Re: Failback mailboxes?

2017-08-14 Thread Vincent Bernat
 ❦ 14 août 2017 09:24 +0300, Dag Nygren  :

> Have been using Fedora as my dovecot server for
> some time and am struggling with systemd
> at every update.
> Fedora insists on setting
> ProtectSystem=full in both dovecot.service and postfix.service
> at every update of the packages.
> This makes my mailstore which is in /usr/local/var/mail
> Read-only.
> And this makes the incoming emails delivered through
> dovecot-lda disappear into /dev/null until I notice
> the problem and we lose incoming emails.
> My question is:
> Is there any way to set up a failback mailstore
> for these occasions?
> PS! I really hate systemd - Destroys the UNIX way of
> doing things with a heavy axe

In /etc/systemd/system/dovecot.service.d/10-mailboxes.conf, put:


Same for Postfix. This won't be overwritten on updates.
Don't stop at one bug.
- The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

Re: [Dovecot] Released 1.0.rc31

2007-04-09 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO Lors  de la  soirée naissante  du lundi 09  avril 2007,  vers 17:03,
"Daniel L. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> It would be quite convenient to have support for multiple SSL server
> certificates, based on remote IP address.  When a single IMAP server
> supports both LAN clients and WAN clients, at times either or both the
> domain names or server names may vary - and then a single server
> certificate results in some clients receiving SSL warnings.

Did you try AltSubjectName in your certificate ? I didn't find a current
client that fails to recognize this, yet.
panic("esp: what could it be... I wonder...");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/esp.c

Re: [Dovecot] Multiple delivery with LDA+sieve

2007-04-06 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO Vers  la fin de l'après-midi  du dimanche 25 mars  2007, vers 16:22,
John Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> I guess this duplicate checking could be done, but I wouldn't want
>> it enabled by default.

> You've got to be careful anyway, these so-called duplicates often come
> via different routes (e.g. directly and via a mailing list), may have
> been processed differently over those routes (e.g. have had
> attachments stripped), can't be trusted to have useful addressee
> fields, and won't necessarily arrive in the same order every time, so
> any rules for de-duplicating really have to be left to the mailbox
> owner and can't safely be applied server-wide.

By delivering  the mail  to the same  mailbox, the mailbox  owner should
want de-duplication.  We won't de-duplicate mails that  are delivered to
different mailboxes.

I will look at the duplicate database when I manage to get some time. :)
BOFH excuse #163:
no "any" key on keyboard

[Dovecot] Multiple delivery with LDA+sieve

2007-03-25 Thread Vincent Bernat
Hi !

I  am still  a bit  annoyed  with the  way that  Sieve plugin  handles
multiple delivery into the same folder.

For reference :

Summary :
 When a same  message (same message-id) is to  be delivered twice into
 the same mailbox, it is delivered twice while I think that the second
 one should be discarded.

Here are a few test cases :
 - you subscribe  to a few mailing lists on topic  "X" and deliver all
   mails from  those mailing lists in  the same folder.  You get twice
   the mails that are crossposted.
 - you subscribe to one mailing list and read it regulary so you don't
   care of  receiving messages from this  mailing list (you  are in Cc
   when someone answers)  in your INBOX. You match on To  or Cc to put
   everything in the same folder.  You get messages twice when you are
   put personally in Cc.
 - you place  a forward from one account to two  of your accounts (one
   is  keeping  backup, the  other  don't  but  delivers faster).  You
   receive all messages twice.

With procmail, I handle those  (real) cases with formail. I can't with
Sieve. I  don't see any interest  in receiving the  same message twice
into the  same mailbox. Is  it possible to  maintain a list  of recent
message-id and mailbox couples to  avoid to deliver again a message to
the same mailbox ?
Terminate input by end-of-file or marker, not by count.
- The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)