Re: [Dovecot-news] Released Pigeonhole v0.4.7.rc2 for Dovecot v2.2.16

2015-03-16 Thread Wouter de Geus
Hej folks,

Today I upgraded from Dovecot 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 and while I was at it also went 
from pigeonhole 0.4.5 to 0.4.7-rc2.
After upgrading I started getting these errors in the dovecot-deliver-error log:
lda( Error: sieve: file storage: Failed to normalize active 
script directory (path=/home/vpopmail/domains/ No such 
file or directory
lda( Error: sieve: Failed to access user storage (temporary 

Is this due to a configuration change or is this a bug?
Above problem is as it says due to the missing .sieve directory (not all my 
users have them), but it worked fine in 0.4.5 without those directories.



Re: [Dovecot] Maildir filename has wrong S value

2012-05-19 Thread Wouter de Geus
* Timo Sirainen [2012-05-19 22:17:01 +0300]:

  My question here is: Why does dovecot abort? Isn't the issue fixed after 
  the rename?
 That file was fixed, but you probably have tons of them and it aborts
 after each one. With IMAP protocol there's really no other good way to
 do this. I guess if it notices one file being wrong it could just decide
 to go into error recovery check and read through all of the maildir
 files, but that's annoying extra piece of code for something that
 shouldn't happen anyway..

Ah, good point on the protocol. However, as far as I'm concerned this automatic
recovery would be a good thing (under the self healing statement from the 
dovecot site?)
Just a suggestion though, I understand that it's a lot of work for this 
specific issue.

 You should be able to manually fix them by reading them via doveadm,
 something like:
 doveadm fetch -u benv text all  /dev/null

Thanks for that one, worked great for my maildir. (and saved me from writing a 
shell script) :)

 Old Dovecot versions didn't notice the problem. You can make v2.1 also
 just ignore the wrong sizes with maildir_broken_filename_sizes=yes.

Ah, that explains.

Well, thanks for the support :)



[Dovecot] Maildir filename has wrong S value

2012-05-15 Thread Wouter de Geus
Hello folks,

This morning I tried to open an old archive mail folder using Mutt.
However, while fetching headers it aborted.
Checking the dovecot log gave me this:

@40004fb21996267d37d4 imap(benv): Error: Cached message size smaller than 
expected (9115  9420)
@40004fb21996267e8bac imap(benv): Error: Maildir filename has wrong S 
value, renamed the file from 
@40004fb21996267e937c imap(benv): Error: Corrupted index cache file 
 Broken physical size for mail UID 294
@40004fb21996267eaaec imap(benv): Error: 
 failed: Input/output error (uid=294)
@40004fb219962680683c imap(benv): Info: Disconnected: Internal error 
occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2012-05-15 10:53:32] 
in=6503 out=192718

I've retried opening this folder several times, but each time Dovecot only 
fixes 1 file and then aborts.
(the folder apparently has a lot more files with incorrect sizes).
My question here is: Why does dovecot abort? Isn't the issue fixed after the 

Also: The files are not corrupted or unreadable, reading them through the 
commandline works fine.
I've looked through my backups and saw that at least half a year ago this 
mismatch in size was already present.

I've been running dovecot for quite a while, so the cause of this size mismatch 
might very well be a issue in an older version of dovecot / my configuration.
Right now I'm running dovecot 2.1.6, but I've been running the v1.2 version for 
quite a while before that.

Is this something that can be improved in dovecot so it doesn't abort after 1 
(of course I could script a rename operation, but that seems like a workaround 
to me)

Thanks for reading.


My current configuration:
# 2.1.6: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux x86_64 Slackware 11.0.0
base_dir = /var/run/dovecot2/
disable_plaintext_auth = no
first_valid_uid = 89
info_log_path = /dev/stderr
last_valid_uid = 89
log_path = /dev/stderr
log_timestamp =
mail_debug = yes
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_max_userip_connections = 50
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character 
vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy 
include variables body enotify e
nvironment mailbox date
namespace {
  inbox = yes
  location =
  prefix = INBOX.
  separator = .
  type = private
passdb {
  driver = vpopmail
plugin {
  autocreate = INBOX.Spam
  quota = maildir
  sieve = ~/.sieve/dovecot.sieve
  sieve_dir = ~/.sieve
  sieve_global_dir = /etc/dovecot/sieve/
  sieve_subaddress_sep = -+
protocols = imap pop3 sieve
service auth {
  unix_listener auth-master {
group = vchkpw
mode = 0660
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
group = vchkpw
mode = 0660
service imap-login {
  inet_listener imap {
address = [::] *
port = 143
  inet_listener imaps {
address = [::] *
port = 993
  process_limit = 256
  process_min_avail = 3
  service_count = 1
  user = dovecot
service managesieve-login {
  process_limit = 256
  process_min_avail = 3
  service_count = 1
  user = dovecot
service pop3-login {
  inet_listener pop3 {
address = [::] *
port = 110
  inet_listener pop3s {
address = [::] *
port = 995
  process_limit = 256
  process_min_avail = 3
  service_count = 1
  user = dovecot
ssl_cert = /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW
ssl_key = /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
userdb {
  driver = vpopmail
verbose_proctitle = yes
protocol lda {
  hostname =
  info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot2-deliver.log
  log_path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot2-deliver-errors.log
  mail_plugins = sieve
  postmaster_address =
  sendmail_path = /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
protocol imap {
  imap_max_line_length = 64 k
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota autocreate
protocol pop3 {
  mail_plugins = quota autocreate
  pop3_no_flag_updates = no
  pop3_uidl_format = %v-%u