[drakelist] remove

2004-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[drakelist] Calibrator

2004-02-01 Thread Mike Elliott
Someone offered a 2AC, but I lost the note.  Please repeat?
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[drakelist] no spot tone on SSB T4XB

2004-02-01 Thread Andy Bullington

I just got a nice T4XB the other day and this is my first Drake equipment.
I'm using it with an old SX101A and have the receive antenna out on the T4XB
hooked up to it.
My problem is I can't seem to get the spot tone to work on SSB. It works
fine on AM and CW. What could I be doing wrong? The rig works fine on SSB,
just can't seem to find any kind of spot tone.  Thanks.
  Andy W1AWB

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Re: [drakelist] tr7 oscillation, predrivers blown.. My drake b-line twins are laughing!!!

2004-02-01 Thread Don and Diana Cunningham

I am interested to see the responses you get.  I am helping a friend with
one doing exactly the same thing, except the drivers didn't go out, he had
static (or lightning) take out some of the PIN diodes, he replaced them and
now has the same oscillation problem.  I am going to re-check his work to
make sure some or all of the diodes are installed properly or are all good
ones.  I'll let you know what I find too.

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[drakelist] Re: no spot tone on SSB T4XB

2004-02-01 Thread Chris Codella


The spot function puts out a signal
in a mode determined by the function switch setting.  On CW and AM
you'll thus get a carrier to zero beat.  On SSB you won't.  What
you get is an SSB signal to spot.  If you talk into the microphone
in spot mode you'll hear your voice.  But if there's no audio input,
there will be no spot signal.

What people usually do in SSB is tune
in and zero beat a feedback sound, usually referred to as a "tweets"
in the mauals.  But to do that you've got to be using a speaker near
your microphone so you get the feedback.  If you're using headphones,
you (mostly) won't get the effect.  By the way, make sure you're on
the same sideband in receiver and transmitter.

73, Chris, W2PA

Re: [drakelist] T-4x Carrier Osc, Filter Match, Bal. Mod Question

2004-02-01 Thread George KB2Z
gm all,
I found by playing with C-2 that it was balanced with no output. It appears 
the null at 0 out is the correct setting. Moving C-2 to either side gives a 
good increase to the sideband associated with it.

I tried the applying the same logic at T-2, T-3, & T-14. It did not work. 
No increase. I have the settings back close to where they were.

Can anyone advise me where to place a scope to get T-2, T-3, and T-14 peaked?

Thanks in advance, George KB2Z

At 05:03 PM 1/31/04 -0500, you wrote:

Good afternoon all,
I have a T-4x Carrier Osc, Filter Match, Bal. Mod Question.
On page 41, section B,  Carrier Osc, Filter Match, Bal. Mod., the 
instructions dont seem to work for me.

1 - Says to tune up normal. Put function to SSB & press PTT
2 -  Adjust carrier bal control to increase plate current.
3 -  Switch sideband switch from side to side and adjust balance.
My problem is that the car. bal set to the limit does not raise the 
current at all. It reads only the bias current in SSB with PTT pressed. 
This seems normal as there is no input into the mic., just PTT.
If I switch to CW  from SSB it shows a good increase, but only on the 
lower sideband. This seems  normal as well.

I think I'm following the manual to the letter, but I must be missing 
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance, George, KB2Z

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[drakelist] Hum

2004-02-01 Thread David M Eakins
Hi All,

I got my TR-6 this week and noted that it has a hum in the audio even with
the volume control completely down. I am going to look at the filter
capacitors in the AC-4 today, but thought I saw an tip somewhere that there
was another place to check, that can cause AC type hum in the speaker.

Question 2: I note the two wire AC line cable on the Drake gear I have, and
was wondering if there is any thing in particular to watch for when
upgrading to a 3 wire power cable to the Drake gear. I note that I had about
a 90V difference between the chassis of my R4B and the T4XC and by reversing
the receiver plug, that went away. I am hoping to do away with this problem
by installing a keyed three wire cable to also add an AC ground to the
system. Any thoughts about this?


Mike - K7OV


[drakelist] Need a Knob

2004-02-01 Thread Richard Radke
I've developed a "crack" in the pre-selector knob, on a otherwise mint 
2B...Must'a tightened her down way too much after the cleaning...40 
year old plastic can be pretty unforgiving to us brutes Anyone with 
a "parts" rig with a good knob they care to let go ??
Rick K9RSW

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[drakelist] TR-4

2004-02-01 Thread Fred Kimble

Hi gang:
I just bought a TR-4 and AC-4 Power Supply and it was almost DOA.  It
blew a fuse in the p/s and I put another in and same.  I looked in the
p/s for all the obvious stuff but nothing.  Any ideas? I really am
depressed on this I can't afford to spend about $200.00 for
Fred  AI5I

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Re: [drakelist] TR-4

2004-02-01 Thread john
Did you ohm out the diodes in the AC4? If not, try that.

If those are ok, try jumpering the pins in the connector that turn the
power supply on.(don't remember which ones right off hand, but you
can see in the manual) and the plug the AC4 in by itself and see
if the fuse still blows  if so , will at least let you know PS is
the problem, not the rig.


At 02:20 PM 2/1/04 -0500, Fred Kimble wrote:
>Hi gang:
>I just bought a TR-4 and AC-4 Power Supply and it was almost DOA.  It
>blew a fuse in the p/s and I put another in and same.  I looked in the
>p/s for all the obvious stuff but nothing.  Any ideas? I really am
>depressed on this I can't afford to spend about $200.00 for
>Fred  AI5I
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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Re: [drakelist] TR-4

2004-02-01 Thread Garey Barrell
Fred Kimble wrote:

Hi gang:
I just bought a TR-4 and AC-4 Power Supply and it was almost DOA.  It
blew a fuse in the p/s and I put another in and same.  I looked in the
p/s for all the obvious stuff but nothing.  Any ideas? I really am
depressed on this I can't afford to spend about $200.00 for
Fred  AI5I
Fred -

There is a good article on troubleshooting the AC-4 power supply at

If you determine that the supply is OK, then you can start in on the 
transmitter.  There aren't too many faults in the TR-4 that can blow the power 
supply fuse.  Two most likely are a short on the HV (650V DC) supply line or the 
filament supply line, often at the connector.

73, Garey - K4OAH
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[drakelist] Classic Exchange next Sunday

2004-02-01 Thread john_k7fd

Time to fire up those Drakes!
73 John K7FD

Re: [drakelist] TR-4

2004-02-01 Thread Lee Bahr

Check the power supply electrolytics, check the diodes.  Jumper the power
supply plug without the TR-4.  Does the fuse stop blowing?  You need to
isolate your problem.  It could be many things.  Could be a short in the
plug where the wire goes into it.  You need to do basic trouble shooting so
you can isolate the trouble area.  If the power supply doesn't blow a fuse
with a jumper in the on-off switch lead, then it is in the rig.  If it keeps
blowing with just the jumper and no rig, it is in the power supply.
Outside chance it is your transformer too.  The first thing to suspect is
the electrolytics and/or the diodes in the power supply.   You didn't say if
it blew a fuse in receive or just in transmit.  The way you word the
question makes any possible problem suspect.  Nobody can give you an answer
without more information then you provide.  One can only guess with your
input,   electrolytics and diodes will probably be the first guess.  That
is, if you are saying it blows when you just turn it on in receive.
Guessing just shot guns the trouble shooting.  Stop and think, use logic,
don't panic, and start isolating things so you get closer and closer to the
problem.  I am not trying to put you down, but being an extra class ham, I
would hope you would have put in a little more effort into this before
asking for help for your own sake.  It is frustrating with a question as you
posed it since there are a zillion reasons why a fuse blows.  Let me ask
this question.  Are you installing the proper size fuse in fuse holder?  Do
you have a manual?  Are the right tubes in the right sockets?  Are any of
the tubes shorted.  Since this is a new rig to you, don't assume my prior
questions don't need to be addressed. You can't assume anything with a new
to you DOA radio.  Has anyone gone in there and tried to fix something and
screwed something else up?  Do any of the wires look like someone has been
soldering in there that maybe didn't know what he was doing or does
everything look like it was soldered by the factory?  How are the
electrolytics in the transceiver?  How can anyone really give you any help
with a comment, it's broke, what is wrong?   Again, this is not to put you
down but nobody can help you if you don't help yourself with some
preliminary diagnotics.  Are you plugging a 120 volt power supply into a 220
volt outlet?  Seems crazy but I have no idea what you have done or someone
else has done before you with this rig.  It's hard to diagnose a problem by
LOOKING.  One needs to use an ohm meter at bare minimum and start taking
some resistance measurements. This should be a good learning experience for
you to develope some good trouble shooting techniques.
Lee, w0vt

> Hi gang:
> I just bought a TR-4 and AC-4 Power Supply and it was almost DOA.  It
> blew a fuse in the p/s and I put another in and same.  I looked in the
> p/s for all the obvious stuff but nothing.  Any ideas? I really am
> depressed on this I can't afford to spend about $200.00 for
> repair..Thanks
> Fred  AI5I

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