On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 19:00 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote: 

> >> What has this got to do with anything,  It was well before Christmas.
> > It was 12/10/09... two weeks... pretty close if you ask me, lots of
> > people take 2-3 week vacations during this time of year.
> Oh... and the only message that shows up in the archives is the
> follow-up you posted yourself on the 15th - the original is nowhere to
> be found.

as stated im not going to bore this list, however a 6 sec search found
it in neohapsis archives.

this is not the postfix users list, so this part of the thread is ended
as far as im concerned so it can go back to helping the OP.
I have said all i am saying, so i wont be bothering with this thread
from this point on, because you and I will likely just dispute whatever
the  other says and piss people off by OT crap..

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