[Dovecot] Problems with Dovecot 1.2.3 + IMAP (SSL) + iPhone OS 3.0

2009-08-10 Thread Sascha Scandella


Has anyone else problems with Dovecot 1.2.3? For clients such as 
Thunderbird, Outlook 2007 everything

works perfect. When I use an iPhone the child process is killed:

Aug 11 08:08:44 imap-login: Info: Login: user=, 
method=PLAIN,rip=, lip=, TLS
Aug 11 08:08:44 dovecot: Error: child 5382 (imap) killed with signal 11 
(core dumps disabled)

Currently I have downgraded again to the working 1.2. I wonder if this 
problem is known or anyone

is looking for it.

[Dovecot] Postfix + Dovecot + Sieve + SpamAssassin

2009-04-08 Thread Sascha Scandella


Until now I used Postfix in combination with Procmail and Dovecot. I am
convinced that the Dovecot Sieve plugin is a much more elegant solution.

So I changed to Postfix + Dovcecot Deliver + Dovecot + Sieve. If I 
correctly I cannot call other applications within a Sieve script. Until 
now I used
Procmail to filter Spam Messages with SpamAssassin. Is there a 
possibility to

filter spam messages before/after Dovecot deliver. I want to use the users
.spammassassin user_prefs located in their home folder. I suppose if I use a
content filter in Postfix this is to early, since the user is not known 
at that

moment. Or am I wrong?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

[Dovecot] File and group permissions for incoming mails

2009-04-02 Thread Sascha Scandella


I am using Dovecot 1.1.1 together with Postfix (and for some users 
Procmail for

Spam Filtering). Until now I didn't have to use shared mailboxes.

Now I want to use simple simlinking to grant other users of the same 
group access
to my mails. The problem is that new incoming mails have always file 

set to 0600.

I have also a file called dovecot-shared (0660) in the Maildir folder. 
No success. Why

doesn't this work?

I also tried to use UMASK in the procmailrc. No success.

Any help is appreciated!

Best regards