RE: [drakelist] 4 line blue filters

2007-11-08 Thread Peter Bent
Please ask away. many of us also learn something as well.  Some of us get
old and grumpy - be tolerant of us.  



Behalf Of Rick Tucker
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] 4 line blue filters


Carey and Drake listers.  I have both enjoyed and benefitted from this
thread.  I have saved several posts to my Drake folder for future reference.
Mas Tarde.



- Original Message - 

From: Don Cunningham mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [drakelist] 4 line blue filters



You did NOT do wrong in your asking.  If this forum is not for encouraging
new folks in their Drake endeavors, then it serves no purpose.  I, for one,
gladly share what little I know, and DON'T keep score how many times a
question has been asked.  There are many of us who will help, and not
chastise you for asking.  Carry on!!  If there gets to be too much email on
a somewhat dead list sometimes, I am sure Thom is fully capable of telling
us to slow it down, we don't need any reflector police doing so.



Re: [drakelist] TR4 wouldn't load

2007-11-08 Thread Gypsymt34

To the group  all who offered assistance I did get it to  load up about 1:30 
AM this morning

Garey Barrell  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi Garey,  Yep all of the filiments on the 6GJ5's were working as I  advised, 
 and you accepted as fact.
Did get to the problem, my procedures and the antenna relay.
Two clean out rounds later with the antenna relay got it (it had  already had 
one)  ...had to do a bit of tweaking too. Open frame, little  plastic cover 
that clips on RF choke in the way, and I noted it needed a new  SO239 so it got 
a lot of things done.
Right now output is about 120 W  but I am probably doing it  wrong.  Gotta 
find a local Elmer with Drake experience to go through  the tune up procedures 
with me..until I can get it correct. Beverages offered
Carl HibbardWD8NHK(Dayton, OH)

** See what's new at

Re: [drakelist] TR4 wouldn't load

2007-11-08 Thread wb4hfn
If the statement below is correct, that may be part of the problem.  The TR4 
having 6GJ5 transmit tubes could be your first real problem.The transceiver 
uses the 6JB6 tube for final tubes, or the 12 volt version in the very old 
TR4's and TR3's.  There is a tendency because of cost and availability to 
use like replacement tubes, but doing so brings other problems to the table.
  I have experimented with several so-called 6JB6 replacement tubes, and have 
found there are no replacement tubes.Granted some substitutes work better 
than others but none performed well across all the bands as compared to using 
the 6JB6 tube.

Many of the side effects of using substitute tubes include erratic tuning, max 
output not at resonant plate current dip, neutralization issues on the higher 
bands, filament string current unbalance, and the list goes on and on.The 
bottom line the substitute tubes will give you problems, and typically they get 
worse the higher in frequency you go.  

If your pulling out your hair fighting a problem like this, just make sure the 
problem is not being generated by using the wrong tube.   

Ron Baker / WB4HFN


-- Original message -- 

To the group  all who offered assistance I did get it to load up about 1:30 AM 
this morning

Garey Barrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi Garey,  Yep all of the filiments on the 6GJ5's were working as I advised,  
and you accepted as fact.

Did get to the problem, my procedures and the antenna relay.

Two clean out rounds later with the antenna relay got it (it had already had 
one)  ...had to do a bit of tweaking too. Open frame, little plastic cover that 
clips on RF choke in the way, and I noted it needed a new SO239 so it got a lot 
of things done.

Right now output is about 120 W  but I am probably doing it wrong.  Gotta find 
a local Elmer with Drake experience to go through the tune up procedures with 
me..until I can get it correct.Beverages offered

Carl HibbardWD8NHK(Dayton, OH)

See what's new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Re: [drakelist] 4 line blue filters

2007-11-08 Thread Ron Wagner

Ron Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
I guess my statements were misunderstood as a flame to Carey.  They were 
in fact defending his asking the question.  I think a look on the web is 
prudent, but you can never know if the data is actually good, hence you 
ask here.

As for the link statement, it was only meant to allow everyone to know 
that it does in fact work as of last night.


On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, Carey Lockhart wrote:

well i am the one who started this thread. and sorry for that i am. and i did 
not ask where to get the materials. i asked for the call or the web address 
of the man who sells the filters that more resemble the originals. now i am 
two months new to drakes and drake collecting. i joined this list in search 
of knowledge and technical assistance. there are collectors here that have 
gone thru all of the googling searching trying and still rely on experience 
in the end.  i simply asked them to share. apparently was wrong about the use 
of this list. i did not know what kind of material it was, what its name is, 
that it was sold my FILM LIGHTING COMPANIES. who would have guessed film = 
radio. i still didnt get the info i needed but now i have several sources for 
material to make my own if i so decide. so 73's

Carey Lockhart, KC5GTT

On Nov 7, 2007, at 6:32 PM, Ron Wagner wrote:

Ron Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Not a flame, but rather an observation.

I agree to a point.  At least look on the web before you ask here, but... 
the thing about Google and web information in general is that you can find 
all kinds of bad information on the net.  And unless you follow this list 
and know the players you never know if what you read on a site is from 
someone who has a clue or not.

As for the archive link on zerobeat, it works for me.  Maybe it was the 
site was down when you looked.


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Re: [drakelist] TR4 wouldn't load

2007-11-08 Thread Garey Barrell

Garey Barrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Ron -

The 6GJ5 is the ONE substitute that I have found to work just fine in 
all the four series transmitters.  It is an  _identical_  tube to the 
6JB6 with the single exception of the suppressor grid being tied 
internally to the cathode in the GJ, while the suppressor grid is 
brought out to Pin 8 in the JB.  Pin 8 is hardwired to ground in all the 
Drake transmitters, while the cathode is at RF ground and DC ground via 
the 2 ohm meter shunt resistor.  Since the Drake transmitters are Class 
AB1, grounded cathode finals, there is absolutely no effect on operation 
of the final stages.  The same caveats about brands apply, i.e., some 
brands will NOT neutralize without modification, but otherwise the GJ 
works just fine.

73, Garey - K4OAH
St Charles, IL

Drake 2-B, 4-B  C-Line Service Supplement CDs

If the statement below is correct, that may be part of the problem.  
The TR4 having 6GJ5 transmit tubes could be your first real 
problem.The transceiver uses the 6JB6 tube for final tubes, or the 
12 volt version in the very old TR4's and TR3's.  There is a 
tendency because of cost and availability to use like replacement 
tubes, but doing so brings other problems to the table.  I have 
experimented with several so-called 6JB6 replacement tubes, and have 
found there are no replacement tubes.Granted some substitutes work 
better than others but none performed well across all the bands as 
compared to using the 6JB6 tube.
Many of the side effects of using substitute tubes include erratic 
tuning, max output not at resonant plate current dip, neutralization 
issues on the higher bands, filament string current unbalance, and the 
list goes on and on.The bottom line the substitute tubes will give 
you problems, and typically they get worse the higher in frequency you 
If your pulling out your hair fighting a problem like this, just make 
sure the problem is not being generated by using the wrong tube.  
Ron Baker / WB4HFN

-- Original message --
To the group  all who offered assistance I did get it to load up

about 1:30 AM this morning

Garey Barrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Garey,  Yep all of the filiments on the 6GJ5's were working as
I advised,  and you accepted as fact.
Did get to the problem, my procedures and the antenna relay.
Two clean out rounds later with the antenna relay got it (it had

already had one)  ...had to do a bit of tweaking too. Open frame,
little plastic cover that clips on RF choke in the way, and I
noted it needed a new SO239 so it got a lot of things done.
Right now output is about 120 W  but I am probably doing it

wrong.  Gotta find a local Elmer with Drake experience to go
through the tune up procedures with me..until I can get it
correct.Beverages offered
Carl HibbardWD8NHK(Dayton, OH)

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[drakelist] t-4xb ssb filter

2007-11-08 Thread Carey Lockhart
i am looking for a lower sideband filter for the t-4xb. does anyone  
have a spare they would sell. i have checked the web .also checked  
all the vintage parts dealers that i am aware of, but still nothing.

Carey Lockhart, KC5GTT

Re: [drakelist] TR4 wouldn't load

2007-11-08 Thread john

john [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang

This has been my experience as well (in multiple Drake transmitters).

John K5MO

At 02:13 PM 11/8/2007, Garey Barrell wrote:

Garey Barrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Ron -

The 6GJ5 is the ONE substitute that I have found to work just fine in all 
the four series transmitters.  It is an  _identical_  tube to the 6JB6 
with the single exception of the suppressor grid being tied internally to 
the cathode in the GJ, while the suppressor grid is brought out to Pin 8 
in the JB.  Pin 8 is hardwired to ground in all the Drake transmitters, 
while the cathode is at RF ground and DC ground via the 2 ohm meter shunt 
resistor.  Since the Drake transmitters are Class AB1, grounded cathode 
finals, there is absolutely no effect on operation of the final 
stages.  The same caveats about brands apply, i.e., some brands will NOT 
neutralize without modification, but otherwise the GJ works just fine.

73, Garey - K4OAH
St Charles, IL

Drake 2-B, 4-B  C-Line Service Supplement CDs


If the statement below is correct, that may be part of the problem.
The TR4 having 6GJ5 transmit tubes could be your first real 
problem.The transceiver uses the 6JB6 tube for final tubes, or the 12 
volt version in the very old TR4's and TR3's.  There is a tendency 
because of cost and availability to use like replacement tubes, but doing 
so brings other problems to the table.  I have experimented with 
several so-called 6JB6 replacement tubes, and have found there are no 
replacement tubes.Granted some substitutes work better than others 
but none performed well across all the bands as compared to using the 
6JB6 tube.

Many of the side effects of using substitute tubes include erratic 
tuning, max output not at resonant plate current dip, neutralization 
issues on the higher bands, filament string current unbalance, and the 
list goes on and on.The bottom line the substitute tubes will give 
you problems, and typically they get worse the higher in frequency you go.

If your pulling out your hair fighting a problem like this, just make 
sure the problem is not being generated by using the wrong tube.

Ron Baker / WB4HFN

-- Original message --

To the group  all who offered assistance I did get it to load up
about 1:30 AM this morning

Hi Garey,  Yep all of the filiments on the 6GJ5's were working as
I advised,  and you accepted as fact.

Did get to the problem, my procedures and the antenna relay.

Two clean out rounds later with the antenna relay got it (it had
already had one)  ...had to do a bit of tweaking too. Open frame,
little plastic cover that clips on RF choke in the way, and I
noted it needed a new SO239 so it got a lot of things done.

Right now output is about 120 W  but I am probably doing it
wrong.  Gotta find a local Elmer with Drake experience to go
through the tune up procedures with me..until I can get it
correct.Beverages offered

Carl HibbardWD8NHK(Dayton, OH)

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Re: [drakelist] t-4xb ssb filter

2007-11-08 Thread Boyd Van Horn
Call International Crystal (Inrad) 13620 Tyree road, Umpqua, Or 97486 Phone 
541-459-5623. Web site Good luck, Boyd W0BUW

Carey Lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  i am looking for a lower sideband 
filter for the t-4xb. does anyone have a spare they would sell. i have checked 
the web .also checked all the vintage parts dealers that i am aware of, but 
still nothing.  
Carey Lockhart, KC5GTT

[drakelist] B-Line For Sale

2007-11-08 Thread Eugene Balinski

Eugene Balinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Figured I would offer it to the list before the e place

For Sale:

Drake B-line, T4XB, R4B, AC-4, MS-4.  
Units have been in storage for 6 years unused.
Copper could use a good cleaning.

Asking $400.00 OBRO.  Buyer pays actual shipping +
Prefer local pickup.  

Gene K1NR

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