On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 09:31 -0300, Venilton Junior wrote:
> Here follows my configuration:

dovecot -n is preferrable to copy&pasteing dovecot.conf.

> user_attrs = mail,homeDirectory,,,,quota=quota=maildir:storage

This is a mix of old and new style user_attrs format. That might be
causing the problem. Use instead:

user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,quota=quota=maildir:storage

> If I'm using quota information in my ldap server, do I have to use this
> option in my dovecot.conf file?
> plugin {
>         quota = maildir
> }

It doesn't matter, because it's overridden by the quota setting returned
by userdb.

If you can't seem to get it work, set auth_debug=yes and look at what
you see in the logs. You should see something like:

auth(default): master out: USER  1       tss    uid=1000 gid=1000 
home=/home/tss   quota=maildir:storage=102400

Make sure the quota setting looks correct in there.

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