Hi Jason,

2009/1/29 Jason van Zyl <ja...@maven.org>:
> Howdy,
> I've been looking at reporting in Maven 3.x and I've been following the work
> that Vincent Massol has been doing over at XWiki where he has made some
> attempts at melding Doxia, the XWiki rendering engine, and WikiModel. You
> can see the proposal here:
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/RenderingEngineConvergence
> I am looking to remove the Doxia dependency from Maven 3.x so that reporting
> is removed from core and just becomes another set of components. Having

I definitely agree to decouple Maven from Doxia, or conversely :)
We actually have a lot of problems due to this coupling, see MNG-3402.

> Doxia coupled to Maven is not very nice so in the next couple releases of
> the Maven 3.x alphas the hard dependency on Doxia will be removed. This will
> open the door for anyone who wants to add a different mechanism. Doxia
> reports will still work, I'm not planning on removing the functionality just
> unbinding it from the core. But that opens the door for something new!

Some questions to clarify what you have in mind:
- how do you plan to integrate reporting concretely to Maven 3?
- what about the backward compatibility in the reporting plugins?

> What I personally think the best path would be is to help what Vincent has
> started. There are really only three people here who work on Doxia, the
> releases are very slow in coming and I think you would immediately double or

Agree but we work when we have time :)
@Dennis: what are your availabilities to release the version 1.0?
After this release, 1.1 could be out, IMHO all stuffs are there.

> triple the size of the team merging with the XWiki folks and getting the
> WikiModel developer as well. This is what the XWiki folks do all the time
> and I think you would get some more velocity in the progress of the project
> as a whole. Vincent is using Plexus for his stuff so it's not that wildly
> different but I think you would get more visibility over there and a higher

The xwiki proposal seems to move the Doxia code to the xwiki umbrella,
so do you plan to do it?

@Vincent, could you clarify why a fork is not possible for you?



> degree of collaboration. I think you would also get a model that is more
> complete for things like blogs, wikis, and books.
> Any thoughts? I've CC'd Vincent too as I'm not sure he's on this list.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> jason at sonatype dot com
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> People develop abstractions by generalizing from concrete examples.
> Every attempt to determine the correct abstraction on paper without
> actually developing a running system is doomed to failure. No one
> is that smart. A framework is a resuable design, so you develop it by
> looking at the things it is supposed to be a design of. The more examples
> you look at, the more general your framework will be.
>  -- Ralph Johnson & Don Roberts, Patterns for Evolving Frameworks

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