03:36:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection
 lost to LDAP server, reconnecting 
 Aug 14 03:36:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default):
 kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: Bad file descriptor

I understand. Windows 2003 close idle connections every 15 minutes (that policy 
set by default
in any windows 2003 server) and dovecot reconnects with this error.

Unfortunately dovecot haven't keep-alive parameter to keep
connection to LDAP alive (not idle). :(
And only that parameter can resolve my problem.

[Dovecot] dovecot bug - kevent(EV_DELETE, 9)

2008-08-16 Thread
Sorry for my english.

dovecot-1.1.2_1 (from ports with LDAP)
AD LDAP на Win 2003 SP2 (work via GK)
CPU 2xIntel XEON
NFS not used

LDAP part of dovecot.conf (if you need all file, l'll send it):
auth default {
mechanisms = plain login 
passdb ldap { 
args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-ldap.conf 

userdb ldap { 
args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-ldap.conf 
user = nobody 
count = 1 
ssl_require_client_cert = no 
ssl_username_from_cert = no 

#Postfix Auth 
socket listen { 
client { 
path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth 
mode = 0660 
user = postfix 
group = postfix 

Whole dovecot-ldap.conf:
hosts =
dn = CN=SomeUser,OU=SomeOU,DC=domain,DC=ru 
dnpass = password 
tls = no 
debug_level = 0 
auth_bind = yes 
ldap_version = 3 
base = DC=domain,DC=ru 
deref = never 
scope = subtree 
user_filter = 
pass_filter = 
default_pass_scheme = CRYPT

My problem.

dovecot works fine with AD! but i have this in logs (This not nice,
but no more):
Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting
Aug 14 02:21:03 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor 
Aug 14 02:36:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting 
Aug 14 02:36:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor 
Aug 14 02:51:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting 
Aug 14 02:51:04 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor 
Aug 14 03:06:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting 
Aug 14 03:06:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor 
Aug 14 03:21:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting 
Aug 14 03:21:05 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor 
Aug 14 03:36:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP 
server, reconnecting 
Aug 14 03:36:06 somecomp dovecot: auth(default): kevent(EV_DELETE, 9) failed: 
Bad file descriptor

docecot was launched with debug_level = -1 in dovecot.conf. If you
need this log (it's very big) - i send it too. But i don't see in it
something new (dovecot check connection when it lost and succesefully
reconnecting to AD LDAP).

I want to know:
What this event means?
Can i fix it and what to fix?