Re: [Dovecot] read only maildir subscriptions

2007-05-11 Thread Nagyon Almos
Ok, thanks for the reply.
It is clear now, now I can subscribe them.


Timo Sirainen On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 19:56  0200, Nagyon Almos wrote:
> Under thunderbird, I can successfully log in and read my new mails, 
> but  I cannot subscribe (?) within thunderbird to oldmails 
> (it is grey not black as other folders).
> namespace private {
>   separator = /
>   prefix = oldmails/

"oldmails" is the namespace prefix. You can't subscribe to it because
it's not a mailbox. Why would it even be needed? You should be able to
subscribe to mailboxes under it.

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Re: [Dovecot] read only bug?

2007-05-09 Thread Nagyon Almos

The boss is back: 10  replies in an hour :-)))

Thanks for your reply.

I split my mailboxes with mb2md which was
a very bad decision: not every mailbox started 
with the INTERNAL FOLDER DATA email and it lost them.
It seems to have mixed up the filesnames too, because
ls 1154939281.5.pc1\,* | wc -l 
says 10 and they are different emails!

Is there any way to make dovecot to not correct these?
Or it is a very important that maildir files should have different

Best wishes,

>Timo Sirainen On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 21:38  0200, Nagyon Almos wrote:
>> rename(/home/store/oldmails/.personal/cur/1154939281.5.pc1.S=1879:2,S, 
>> >>/home/store/oldmails/.personal/new/1178307014.P8610Q0M347618.pc1) failed: 
>> >>Permission denied

>This doesn't happen normally. I think you have duplicates (same maildir
>basename) in the maildir and Dovecot is trying to fix it by renameing
>one of the files to a new base filename. I guess the error message
>should be updated to contain "Couldn't fix a duplicate maildir

"Diszlexiás a gyermekem?" - 25 kérdéses gyorsteszt (Hálás lesz utána, bármi is 
az eredmény!)

Re: [Dovecot] read only bug?

2007-05-04 Thread Nagyon Almos


Thanks for your reply.
I have some read only maildirs outside my home.
Actually those files and directories does not belong to
me, I am only a member of the group which can read those
files and change to those directories.
This is a bit overworried security: 
not to loose any data by accident deletion.

I was happy to be able to use those read-only maildirs in mutt,
therefore I tried to make it work under dovecot.
I did not want all my emails in one folder, it would be too big,
that is why I sorted them into very-old folder and not-so-old-and-recent
folder. Hence the very-old folder does not change (except once a year or so).
And I was happy when I saw that dovecot supports read-only maildirs.
(And for some reasons, dovecot wants to rename the mail from cur to new!)

So my questions is:
Can I disable this renaming feature somehow?

ACLs are great, but this option would be only the next,
if this filesystem-permission approach fails to work.


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[Dovecot] read only bug?

2007-05-04 Thread Nagyon Almos

Hello All,

I have been still struggling with the read only maildir and
I think I found something:
dovecot wants to rename a file but 
I/it have/has no rights to do that:
dovecot: 2007-05-04 21:30:14 Error: IMAP(bela): 

/home/store/oldmails/.personal/new/1178307014.P8610Q0M347618.pc1) failed: 
Permission denied

Why dovecot wants to rename it? It is really a read only directory.


2600 állásból Te is találsz megfelelőt!
Mérnöki, értékesítői, asszisztensi, pénzügyi és
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Re: [Dovecot] read only maildir

2007-05-02 Thread Nagyon Almos

>If you run dovecot 0.99, it's .subscriptions; if you run dovecot 1.0, 
>it's subscriptions - so adjust as necessary. It is always located in the 
>Maildir/ directory itself - take a look at your own personal maildir 
>folder and it should be pretty obvious.

>The contents should be the name of the subfolder itself. Again, looking 
>at your personal folder and just copying the idea to the shared one 
>should be all you need to do.

Thank you for your help.
The location of the subscriptions file is now clear.

The situation is getting better:
  mutt does not see the read-only maildir,
even if I have two subscriptions file in Maildir/ and in CONTROL directory
(empty directory).
  thunderbird now sees the folders in the read-only Maildir/ no matter what
was specified in the subscriptions files (again, I have them under both 
Maildir/ and CONTROL).
And I can subscribe/unsubscribe to them.
But if I click on the name of the folder, thunderbird says: 
Mailbox does not exist. And there is absolutely nothing in dovecot's log.

If it matters, I use Edgy, hence dovecot 1.0rc2, mutt 1.5.13 and thunderbird

Again, thank you for your help.
By the way, do you have working read-only folders?
If yes, would you please send me the details?

Best regards,

"Egy anya oda se bagózik a megjelenésedre. Szerinte gyönyörű vagy és 
punktum." Meglepetéskönyvek anyák napjára.,1,6022,162660,225668/click.prm 

Re: [Dovecot] read only maildir

2007-05-02 Thread Nagyon Almos

>If it's read-only, then your user can't write the 'subscriptions' file; 
>as root, edit that file and manually insert the subscription, then your 
>clients should pick it up.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Is it subscriptions or .subscriptions or in the singular 
(without the ending s)? Where should it be exactly?
In the directory specified by the location option or
by the CONTROL suboption? And what should it contain?
Sorry to ask too much, but I am (very) new to dovecot.

Best regards,

"Egy anya oda se bagózik a megjelenésedre. Szerinte gyönyörű vagy és 
punktum." Meglepetéskönyvek anyák napjára.,1,6022,162660,225668/click.prm 

[Dovecot] read only maildir

2007-05-02 Thread Nagyon Almos

Hello All,

I try to set up a read only maildir
just as in the wiki, to no avail.
  The extra (public) namespace shows up but
I can not susbscribe to it (in thunderbird) or
if I change to that "directory" (in mutt), 
it is empty.
  Is it the problem mentioned in the wiki (SharedMailboxes#Subscriptions)?
If yes, how can I see/use a folder which is not subscribeable?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


"Egy anya oda se bagózik a megjelenésedre. Szerinte gyönyörű vagy és 
punktum." Meglepetéskönyvek anyák napjára.,1,6022,162660,225668/click.prm 

[Dovecot] read only maildir subscriptions

2007-04-30 Thread Nagyon Almos

I have some (possibly very simple) questions about
I store my old mails in /home/oldmails/ in one Maildir
where I have only read-only permissions (I cannot delete, create or modify
any files).
Under thunderbird, I can successfully log in and read my new mails, 
but  I cannot subscribe (?) within thunderbird to oldmails 
(it is grey not black as other folders).

What did I do wrong? What other permissions does dovecot need?

Here's the relevant part of dovecot.conf:

namespace private {
  separator = /
  prefix = oldmails/
  location = 

and when I try to subscribe to it, dovecot says:
dovecot: 2007-04-30 17:58:53 Info: IMAP(xxx): Effective uid=7001, gid=1000
dovecot: 2007-04-30 17:58:53 Info: IMAP(xxx): Namespace: type=private, 
prefix=regi/, sep=/, inbox=no, hidden=no, subscriptions=no
dovecot: 2007-04-30 17:58:53 Info: IMAP(xxx): maildir: 
dovecot: 2007-04-30 17:58:53 Info: IMAP(xxx): maildir: root=/home/oldmails, 
index=~/Maildir/index-oldmails, control=~/Maildir/control-oldmails, inbox=

Thanks for any help in advance.


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Re: [Dovecot] simple questions

2007-04-26 Thread Nagyon Almos

Thank you for your help.

I suspected that these question are really simple,
but I did not know what expressions to search for.

>I don't use it, but look into:
>and look for Pine's rsh command.
I guess this works similarly for mutt,
but what about thunderbird?

>Maybe, search for --exec-mail in the mailing list. It had been asked 
>several times before.
Thanks for the tip. It works like a charm.

>This is like Shared Folders,
>Look for "Read-only Maildirs"
I am coping with the details (namespaces, read only maildir visible
for only one user and so on), but the wiki is very helpful.

And I dont want to seem to be pushy, but what about
the windows version? Is it absolutely of out question?

Thanks & Regards,

Tudod már, hol nyaralsz? Úti beszámolókat, utazási ajánlatokat találsz a Te is megírod élményeidet, megnyerhetsz egy párizsi utat 
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[Dovecot] simple questions

2007-04-25 Thread Nagyon Almos

Hello Everybody,

I would like to use Dovecot on my desktop with imap but before 
doing the real migration I have some (very simple) 
- Is there any way to log in with imap automatically ? 
That is, from localhost without any passwords.
- Can Dovecot work with only readable maildirs?
I want to avoid accidental e-mail loss, therefore
on some maildir folder I have only read permissions.
Or shall I use ACLs only?
- Is there or Will there be a windows version?
(In case I had to use windows.)

Thanks for any help.


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