Dear all

I have a few public folders setup and working fine, and one such public folder is 'Public/General'. I'm trying to sort dsync replication out to another server and notice that the system log is full of error messages similar to:

dovecot: doveadm: Error: dsync-remote(username: Error: Can't update subscription Pu
blic/General: Invalid mailbox name

The replication setup is basically as per the v2 wiki.

It seems that when a mail client subscribes to a public folder, the folder name is put into '~/Maildir/subscriptions' and this seems to be the cause of the error during replication. The mails are not synchronised to the other server.

Public namespace is:

namespace {
  type = public
  separator = /
  prefix = Public/
  location = maildir:/home/shared/public
  subscriptions = no
  list = yes

Hopefully somebody can send the clue bus over?


Steve Brown
Operations Manager             Connection Services Ltd
+44 (0)1189 711 765 Direct     +44 (0)870 751 7571 Fax

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