Re: dovecot director and keepalived

2021-03-15 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

On 15/3/2021 9:11 μ.μ., Aki Tuomi wrote:

On 15/03/2021 20:54 Paterakis E. Ioannis  wrote:

On 15/3/2021 6:09 μ.μ., Steven Varco wrote:

Hi John

Thanks for you input.

So you basically state that („physically“) separating the director servers from 
keepalive/haproxy servers is the only option?
I would like to avoid setting up two additional machines for that whenever 
possible, as any node more in the chain potentially is another point of 
failure… ;)

Nope, it's not the only option. You can always have all three daemons
(keepalived/haproxy/director) on each machine. Keepalived will handle
the floating ip job, haproxies will have no problems with the floating
ip, the directors will always be binded to the static ips of the
machines and have their setup in the haproxies. That's all.

But, if you plan to make a Highly available environment, u have to
consider splitting your services to different VMs, and them to different
hypervisors in order to be as Highly available as you can


The point of dovecot director is that it acts as a proxy that always routes 
users to same backend. You can use keepalived, if it supports external 
commands, to maybe tell director which backends are up / down.

It's not keepalived's work to tell the directors which backend is 
up/down. You can use poolmon for that. keepalived will make sure the 
floating ip will always be assigned on an alive haproxy. Then it's 
haproxies' work to check the aliveness of directors. Then It's Directors 
job to assign the users to the same dovecot backend all the time, and so 

Don't mix things.


Re: dovecot director and keepalived

2021-03-15 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

On 15/3/2021 6:09 μ.μ., Steven Varco wrote:

Hi John

Thanks for you input.

So you basically state that („physically“) separating the director servers from 
keepalive/haproxy servers is the only option?
I would like to avoid setting up two additional machines for that whenever 
possible, as any node more in the chain potentially is another point of 
failure… ;)

Nope, it's not the only option. You can always have all three daemons 
(keepalived/haproxy/director) on each machine. Keepalived will handle 
the floating ip job, haproxies will have no problems with the floating 
ip, the directors will always be binded to the static ips of the 
machines and have their setup in the haproxies. That's all.

But, if you plan to make a Highly available environment, u have to 
consider splitting your services to different VMs, and them to different 
hypervisors in order to be as Highly available as you can


Re: dovecot director and keepalived

2021-03-14 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

On 14/3/2021 6:52 μ.μ., Steven Varco wrote:

Hi All

I’m trying to establish a dovecot HA setup with two loadbalancers, running 
keepalived for sharing a virtual public IP.
On the same machines I’m running a dovecot director which proxies the requests 
to two underlying mail servers (on seperate machines).

Now I’m hitting the issue with the way director determines his „Self IP“ by 
trying to bind to all configured director_servers IPs, taking the first one 

Each Director has to listen only on the static IP address of each 
machine. Then you have to configure the 2 directors in the HAproxies. 
The floating ip with keepalived will work along with the 2 HAproxies.

However this approach only works, when the sysctl setting is: 
On the other side keepalived needs net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in order to bind 
the VIP.

You don't have to mess with these settings.

Other possible solutions I could think about:
- Configure each director as „independent“ by setting only one IP in 
   => With this aporach you would loose the user to mailserver mapping, 
although only in a a case of a failover on the loadbalancer, which might can be 
neglected (or are there any other fallbacks?)

The two directors have a connection to each other, so both know at the 
same time where's a user mapped. You don't have to worry about that. The 
user->dovecot mapping will work without any problems even if there is a 

- Putting director on seperated intermediate machines and proxing the requests through 
haproxy on the keepalived servers (keepalived -> haproxy -> director -> IMAP
=> Besides the disadvantage of having another bunch of servers in the 
chain, also some special configuration on the directory servers might be 
neccessary to assure director works neatly with haproxy.

The identical scenario will be to have keepalived along with haproxy on 
same machine, and directors on another. But can work with all three on 
the same as well. I use the keepalived, haproxy on two machines, with 2 
directors underneath each one on different machine/hardware for the high 
availability's sake, and below them there are 3 dovecot servers.

So 2021, what is the „correct“ (best practive) way of having a reduntant HA 
setup for dovecot?

Cheers :-)


Re: Dovecot Director scaling / performance

2020-12-15 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

From my short experience,

we run 2 directors and 3 dovecot servers behind them, with approx. 800 
concurent users/dovecot server without any problems. During peak times, 
they go as high as 2000-2200 users/dovecot server, again without any 
problems. These 2 directors are behind a haproxy, so i'd say each 
director handles at approx. 1200-3500 concurent connections without 

You may face problems with limitations on your OS if you plan to serve 
such an amount of users though. It depends on the OS you use.

i hope this helps,


On 15/12/2020 13:25, wrote:


currently i'm going to evaluate the Dovecot Director. Are there someone with 
experience how the Dovecot Director does scale?

The last current information i could find was a post on this mailing list from 
2012: 4 Directors are well known, >75 are too much.

Are there any more up to date experience regarding how many user (current and 
new/s) a single Dovecot Director/proxy  node could handle and how many director 
nodes in a ring are known to work (well)?

Best regards,

Re: Directors and LMTP: mailAlternateAddress of same user [solved]

2020-10-28 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

On 26/10/2020 8:54 π.μ., Vincent Brillault wrote:

Dear Ioannis,

I've searched around for a solution to this, and figured out that a special
userdb {} section in the protocol lmtp {} section, with driver = ldap etc etc
so that i 'd be able to "show" the correct user to the lmtp might work, but
strangely that userdb {} setting looks like being ignored by lmtp.

A very similar issue was discussed on IRC last Friday. userdb is indeed
ignored on the director, as the different process are going through the
special "director-userdb", which has nothing to do with the userdb you have
define... The documentation
was updated to make it cleaner.

The solution is to use passdb instead. Use basically the same configuration as
the one you have for userdb but for passdb. For the ldap configuration itself
replace user_* by pass_*.

Dear Vincent hi,

thank you very much for your reponse. I'd already tried the passdb {} 
section, but i've missed the replacing of the user_* attributes in the 
ldap .ext file. Index corruptions are gone now!



Directors and LMTP: mailAlternateAddress of same user

2020-10-22 Thread Paterakis E. Ioannis

Good evening everyone,

I'd like to paste a problem i experience the last days with a mail 
cluster system based on three dovecot servers and two directors in front 
of them. The Directors are proxying the auth requests to the dovecot 
servers below (LDAP). The protocols i use are imap/managesieve/lmtp.  
The setup works as intented, exept one detail. There are a lot of users 
that happen to have mailAlternateAddress attriutes with different e-mail 
addresses. The problem is that when a mail arrives to the lmtp of the 
directors, and the recipient is one of the mailalternateAddresses the 
same user has, director/lmtp doesn't recognise the real user of that 
e-mail address, and routes the e-mail to a different dovecot server than 
the real user is logged in, resulting in a corrupted .index.cache file.

I've searched around for a solution to this, and figured out that a 
special userdb {} section in the protocol lmtp {} section, with driver = 
ldap etc etc so that i 'd be able to "show" the correct user to the lmtp 
might work, but strangely that userdb {} setting looks like being 
ignored by lmtp.

Has any of you guys have an idea how will i be able to solve that issue 
because i get thousands of corrupted .index.cache files every day

Thank you very much in advance,
