I wrote:

Hi, all.

I managed to get my new password scheme routine written, but a couple of things:

1. The example module lacks an init routine. Since I used it as a model, my module also lacks one. As such, my newly-built module is seen but not registered. In the meantime, I moved the routines into password-scheme.c instead where I had access to all the MD5 routines already set up for me.

This issue is minor for now, but see below for more details.

2. Once in password-scheme.c and modified to the point where it builds without warnings or errors and it doesn't gag on itself, it doesn't seem to work properly.

Fixed. Stupid mistake I completely failed to see, even after a lot of cleanup. Was passing the wrong value to a function (and it was an explicit constant value of 32 when it should have been 16!).

And on that note, would there be interest in code to allow use of Post.Office/Netscape Messaging Server SMD5 values?



Ian R. Justman
UNIX hacker.  Anime fan.  Any questions?
ianj (at) ian-justman.com

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