Hi Timo, 
I'm trying to share two folders. The first one it's public and the other is per 
user based, using acl's to control access etc . Dovecot create the folders, but 
when I'll subscribe using ThunderBird client both of them seens like 
watermarked and has a "mailboxes" folder inside. I can set up the acl's rules 
using Thunderbird. Log files like mail.log don't show nothing in special and 
mail.err has nothing. 
Here is the config. 
# 2.1.8 (b4cd382b6606): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf# OS: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 
x86_64 Debian 6.0.5 
namespace {        type = public        separator = .        prefix = public.   
     location = mdbox:/var/mail_shares/public:INDEX=/var/mail_shares/public     
   subscriptions = no}namespace {        type = shared        separator = .     
   prefix = %h/shared        location = mdbox:%h/shared:INDEX=%h/shared        
subscriptions = no        list = children}
Thanks, Wagner Azevedo                                            

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