Attached is a slightly modified alarm.xml.  It handles single hour values
for timestamps.  The alarm search also seemed to have an undocumented
feature to allow an alarm to be set in x minutes-from-now.   This is
redundant with the timer function.  The timer function could therefore
probably be removed, and maybe timer could be aliased to alarm for backward
compatibility in the next release.  I updated the help text to indicate the
minutes-from-now feature.


Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
<search function="alarm">
    Schedule an alarm to go off at a certain time. The alarm message is optional. All times are in Military (24hr) Time. 
    <br/>A minutes-from-now value can also be specified instead of a timestamp.
    <br/>Alarm only supports only a single alarm.<br/>
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Usage:</div>
  	<table class="helpboxDescTable">
  		<tr><td>Set Alarm</td><td> - </td><td>alarm &lt;<i>time or delay</i>&gt; [&lt;<i>message</i>&gt;]</td></tr>
  		<tr><td>Cancel Alarm</td><td> - </td><td>alarm cancel</td></tr>
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Example:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
  		<tr><td>alarm 14:00 Staff Meeting</td></tr>
	      <tr><td>alarm 5 Staff Meeting in 5 minutes</td></tr>
  <contributor>Monty Scroggins</contributor>
  <contributor>Ben Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])</contributor>
    var alarmTime;
    var curTime;
    var alarmMsg;
    var alNum;
    var parsedLine;
    var parsedMsg;
    function alarm(t) 
      if( nullArgs("alarm",t) )
        return false;
      if( t.match(/^cancel.*$/i) ) 
        setSearchWindowText("Alarm Canceled.");
      else if( parsedLine = t.match(/(\d?\d\:\d\d)\s*(.*)/) ) 
		if( parsedLine[1] != null && parsedLine[1].length != 0) { 
		  if(parsedTime = parsedLine[1].match(/(\d?\d):(\d\d)/)) {
			alarmTimeHours = parsedTime[1];
                  if (alarmTimeHours.length == 1) 
			alarmTimeMins = parsedTime[2];

			if(alarmTimeHours > 23) alarmTimeHours = 23;
			if(alarmTimeMins > 59) alarmTimeMins = 59;
			alarmTime = alarmTimeHours+":"+alarmTimeMins;
        parsedMsg = parsedLine[2];
        alarmMsg =  'Alarm: ' + alarmTime + '\n\nAlarm has Expired';
        if(parsedMsg != null && parsedMsg.length != 0 )
          alarmMsg = 'Alarm: ' + alarmTime + '\n\n' + parsedMsg;
		setSearchWindowText("Alarm Set for "+alarmTime);
	  else if( parsedLine = t.match(/^(\d+)\s*(.*)$/) )
        if( parsedLine[1] != null && parsedLine[1].length != 0) {
		  var dt = new Date();
		  minutesToAdd = parsedLine[1];
		  alarmTimeMs = Date.parse(dt.toString()) + (minutesToAdd * 60000);
		  alarmTimeDate = dt.setTime(alarmTimeMs);
		  alarmTime = IfZero(dt.getHours()) + ":" + IfZero(dt.getMinutes());
        parsedMsg = parsedLine[2];
        alarmMsg =  'Alarm: ' + alarmTime + '\n\nAlarm has Expired';
        if(parsedMsg != null && parsedMsg.length != 0 )
          alarmMsg = 'Alarm: ' + alarmTime + '\n\n' + parsedMsg;
		setSearchWindowText("Alarm Set for "+alarmTime);
		window.alert("Sorry, the timestamp you entered for the alarm could not be read.\n\nThe format should be HH:MM in 24-hour time, or the number of minutes from now for the alarm to go off.");

    function IfZero( num ) 
      return (num <= 9) ? ("0" + num) : num;

    function alarmOn() 
      var dt = new Date();
      curTime = IfZero(dt.getHours()) + ":" + IfZero(dt.getMinutes());
      if( alarmTime == curTime )
        alNum=setTimeout("alarmOn()", 6000)

	Copyright (c) 2002 David Bau
	Distributed under the terms of the
	GNU Public License, Version 2 (

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