
I too have the same problem and was going to do what Garey suggests, but had other "stuff" pop up (weddings, health, family, and PSK-31 bug bite),
so have not tried anything yet.

Waiting with baited breath to what Joe finds. I made my own cables and thery are the same total capacitance spec'ed by Drake (shorter) using the pF/foot data.

Thanks Joe and others.


Joe Loverti wrote:
When I tune up using the T-4XB PTO on 40 meters, I'm getting about 60 watts maximum. When I tune up using the R-4A PTO the power output is 95+ watts maximum. There's also about a 10 db difference in receive between the two units, the R-4A being the stronger receive of the two. I am using original Drake interconnect cables between the two units. I'd expect some difference between them, but this seems
excessive. Any thoughts?



Message: 6
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 00:01:56 -0400
From: Joe Loverti <ww8x....@gmail.com>
To: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Subject: [Drakelist] Power output difference between T-4XB and R-4A
Message-ID: <BANLkTi=dfryipzo+y_qqo0vsdwzzrpc...@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Thanks for the answer. I'm using the cable with metal tag for the injection. I haven't tried tuning up the T-4XB without it plugged in -- I'll give it a try an see what gives. If there's no difference, that would eliminate the
cable as the problem.


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