[Drakelist] 2B vs. Hammarlund?

2009-12-07 Thread Darrell Bellerive
Anyone own both a Drake 2B and an Hammarlund HQ-145 and can describe how 
the two compare.

While obviously made with different purposes in mind, I am curious as to 
how the two compare at receiving signals.

The 2B really impresses me on CW, but I find the bandwidth a bit narrow 
for AM. I suspect the Hammerlund would be much better for AM, but wonder 
how it does on CW. Is it as stable or as selective.

I do have the 2BQ Q-Multiplier and find it is wonderful for CW.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Station VA7TO
Grand Forks BC Canada

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 2B vs. Hammarlund?

2009-12-07 Thread Garey Barrell

Darrell -

That's kinda like comparing apples and horses..!

The 2-B is optimized as a CW and SSB receiver, and has a suitable IF 
shape for those modes.  It is ultra stable, both temperature and 
mechanical.  You can pick it up with one hand.  Very sensitive, and 
relatively overload capable for the time.

The HQ-145 is a terrific receiver for AM signals on an uncrowded band.  
It has a nice wide IF, and the Q-Multiplier does help when you need a 
little more selectivity.  It is not particularly stable, either 
temperature or mechanical.  You would have difficulty picking it up with 
both hands!  Very sensitive, not quite as overload capable as the 2-B.

The '145 was about the pinnacle of Hammarlund technology, it was 
downhill from there to the '170.  I bought a '170A in 1961 and used it 
for about three days before taking it in and trading it for a 2-B.   
Best trade I ever made.  The way it was drifting, in spite of the 
always on VFO tube, it's probably a microwave receiver today.!

For outstanding AM, take a look at an HQ-129X or HQ-140.

The 2-B was what the pundits call a paradigm shift, when ham receivers 
changed from bigger, heavier, built like a battleship to better, 
smaller, and a lot lighter.  We used to demo the 2-B by tuning in a CW 
or SSB signal, then tilting the front of the receiver up until it was 
about three inches off the table and then dropping it.  You might hear a 
little waver at impact, but then right back on frequency.  Try that with 
any of the Hammarlund (or Hallicrafters) receivers of the day and you'd 
be lucky to be able to FIND the signal again.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line  TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Darrell Bellerive wrote:
Anyone own both a Drake 2B and an Hammarlund HQ-145 and can describe 
how the two compare.

While obviously made with different purposes in mind, I am curious as 
to how the two compare at receiving signals.

The 2B really impresses me on CW, but I find the bandwidth a bit 
narrow for AM. I suspect the Hammerlund would be much better for AM, 
but wonder how it does on CW. Is it as stable or as selective.

I do have the 2BQ Q-Multiplier and find it is wonderful for CW.

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] 2B vs. Hammarlund?

2009-12-07 Thread W4AWM
Then there was the infamous Hallicrafters Boinngg!
John,  W4AWM
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