[dspace-tech] Re: Cantaloupe and Mirador setup help, Please

2022-01-31 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
Glad it worked for you Chris. 


On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 3:01:29 AM UTC+3 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Solid advice and now I have working features! I was unable to find 
> critical details for my setup until Mohammad took the time to explain the 
> detail and provide specific, working examples. Thank you so much for the 
> help and I recommend any DSpace users that encounter problems to consult 
> this forum and ask detailed and specific questions. Be sure all the context 
> and detail is included. In the case of this thread, Mohammad not only 
> explained what I needed, but he edited and provided the configuration files 
> specific to my system!  This is an important service! Thanks to all the 
> Developers, Mohammad, and all the others who have helped me in the past.
> Chris
> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 12:12:06 AM UTC-5 alo...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Sorry to see you still facing an issue with the image server. Just follow 
>> the steps to get it working. I had to separate the virtual hosting config 
>> files because (a) Frontend reverse-proxy settings conflicts with the image 
>> server setting (b) To save you some bucks buying a newer certificate.
>> *You need to drop the attached apache config virtual hosts config files 
>> into /etc/apache2/sites-available/*
>> *# You also need to add a newer port (444) as you see it below.*
>> *vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf*
>> Listen 443 https
>> Listen 444 https
>> Listen 8443 https
>> *# Enable the new virtual site*
>> a2ensite img.conf
>> *# Open port 444 in the firewall if you have the default ufw firewall 
>> enabled and running.*
>> ufw allow 444
>> *# Restart the Apache webserver*
>> systemctl restart apache2
>> *# In cantaloupe.properties configuration file you need to set the 
>> following configuration options as you see them:*
>> http.enabled = true
>> http.host = localhost
>> http.port = 8182
>> endpoint.admin.enabled = true
>> endpoint.admin.username = SET-THE-ADMIN-USERNAME-HERE
>> endpoint.admin.secret = SET-A-SECURE-PASSWORD-HERE
>> source.static = HttpSource
>> HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_prefix = 
>> https://meloware.org:8443/server/api/core/bitstreams/
>> HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_suffix = /content
>> *# In /opt/dspace/config/modules/iiif.cfg :*
>> iiif.enabled = true
>> iiif.image.server = https://meloware.org:444/iiif/2/
>> Let me know if you still need help with it & Check Omeka it's possible it 
>> fits your need. 
>> https://omeka.org/classic/docs/GettingStarted/UsingOmeka/#how-are-others-using-omeka-classic
>> On Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 3:48:42 AM UTC+3 Chris Clawson wrote:
>>> I have been struggling for days to get IIIF support running in my DSpace 
>>> 7, with Mirador and Cantaloupe. This following link shows how far I got: 
>>> https://meloware.org:8443/handle/123456789/19
>>> There are several images in this item and the Mirador viewer seems able 
>>> to recover the image metadata, but is encountering a network error when 
>>> trying to retrieve the actual images. This item has the metadata field 
>>> dspace.iiif.enabled added and set to 'true'. The error message is 
>>> “TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. “
>>> I could use some help at this point as to why these images aren't being 
>>> displayed.
>>> This is a server container running Ubuntu 20.04. Apache2 has an open 
>>> port (443) which is a Virtual Host to Wordpress. This is controlled by the 
>>> /etc/apache2/sites-available “wordpress.conf”. The Virtual Host file 
>>> “dspace.conf” uses port 8443 to reach Dspace 7 and 8183 to talk to 
>>> Cantaloupe. My problem may be here, but I am tired of guessing.
>>> Other important config files are also included. I can always provide 
>>> more info, if asked.

All messages to this mailing list should adhere to the Code of Conduct: 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"DSpace Technical Support" group.
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To view this discussion on the web visit 

[dspace-tech] Re: Cantaloupe and Mirador setup help, Please

2022-01-31 Thread Chris Clawson
Solid advice and now I have working features! I was unable to find critical 
details for my setup until Mohammad took the time to explain the detail and 
provide specific, working examples. Thank you so much for the help and I 
recommend any DSpace users that encounter problems to consult this forum 
and ask detailed and specific questions. Be sure all the context and detail 
is included. In the case of this thread, Mohammad not only explained what I 
needed, but he edited and provided the configuration files specific to my 
system!  This is an important service! Thanks to all the Developers, 
Mohammad, and all the others who have helped me in the past.

On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 12:12:06 AM UTC-5 alo...@gmail.com wrote:

> Sorry to see you still facing an issue with the image server. Just follow 
> the steps to get it working. I had to separate the virtual hosting config 
> files because (a) Frontend reverse-proxy settings conflicts with the image 
> server setting (b) To save you some bucks buying a newer certificate.
> *You need to drop the attached apache config virtual hosts config files 
> into /etc/apache2/sites-available/*
> *# You also need to add a newer port (444) as you see it below.*
> *vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf*
> Listen 443 https
> Listen 444 https
> Listen 8443 https
> *# Enable the new virtual site*
> a2ensite img.conf
> *# Open port 444 in the firewall if you have the default ufw firewall 
> enabled and running.*
> ufw allow 444
> *# Restart the Apache webserver*
> systemctl restart apache2
> *# In cantaloupe.properties configuration file you need to set the 
> following configuration options as you see them:*
> http.enabled = true
> http.host = localhost
> http.port = 8182
> endpoint.admin.enabled = true
> endpoint.admin.username = SET-THE-ADMIN-USERNAME-HERE
> endpoint.admin.secret = SET-A-SECURE-PASSWORD-HERE
> source.static = HttpSource
> HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_prefix = 
> https://meloware.org:8443/server/api/core/bitstreams/
> HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_suffix = /content
> *# In /opt/dspace/config/modules/iiif.cfg :*
> iiif.enabled = true
> iiif.image.server = https://meloware.org:444/iiif/2/
> Let me know if you still need help with it & Check Omeka it's possible it 
> fits your need. 
> https://omeka.org/classic/docs/GettingStarted/UsingOmeka/#how-are-others-using-omeka-classic
> On Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 3:48:42 AM UTC+3 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> I have been struggling for days to get IIIF support running in my DSpace 
>> 7, with Mirador and Cantaloupe. This following link shows how far I got: 
>> https://meloware.org:8443/handle/123456789/19
>> There are several images in this item and the Mirador viewer seems able 
>> to recover the image metadata, but is encountering a network error when 
>> trying to retrieve the actual images. This item has the metadata field 
>> dspace.iiif.enabled added and set to 'true'. The error message is 
>> “TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. “
>> I could use some help at this point as to why these images aren't being 
>> displayed.
>> This is a server container running Ubuntu 20.04. Apache2 has an open port 
>> (443) which is a Virtual Host to Wordpress. This is controlled by the 
>> /etc/apache2/sites-available “wordpress.conf”. The Virtual Host file 
>> “dspace.conf” uses port 8443 to reach Dspace 7 and 8183 to talk to 
>> Cantaloupe. My problem may be here, but I am tired of guessing.
>> Other important config files are also included. I can always provide more 
>> info, if asked.

All messages to this mailing list should adhere to the Code of Conduct: 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"DSpace Technical Support" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to dspace-tech+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[dspace-tech] Re: Cantaloupe and Mirador setup help, Please

2022-01-30 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
Sorry to see you still facing an issue with the image server. Just follow 
the steps to get it working. I had to separate the virtual hosting config 
files because (a) Frontend reverse-proxy settings conflicts with the image 
server setting (b) To save you some bucks buying a newer certificate.

*You need to drop the attached apache config virtual hosts config files 
into /etc/apache2/sites-available/*

*# You also need to add a newer port (444) as you see it below.*
*vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf*

Listen 443 https
Listen 444 https
Listen 8443 https

*# Enable the new virtual site*
a2ensite img.conf

*# Open port 444 in the firewall if you have the default ufw firewall 
enabled and running.*
ufw allow 444

*# Restart the Apache webserver*
systemctl restart apache2

*# In cantaloupe.properties configuration file you need to set the 
following configuration options as you see them:*
http.enabled = true
http.host = localhost
http.port = 8182
endpoint.admin.enabled = true
endpoint.admin.username = SET-THE-ADMIN-USERNAME-HERE
endpoint.admin.secret = SET-A-SECURE-PASSWORD-HERE
source.static = HttpSource
HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_prefix = 
HttpSource.BasicLookupStrategy.url_suffix = /content

*# In /opt/dspace/config/modules/iiif.cfg :*
iiif.enabled = true
iiif.image.server = https://meloware.org:444/iiif/2/

Let me know if you still need help with it & Check Omeka it's possible it 
fits your need. 
On Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 3:48:42 AM UTC+3 Chris Clawson wrote:

> I have been struggling for days to get IIIF support running in my DSpace 
> 7, with Mirador and Cantaloupe. This following link shows how far I got: 
> https://meloware.org:8443/handle/123456789/19
> There are several images in this item and the Mirador viewer seems able to 
> recover the image metadata, but is encountering a network error when trying 
> to retrieve the actual images. This item has the metadata field 
> dspace.iiif.enabled added and set to 'true'. The error message is 
> “TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. “
> I could use some help at this point as to why these images aren't being 
> displayed.
> This is a server container running Ubuntu 20.04. Apache2 has an open port 
> (443) which is a Virtual Host to Wordpress. This is controlled by the 
> /etc/apache2/sites-available “wordpress.conf”. The Virtual Host file 
> “dspace.conf” uses port 8443 to reach Dspace 7 and 8183 to talk to 
> Cantaloupe. My problem may be here, but I am tired of guessing.
> Other important config files are also included. I can always provide more 
> info, if asked.

All messages to this mailing list should adhere to the Code of Conduct: 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"DSpace Technical Support" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to dspace-tech+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

 ServerName meloware.org
 LogLevel warn
 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/meloware.org-dspace.error.log
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/meloware.org-dspace.access.log combined
 ProxyRequests On
 SSLEngine on
 SSLProxyEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/meloware_org.crt
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 ProxyPass /server http://localhost:8080/server
 ProxyPassReverse /server http://localhost:8080/server
 ProxyPass / http://localhost:4000/
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 ServerName meloware.org
 LogLevel warn
 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/meloware.org-img-error.log
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/meloware.org-img-access.log combined
 ProxyRequests On
 SSLEngine on
 SSLProxyEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/meloware_org.crt
 SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/meloware_org.pem
 SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl/meloware_org.ca-bundle
 SSLCompression off
 ProxyPreserveHost on