Re: Dovecot proxying to some backend using LOGIN proxy_mech

2019-10-06 Thread Stephan Bosch via dovecot

On 21/09/2019 12:32, Sébastien Riccio via dovecot wrote:


I am currently testing a setup for a PoC wit this configuration.

- 1 x Frontend dovecot for proxying IMAP/POP3/LMTP/ManageSieve/Submission

- 2 x Backend dovecot with local mail storage

The frontend does the user authentification and communicate with the 
backends using a master password

The fronted accepts PLAIN and LOGIN auth mechanisms and talk with 
backends using PLAIN auth mechanism (with the master password).

This works very well, it's cool.

Then, I've added to this setup an existing mail server (running 
another mailserver software) as a 3rd backend, and would like the 
frontend to also proxy for this, but this time not using master password.

This is working for IMAP/POP3 when it uses PLAIN auth, but not for 
Submission. The backend server in this case only accepts LOGIN auth 
and not PLAIN on port 587.

So I found out there is a field in the passdb we can add (proxy_mech), 
and I've set it to LOGIN.

The frontend seems to now use LOGIN auth mech to talk to this 3rd 
backend, but the authentication still fails.

According to the backend logs, tt seems dovecot proxy is now using 
LOGIN auth, but sends garbage as username and/or password.

Also IMAP that was working when using PLAIN doesn't work anymore with 

The Dovecot proxy is not strictly meant for proxying towards something 
other than Dovecot and you seem to have stumbled upon a bug/design 
flaw/protocol deviation in the client-side SASL LOGIN mechanism. An 
initial SASL response is sent (empty) even though the LOGIN mechanism 
doesn't define one.



Might this be a bug or this setup shouldn't be supported at all ?

Passdb MySQL table on frontend:

mysql> describe users;


| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| user    | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |   |

| domain  | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |   |

| password    | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL    |   |

| displayname | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL    |   |

| host    | varchar(16)  | NO   | | NULL    |   |

| usemaster   | tinyint(1)   | NO   | | 1   |   |

| proxy_mech  | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL    |   |

| starttls    | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL    |   |


mailstore-01/02 are dovecot backends

otherhost is the other mailserver I also would like to proxy through 
dovecot proxy


| user    | domain  | password    
| displayname    | host | usemaster | proxy_mech | starttls |


| user1   |  | {SHA512-CRYPT}   
| Joe Black | mailstore-01 | 1 | NULL   | NULL |

| user2   | | {SHA512-CRYPT}   
| Mr. Smith | mailstore-02 | 1 | NULL   | NULL |

| user3   |  | NULL    
| Donald Duck    | otherhost    | 0 | LOGIN  | any-cert |

| user4   |  | NULL    
| Thanks Obama   | otherhost    | 0 | LOGIN  | any-cert |


Passdb query :

password_query = \

  SELECT concat(user, '@', domain) AS user, password, host, 'Y' AS 
proxy, \

    IF(usemaster is TRUE, 'supermasteruserl', NULL) as master, \

    IF(usemaster is TRUE, 'supermasterpassword', pass) as pass, \

    IF(usemaster is FALSE, 'Y', NULL) as nopassword, \

    proxy_mech, \

    starttls \

    FROM users WHERE user = '%n' AND domain = '%d'

Some questions I'm asking myself:

Is proxying using LOGIN proxy_mech supported at all to auth on backends ?

Is dovecot proxying to "otherhost" supposed to decode original client 
auth (using PLAIN) and translate it to LOGIN format to auth with 
"otherhost" ?

# otherhost port 587 log

Without specifying proxy_mech

[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] cmd: EHLO 

[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] rsp: 
250-dovecotproxy.local.domain Hello []250-SIZE 

[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] cmd: AUTH PLAIN 

[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] rsp: 504 
Unrecognized authentication type.

When using proxy_mech LOGIN

[2019.09.20] 08:24:45.201 [][24148464] c

RE: Dovecot proxying to some backend using LOGIN proxy_mech

2019-09-27 Thread Sébastien Riccio via dovecot
Hello List,

Pardon me for bumping this topic, but does anyone had (positive ?) experience 
with dovecot proxying using LOGIN proxy_mech instead of PLAIN ?
I tried to resolve this on my own but I have not path to follow yet.  I’m not 
even sure if this is supposed to work 😊

Kind regards

From: dovecot  On Behalf Of Sébastien Riccio via 
Sent: samedi, 21 septembre 2019 12:33
Subject: Dovecot proxying to some backend using LOGIN proxy_mech

Hello list,

I am currently testing a setup for a PoC wit this configuration.

- 1 x Frontend dovecot for proxying IMAP/POP3/LMTP/ManageSieve/Submission
- 2 x Backend dovecot with local mail storage

The frontend does the user authentification and communicate with the backends 
using a master password
The fronted accepts PLAIN and LOGIN auth mechanisms and talk with backends 
using PLAIN auth mechanism (with the master password).
This works very well, it's cool.

Then, I've added to this setup an existing mail server (running another 
mailserver software) as a 3rd backend, and would like the frontend to also 
proxy for this, but this time not using master password.
This is working for IMAP/POP3 when it uses PLAIN auth, but not for Submission. 
The backend server in this case only accepts LOGIN auth and not PLAIN on port 

So I found out there is a field in the passdb we can add (proxy_mech), and I've 
set it to LOGIN.

The frontend seems to now use LOGIN auth mech to talk to this 3rd backend, but 
the authentication still fails.
According to the backend logs, tt seems dovecot proxy is now using LOGIN auth, 
but sends garbage as username and/or password.
Also IMAP that was working when using PLAIN doesn't work anymore with LOGIN.

Might this be a bug or this setup shouldn't be supported at all ?

Passdb MySQL table on frontend:
mysql> describe users;
| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| user| varchar(255) | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| domain  | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| password| varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| displayname | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| host| varchar(16)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
| usemaster   | tinyint(1)   | NO   | | 1   |   |
| proxy_mech  | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| starttls| varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |

mailstore-01/02 are dovecot backends
otherhost is the other mailserver I also would like to proxy through dovecot 

| user| domain  | password| 
displayname| host | usemaster | proxy_mech | starttls |
| user1   |  | {SHA512-CRYPT}   | Joe 
Black  | mailstore-01 | 1 | NULL   | NULL |
| user2   | | {SHA512-CRYPT}   | Mr. 
Smith  | mailstore-02 | 1 | NULL   | NULL |
| user3   |  | NULL| Donald 
Duck| otherhost| 0 | LOGIN  | any-cert |
| user4   |  | NULL| Thanks 
Obama   | otherhost| 0 | LOGIN  | any-cert |

Passdb query :

password_query = \
  SELECT concat(user, '@', domain) AS user, password, host, 'Y' AS proxy, \
IF(usemaster is TRUE, 'supermasteruserl', NULL) as master, \
IF(usemaster is TRUE, 'supermasterpassword', pass) as pass, \
IF(usemaster is FALSE, 'Y', NULL) as nopassword, \
proxy_mech, \
starttls \
FROM users WHERE user = '%n' AND domain = '%d'

Some questions I'm asking myself:
Is proxying using LOGIN proxy_mech supported at all to auth on backends ?
Is dovecot proxying to "otherhost" supposed to decode original client auth 
(using PLAIN) and translate it to LOGIN format to auth with "otherhost" ?

# otherhost port 587 log
Without specifying proxy_mech
[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] cmd: EHLO 
[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] rsp: 
250-dovecotproxy.local.domain Hello []250-SIZE 52428800250-AUTH 
[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] cmd: AUTH PLAIN 

[2019.09.19] 09:27:22.167 [][3070269] rsp: 504 Unrecognized 
authentication type.

When using proxy_mech LOGIN
[2019.09.20] 08