Re: [Dovecot] mail.err

2010-12-08 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/08/2010 07:35 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> The point is if you continue using the shotgun approach, you will
> quickly wear out your welcome and any good will others may be
> predisposed to provide.

I try to lurk & read as much as I can before asking for help.

> Also - please do not delete - or please properly configure your mail
> reader to add - the attribution line (who said what when) when replying
> to posts.

I use thunderbird, and it puts those little ">" marks prepending the
lines that I am replying to.

I try to cut out extra lines, sometimes it might make it harder to
follow, sorry!

thanks again for the help.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

Re: [Dovecot] mail.err

2010-12-08 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/07/2010 07:32 PM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> True. And as one probably could gather from my first response, I prefer
> to just solve the issue, even if the choice of list was misguided. Guess
> I mostly got annoyed by the repeated claim of not using IPv6, despite
> the clear evidence.
but I followed ( long ago) a HOW-TO disable IPv6 in debian here:

and added these 2 lines to /etc/modprobe.d/aliases.conf
alias net-pf-10 off
alias ipv6 off

and commented the appropriate lines in /etc/hosts. SO, again, I am not
sure how IPv6 is functioning on my computer..

> Also, regarding dovecot, I am mostly a lurker -- usually chiming in in
> related though actually off-topic issues. ;)

and I appreciate the help, thank you very much!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

Re: [Dovecot] mail.err

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/07/2010 05:25 PM, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> here, I might as well try to help nonetheless -- failing with an IPv6
> address does look familiar. I don't recall the log messages, since I
> mostly debugged with fetchmail directly.
I have never used IPv6, never set it up, I don't think my router can
handle it..

> The below fetchmailrc settings, including the comment, are directly
> scraped from a machine I set up for a friend a while ago...
> defaults
>   smtphost
>   smtpaddress localhost

thanks, I added those 2 lines, that seems to have fixed it!
I guess eventually I'll have to add IPv6 capability, but that might mean
I have to get a new router..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

Re: [Dovecot] mail.err

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/07/2010 04:58 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
>> I keep getting this error, and I have no clue where it comes from. I
>> > have no localhost in my fetchmailrc file, all I have in is:
>> > mydestination =, localhost

> And you think this is dovecot related because... ?

no, I'm not sure what it is related to. I run dovecot, and postfix.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

[Dovecot] mail.err

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Cartwright
I keep getting this error, and I have no clue where it comes from. I
have no localhost in my fetchmailrc file, all I have in is:
mydestination =, localhost

here is some of the entries in /var/log/mail.err:

Dec  7 16:00:38 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:00:40 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:00:43 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:10:50 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:10:56 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:21:05 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:21:07 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:21:08 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:31:18 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:31:19 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:41:25 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:41:26 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.
Dec  7 16:41:27 paulandcilla fetchmail[16761]: connection to
localhost:smtp [::1/25] failed: Connection refused.

all of the mail SENDING on this box comes out of either kmail or
thunderbird via my domain host, secure login.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

Re: [Dovecot] thunderbird crashed-mail_max_userip

2010-12-03 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/03/2010 03:47 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> That's most likely your problem. Simply put - and regardless of what
> *should* be the case - Thunderbird is *not* stable enough to leave
> running 'forever'. In fact, it gets really unstable for me after a day
> or two. I recommend restarting it at least once per day.
that is a valid issue.. I know iceweasel, & other programs have the same
problem, eventually, they either eat up all the CPU, Memory, or just crash.
Gee, this is almost like windows, lets reboot every day, just because:)

well, as you can see, my uptime is way larger than thunderbirds uptime:)
$ uptime
 15:54:03 up 24 days,  4:28,  4 users,  load average: 2.34, 1.72, 1.30
p...@paulandcilla:~$ ps -ef|grep thunderbird
pbc  13142 1  0 Dec02 ?00:00:00 /bin/sh
pbc  13145 13142  0 Dec02 ?00:00:00 /bin/sh
pbc  13149 13145  1 Dec02 ?00:16:53

yeah, running real thunderbird on Debian..
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

[Dovecot] thunderbird crashed-mail_max_userip

2010-12-02 Thread Paul Cartwright
thunderbird just crashed, and I've never seen this before. Any idea what
this was in the dovecot log:

2010-12-02 13:06:40 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:40 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:40 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:40 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:41 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:41 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:41 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:41 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:42 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
2010-12-02 13:06:42 imap-login: Info: Maximum number of connections from
user+IP exceeded (mail_max_userip_connections): user=,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

[Dovecot] squirrelmail inbox empty

2010-11-12 Thread Paul Cartwright
I am running Dovecot + Postfix +Squirrelmail on Debian Lenny.Fetchmail 
pulls the mail, dovecot spreads it around.
I had squirrelmail setup & I tested it from within my router ( internal 
yesterday I had to go babysit my grand daughter, and I setup port 
forward for IMAP port 143, and I can use squirrelmail through firefox on 
my laptop.
All the other folders have all the mail from the time I left til now. 
Yesterday I was reading inbpox mail, deleted a few junks, etc, and 
suspended my laptop. When I came back my inbox was empty, and I've never 
seen any more messages in it. I know I should have LOTS of older+new 
messages that don't get filtered. Unfortunately ssh doesn't seem to work 
from this linux side, it does from the windos side ( ssh keys?), so I 
can't get in to look at the logs..
I already removed ( I think ) all the inbox index files... & restarted, 
but no joy. I am not sure if it is getting filtered from the ibox, or if 
I just can't see it. I am not familiar with how squirrelmail works with 
local IMAP folders, so I am unsure where to look or what logs to browse. 
I will be home later today.

suggestions clues or otherwise??

-- Paul Cartwright