
I have enabled the Item Access Conditions step in the item-submission.xml 
as per the documentation 

I have restarted tomcat and angular ui. However there is no change in the 
submission form.

Is something else missing? See attached item-submission.xml


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE item-submission SYSTEM "item-submission.dtd">

<!-- Configurable Submission configuration file -->

<!-- This XML configuration file allows you to configure the ordering -->
<!-- and number of the steps that occur in the Item Submission Process. -->

    <!-- The process-map maps collection handles to a particular Item -->
    <!-- Submission Process. This requires that a collection's name be -->
    <!-- unique, even within a community. DSpace does however ensure that each -->
    <!-- collection's handle is unique. Process-map provides the means to -->
    <!-- associate a unique collection name with an Item Submission process. -->
    <!-- The process-map also provides the special handle "default" (which is -->
    <!-- never a collection), here mapped to "traditional". Any collection -->
    <!-- which does not appear in this map will be associated with the mapping -->
    <!-- for handle "default". -->
        <!-- Default submission process -->
        <name-map collection-handle="default" submission-name="Publication"/>

        <!-- Sample Entities Collection configuration based on the demo Entities dataset available at:
             This sets up the following Entity-based Collections in that dataset:
                "Publication" Collections = "Publications" -> "Articles", "Books", "Publications 2", & "Theses"
                "OrgUnit" Collection = "Related Objects" -> "OrgUnits"
                "Person" Collections = "Related Objects" -> "People" & "People 2"
                "Project" Collections = "Related Objects" -> "Projects" & "Projects 2"
                "Journal" Collection = "Compound Journals" -> "Journals"
                "Journal Volume" Collection = "Compound Journals" -> "Journal Volumes"
                "Journal Issue" Collection = "Compound Journals" ->  "Journal Issues"
             If you are using that demo dataset, you can simply uncomment the below configuration to enable Entity
             submission into all of the above Collections.
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/3" submission-name="Publication"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/4" submission-name="Publication"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/281" submission-name="Publication"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/5" submission-name="Publication"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/8" submission-name="OrgUnit"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/6" submission-name="Person"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/279" submission-name="Person"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/7" submission-name="Project"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/280" submission-name="Project"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/28" submission-name="Journal"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/29" submission-name="JournalVolume"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="123456789/30" submission-name="JournalIssue"/>
        <name-map collection-handle="10315/40916" submission-name="Person"/>

    <!-- The 'step-definitions' allows you to define steps which you may wish -->
    <!-- to "share" amongst multiple submission-item definitions. In order to -->
    <!-- share the same step definition, you can refer to it by its unique id -->
    <!-- defined in this section. EVERY 'step' in this section MUST have a -->
    <!-- unique identifier in the 'id' attribute! -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Each <step-definition> REQUIRES the following attributes (@) and properties: -->
    <!-- @id - The unique identifier for this step -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- <processing-class> - The class which will process all information for -->
    <!-- this step. The class must implement -->
    <!-- 'org.dspace.app.rest.submit.RestProcessingStep' -->
    <!-- (or one of the org.dspace.rest.submit.step.* classes) -->
    <!-- This property should reference the full path of the class -->
    <!-- (e.g. org.dspace.app.rest.submit.step.MyCustomStep) -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- The following properties are OPTIONAL for each <step-definition>: -->
    <!-- <heading> - References the message key, from the -->
    <!-- Messages.properties -->
    <!-- -->
        <!-- The "collection" step is a "special step" which is *REQUIRED* -->
        <!-- In DSpace, all submitted items must be immediately assigned -->
        <!-- to a collection. This step ensures that a collection is always selected. -->
        <step-definition id="collection">
            <scope visibility="hidden" visibilityOutside="hidden">submission</scope>

        <!-- The following set of DescribeStep <step-definition>s all point to forms (of the same name) which are
             defined in submission-forms.xml -->
        <step-definition id="traditionalpageone" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="traditionalpagetwo" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="publicationStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="personStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="projectStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="orgUnitStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="journalStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="journalVolumeStep" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="journalIssueStep" mandatory="true">

        <step-definition id="upload">
        <step-definition id="license">
            <scope visibilityOutside="read-only">submission</scope>

        <!-- This optional step may allow the user to select a Creative Commons license -->
        <step-definition id="cclicense" mandatory="false">

		<!-- This optional step may allow the user to select access conditions on the item -->
        <step-definition id="itemAccessConditions">

        <!-- This optional step may enrich the current submission using information extracted
             from uploaded files or metadata.  -->
        <!-- Please note that this step will be triggered only when a request is performed,
             e.g. when a file is uploaded or the form is saved. The Angular UI also supports an
             autosave feature based on a timer, or the input of specific metadata such as identifiers,
             see the 'submission.autosave' settings in the 'environment.common.ts'.
             See also 'config/spring/api/step-processing-listener.xml' for further server side configuration
        <step-definition id="extractionstep">

        <!-- OpenAIRE submission steps/forms -->
        <step-definition id="openAIREProjectForm" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="openAIREPersonForm" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="openAIREOrganizationForm" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="openAIREPublicationPageoneForm" mandatory="true">
        <step-definition id="openAIREPublicationPagetwoForm" mandatory="true">

        <!-- This is the Sample/Fake Step which is used for testing only -->
        <step-definition id="sample">

        <step-definition id="sherpaPolicies" mandatory="true">

        <!-- New step for show / mint identifiers -->
        <step-definition id="identifiers">

    <!-- The submission-definitions map lays out the detailed definition of -->
    <!-- all the Item Submission Processes (and the ordering of their steps). -->
    <!-- Each separate "submission-process" has a unique name as an attribute, -->
    <!-- which matches one of the names in the process-map. One named -->
    <!-- "submit-process" has the name "traditional"; as this name suggests, -->
    <!-- it is the default item submission process, which gets used when -->
    <!-- the specified collection has no correspondingly named submit-process. -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Each submit-process contains an ordered set of steps; each step -->
    <!-- defines one "step" occurring during the process of submitting an -->
    <!-- item. A step MUST be referenced by 'id' (it must -->
    <!-- be defined in <step-definitions> above). -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- -->

        <!--This "traditional" process defines the DEFAULT item submission process -->
        <submission-process name="traditional">
            <!--Uncommment to display the SAMPLE step as your first step -->
            <!--<step id="sample"/> -->

            <step id="collection"/>
            <!-- To include the 'Show Identifiers' step, uncomment the line below. Make sure
                 that identifiers.cfg and identifier-service.xml are properly configured. -->
            <!--<step id="identifiers"/>-->
            <!--Step will be to Describe the item. -->
            <step id="traditionalpageone"/>
            <step id="traditionalpagetwo"/>

            <!-- Uncomment this step to show when appropriate publisher policies retrieved from SHERPA/RoMEO -->
            <!-- <step id="sherpaPolicies"/> -->

            <!--Step will be to Upload the item -->
            <step id="upload"/>

            <!-- <step id="extractionstep"/> -->

            <!-- This step enables embargoes and other access restrictions at the Item level -->
		    <step id="itemAccessConditions"/>

            <!-- Uncomment this step to allow the user to select a Creative Commons License -->
            <step id="cclicense"/>

            <!--Step will be to Sign off on the required DSpace License agreement -->
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'Publication' Entities.
        These are not to be confused with default Items, as Publications may be linked with other Entities
        (e.g. Person, JournalIssue, etc).
        To enable: create a collection for Publications and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="Publication">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <!-- Publications use a custom first step, but share page 2 with "traditional" Item form -->
            <step id="publicationStep"/>
            <step id="traditionalpagetwo"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="cclicense"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'Person' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for Persons and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="Person">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="personStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'Pproject' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for Projects and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="Project">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="projectStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'OrgUnit' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for OrgUnits and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="OrgUnit">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="orgUnitStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'Journal' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for Journals and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="Journal">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="journalStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'JournalVolume' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for JournalVolumes and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="JournalVolume">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="journalVolumeStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        Submission Process for 'JournalIssues' Entities
        To enable: create a collection for JournalIssues and add it to the <submission-map> tag linking to this process
        <submission-process name="JournalIssue">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="journalIssueStep"/>
            <step id="upload"/>
            <step id="license"/>

        <!-- OpenAIRE submission processes -->
        <submission-process name="openAIREPublicationSubmission">
            <step id="collection"/>

            <!--Step will be to Describe the item. -->
            <step id="openAIREPublicationPageoneForm"/>
            <step id="openAIREPublicationPagetwoForm"/>

            <!--Step will be to Upload the item -->
            <!-- step id="upload-with-embargo"/-->
            <step id="upload"/>

            <!--Step will be to Sign off on the License -->
            <step id="license"/>
        <submission-process name="openAIREPersonSubmission">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="openAIREPersonForm"/>
        <submission-process name="openAIREProjectSubmission">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="openAIREProjectForm"/>
        <submission-process name="openAIREOrganizationSubmission">
            <step id="collection"/>
            <step id="openAIREOrganizationForm"/>


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