[EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang


I got my early xmas presents yesterday, an R-4 and T-4 reciter (I think
the T-4 serial is 106 or something low like that).  The 6JB6 tubes were
pretty soft - around 70 watts when gain cranked fully CW on 40 meters.
The long story made short is I pulled the old 6JB6 tubes out and replaced
them with what appear to be new sylvania.  I don't think they're "matched"
because the design of the plate is slightly different.  They're both 6JB6
Sylvania but look a little different inside.  I followed the procedure in
the manual to neutralize them at 28.8mc with a nice bird dummy load.  I
got them neutralized fairly quickly with max output at the bottom of the
dip on 10 meters.  I don't remember exactly what the final power out was,
but I think it was around 90 watts.

Now the meat and potatoes of the question - on 40 meters the bottom of the
dip is not max output - the bottom of the dip is about 5 to 10 watts less
than max output.

Did I make a mistake?  I never run 10 meters so optimized operation on 10
meters isn't doing me any good.  The 10 watts that I'm losing by running
at the bottom of the dip on 40 meters doesn't bother me either - I just
wonder if I missed a step or if this is typical behavior?


73 Jason N1SU
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