
Running dovecot deliver 1.1.11 with a sieve script (dovecot-sieve 1.1.6
+ changeset b9567e94b897) the following messages started to show up in
the mail logs for some (spam) messages:

deliver(mathiaz): Apr 18 19:03:06 Error: Corrupted index cache file (in-memory 
index).cache: Broken fields for mail UID 1
deliver(mathiaz): Apr 18 19:03:06 Error: Couldn't fix broken header unfolding
deliver(mathiaz): Apr 18 19:03:06 Info: 
msgid=<01c9548a$f1666dfe$6c822...@pillarsx6>: saved mail to INBOX

How serious are these?

Without changeset b9567e94b897 applied deliver would actually crash and
the message would be lost. More information can be found in the Ubuntu
bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dovecot/+bug/264306

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer  http://www.ubuntu.com

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