First DSpace 7 Angular UI screen! – (but) Unable to log in.

I would appreciate some guidance. I was just successful in getting a DSpace 
7 welcome screen from my remote webserver. I am unable to log in or browse 
the default database . Below the home page search box (Search the 
repository) is a message which says “ “. If I 
click on any of the top menus (Communities, Statistics, etc) the screen 
attempts to load the page and then hangs (… loading..), as if waiting 
forever. I have added two Epersons and an Administrator using the ./dspace 
command line utility and am able to list them back, but the ui login says 
“invalid email or password”. So far, any command line database utility I 
have attempted has worked. The default database seems to be there 
(including my own two added epersons), but the ui doesn't appear to be 
accessing it. (right?)

I had earlier issues installing Solr. Solr is running now as user 'solr'. 
The installation directories in /opt are owned by 'root', but the 
/server/solr/configsets are owned by 'solr'. When I try and run the command 
'./dspace solr-reindex-statistics' I get an error: 

Exception: Error from server at http://localhost:8983/solr: Path 
/dspace/solr/statistics must be relative to SOLR_HOME, SOLR_DATA_HOME 
coreRootDirectory. Set system property 'solr.allowPaths' to add other 
allowed paths.

?? Is this related to my primary problem? Where are these paths defined 
(SOLR_HOME, SOLR_DATA_HOME, etc)? I didn't see them in dspace.cfg or 

Some help in guiding the blind would be appreciated, here!


Ubuntu 18.04

KVM Cloud server

2 cpu cores 

4GB ram

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