RE: [DQSD-Users] New to the list, thought I'd share a search

2003-02-21 Thread Nikolai Devereaux

 I have uploaded this for you.  I took the liberty of renaming
 it to bta.xml and the function to bta so that a conflict won't
 occur should someone want to search google for the word beta.

Man, I wish someone did that for ascii!  I can't tell you how many times
I've wanted to search for ascii chart and seen the ascii breakdown of the
'c' character!


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[DQSD-Users] RE: [dqsdd] Running programs

2002-05-16 Thread Nikolai Devereaux

 now (at the risk of stepping over some line)

No lines crossed.  I read my email primarily at work, and I only take the
time to answer questions on various mailing lists if I feel the person
asking the question deserves an answer.

I deleted the original post not so much becuase I was offended by it as much
as it just wasn't important to me to help out an asshole.

I tend not to believe the I've tried everything line without some sort of
list of what exactly was tried.  I've spent too much time in too many
various industries where everyone seems to cling to this excuse for their
own failure, incompetence, or (most likely) lack of patience or willingness
to work it out on their own.

Take care,



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