
I'm about getting to know dovecot in details, I am about the command
"doveadm user". The man page shows this example:

userdb: jane
         uid       : 8001
         gid       : 8001
         home      : /home/jane
         mail      : sdbox:~/sdbox
         plugins   : sieve
         quota_rule: *:storage=150M

It seems to be nice, however I never got this only:

~# doveadm user lgb@office
userdb: lgb@office

That's all. The dovecot test configuration works otherwise via
IMAP/POP3/LMTP nicely.

What I guess that the lack of extra information (which would be needed by
some scripts of mine, eg for getting user's home easily from shell scripts,
as it's hash based, etc) is caused because I don't pass home (and/or other
settings) back from userdb and/or passdb.

However I do have these in global scope:

mail_home = /mailstorage/%Ld/%Ln
(yes, this is not hashed at all at the momement but it will be soon)
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
mail_uid = vmail
mail_gid = vmail
(... and also some global quota stuffs configured in plugin section)

Now, I am a bit confused: even with passdb/userdb does not return with user
home or GID/UID, dovecot knows these in case of pop3/imap/lmtp access, since
these information can be "composed" from those settings.

But then, wouldn't it possible so "doveadm user" shows those as well, like
lmtp/pop3/imap can resolve those too?

Honestly, it's a bit redundant to put needed information into user and pass 
in every dbs (I have some) when dovecot knows those otherwise ...

If I interpret "doveadm user"'s goal wrong (it's just for userdb/passdb
query tool nothing more), is there any tool which works in this config,
displaying extra information (at least user's home), or should I create some
script which just repeats the functionality of dovecot's configured
mail_home resolution?


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