Damien, Its not uncommon for the crystals to drift or not oscillate at all. If after you accomplish the oscillator adjustment per the alignment instructions and any of the 10 meter band positions show no negative voltage at the test point, the crystal is bad. You sometimes can try and adjust for the most negative voltage on the 10m band segment with the troubled crystal and have it continue to oscillation when you switch bands, but rarely. Even then the 100 khz points on the dial using the 100 khz calibrator will be way off from the the other two band segments. Time for a new crystal.
73, Gary http://home.roadrunner.com/~w8pu R-4A T4-X R-4B T4-XB R-4C T4-XC MS-4 L-4B RCS-4 2A 2B 2C 2NT 2CQ 2AS 4-LF TR-4 TR-4C TR-4CW/RIT RV-4C MC-4 TR-7 RV-7 CW-75 MS-7 WH-7 W-4 WV-4 MN-2700 MN-4C MN-2000 UV-3 PS-3 TR-22C TR-33C AA-10 AC-10 MMK-22 TR-6 PRN1000
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