Hi guys,

I had a look in the sources about this problem.

the problem seems to be the ldap_escape function that is called from


I dont really know if this escaping is needed at this point, but with
this change it works for me. No other problems discovered so far.

could somebody, who is deeper in the sources give me a hint if
this will make some troubles?

Patch for 2.2.16:

diff --git a/src/auth/passdb-ldap.c b/src/auth/passdb-ldap.c
index c1c2544..10bfe20 100644
--- a/src/auth/passdb-ldap.c
+++ b/src/auth/passdb-ldap.c
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ ldap_verify_plain_auth_bind_userdn(struct
auth_request *auth_request, 
        brequest->request.type = LDAP_REQUEST_TYPE_BIND;
-       vars = auth_request_get_var_expand_table(auth_request,
+       vars = auth_request_get_var_expand_table(auth_request, NULL);
        dn = t_str_new(512);
        var_expand(dn, conn->set.auth_bind_userdn, vars);

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