[Dspace-tech] Filtering by values in a new table

2013-11-28 Thread Adam Rousell
Hi all,

I'm working on a fairly modified implementation of DSpace (version 3.2 on 
Postgresql) and one of the features we are implementing is to update the browse 
list so that users can select whether or not to show items that have been 
deemed 'past their sell by date'. So the general idea is that I have created an 
additional table that stores the id of the item and an integer value. When this 
value goes lower than a certain point, we don't want that item to show up in 
browse lists (unless the user selects an option to show it). Now in SQL this is 
fairly simple to do - we either use an SQL "WHERE item_id IN ( SELECT item_id 
FROM new_table WHERE value > 0)", or by simply joining the tables and then 
doing the evaluator. Now, the actual list of items obtained through the browse 
page goes through a number of classes and interfaces that make it very 
difficult (if not impossible) to do this. Am I missing something or do I need 
to do a huge amount of redevelopment to be able to actually do this? I've 
basically spent the whole day so far going around in circles on something that 
we thought would be fairly simple to do...


Adam Rousell

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Upgrade Solr 3.5 to 4.1

2013-11-28 Thread Pascarelli Luigi Andrea

Hi Ruben,

you have to deploy a fresh Solr webapp into your tomcat. So, unzip
the package and find the solr.war (usually is under dist folder). 
Deploy war in context solr/ (via tomcat manager or copy war under
tomcat webapps directory) and set environment variable in tomcat
context.xml file like:
Startup tomcat and check the correct installation in your browser at
I assert that you have done a default cris installation and the url
of solr server is http://localhost:8080/solr and the context
container is the same of your DSpace webapp, to deploy a war google
knows more that me :-)

Hope this help.

Luigi Andrea

Il 28/11/2013 12:51, Ruben ha scritto:

  Now I have 3.5 version of Solr installed with DSpace 3.2 + CRIS
  module and I want to upgrade to 4.1 version, because it's a
  pre-requisit of DSpace + CRIS module. I downloaded Solr from:
  I don't know which files of Solr modify or copy into DSpace, so I
  need your help to upgrade Solr succesfully.
  Thanks in advance

  / /   Rubén Boada Navarrete
C E / S / C A   Tècnic de Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) • 08034 Barcelona
T. 93 205 6464 (ext. 302) • F. 93 551 62 13 • rbo...@cesca.cat
Subscriu-te al butlletí (www.cesca.cat/butlleti)

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  Andrea Pascarelli
Dipartimento Servizi e Soluzioni per
  l'Amministrazione Universitaria
  Divisione Ricerca

dei Tizii, 6 
00185 Roma, Italy 
  ph. +39 06 59292895



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[Dspace-tech] R: Difference between Lucene and Solr Indexing Commands

2013-11-28 Thread Andrea Bollini
Hi David,
as you says that you are building a repository primary for technical test and 
you want learn more about the way that dspace work I want to suggest you to 
take a look to the upcoming dspace 4. You can build it from the master, use the 
rc1 tag o wait for the rc2 and final release in December, see 

Please note two major changes in dspace 4:
1) SOLR/discovery will be the default search provider and lucene is likely to 
be deprecate

2) the JSPUI look & feel has ben fully redesigned. Take a look at it on the 
demo server:
http:// demo.dspace.org/jspui


Inviato da Samsung Mobile

 Messaggio originale 
Da: helix84  
Data:28/11/2013  09:51  (GMT+01:00) 
A: David Cook  
Cc: dspace-tech  
Oggetto: Re: [Dspace-tech] Difference between Lucene and Solr Indexing  

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 3:01 AM, David Cook  wrote:
> 1) Is it necessary to run "index-update" and/or "update-discovery-index" as 
> cronjobs? The indexes and browse tables appear to be updated automatically 
> (notwithstanding that cocoon caching issue), so it doesn't seem necessary.

Ideally, it shouldn't be necessary. However, there may be situations
that DSpace doesn't handle correctly, your 3) is likely one of them.
It doesn't hurt to run them once a day from a cronjob, if there are no
new changes, they should take relatively shortly.

The other use case is if you want to modify contents directly in
database, then you have to run them manually to update the index.

> I imagine "index-update" should only need to be run after changes to the 
> indexing structure have occurred?

Depends on what you mean by indexing structure. When adding/removing
indexed fields, you have to run index-init / update-discovery-index
-b. index-update and update-discovery-index only add/remove new
records. Think of it as columns vs. rows.

> Also, "update-discovery-index" might only need to be run regularly (i.e. 
> daily) with the optimize option?

It is recommended to run the optimize option once in a while,
especially on the Solr statistics core if you use it.

> PS: Withdrawn items still appear in Solr usage statistics in the DSpace UI 
> but they show a number (perhaps their internal UID?) instead of their title. 
> Is this intentional or should withdrawn items not appear in the usage 
> statistics?

I think it's debatable. Please, file a Jira issue to make sure the
developers will discuss it in the future.

> 3) As for the cocoon cache, I've followed your suggestion of using 
> "index-update", but it hasn't changed anything.
> Any time I change the title of an item, the old title is presented when 
> browsing (in the XMLUI - no the JSPUI) but is updated everywhere else.
> This behaviour is identical even when using the SolrBrowseDAO.
> So far, the only way I've gotten the correct title to show in the browse is 
> to clear the cache or to add a new item (which must trigger a new page to be 
> created and cached).

OK, as I said, this might be an oversight. Please, file a Jira issue.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Driver and Openaire sets under "request" URL

2013-11-28 Thread João Melo
Hi Ruiz,

I've already had some discussion around that issue.

Yes, it's possible to have those sets available in the default request
However, the Driver and OpenAIRE projects have specific guidelines witch
force OAI data providers to exposed data values in a distinct fashion way
when compared with the default DSpace responses. For example, the Driver
guidelines demand for a different date format, also there are some
mandatory prefixes for the dc.type and dc.rights. When it comes to OpenAIRE
there are some subtle differences against the default and Driver responses

So, again, you could have this sets defined in the default context, but is
that what you really want?
If you want so, within the definition of the set (xoai.xml) it's possible
to declare the list of associated filters, which would be the same defined
in the driver and openaire contexts respectively.
If you need further help, just ask, is just a configuration change.

On 28 November 2013 09:12, RUIZ MORENO, ROBERT  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm using DSpace 3.1 XMLUI.
> I'm experimenting with the new xoai OAI 2.0 implementation.
> As I've seen, now the implementation is DRIVER and OPENAIRE compliant, and
> thus exists three availables url's:
> http:// http:// http://
> Driver generates "driver" set and, openaire generates "ec_fundedresources"
> set, but those sets only are available under "driver" and "openaire" url's,
> respectively, but not under "request" url.
> My wish is that "driver" and "openaire" sets were available under
> "request" url.
> How can accomplish that feature?
> Thanks in advance.
> Robert Ruiz
> --
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Thanks, João Melo (My Portfolio )
DSpace Department
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Can't add project in DSpace with module CRIS

2013-11-28 Thread Daniel Garcia

Hi Pascarelli,

Sorry for to many questions, but I have problems when upgrade my

I have DSpace 3.X + CRIS Module (I download from
https://github.com/Cineca/dspace-cris/) but for error a member of my
team (that now is not here) put Solr 3.5 and not Solr 4.1.0 :(

So, I want to migrate to Solr 4.1.0. I do these steps:

1) Download Solr 4.1.0: http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/4.1.0/solr-4.1.0.zip
2) Unzip
3) Copy war /solr4/solr-4.1.0/dist/solr-4.1.0.war to my Tomcat
4) Deploy war in context '/solr'
5) I check that in 'dspace.cfg' the configuration of server of solr
it's OK. default.solr.server = ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr
6) Edit '/dspace/webapps/solr/WEB-INF/web.xml' and uncoment /edit:


The directory that I install dspace is '/dades/dspace'

 7) Restart Tomcat but when I'm going to:
http://portalrecerca-dev.cesca.cat/solr/  I get error: 
Could not load config for solrconfig.xml

  8) I try to execute /dspace/bin .dspace update-discovery-index but
I get an error too:

What I'm doing wrong? :(

Very thanks in advance!!

 INFO [main] (DSpaceKernelInit.java:52) - Created new kernel:
 INFO [main] (ConfigurationManager.java:1233) - Loading from
classloader: file:/dades/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
 INFO [main] (ConfigurationManager.java:1233) - Using dspace
provided log configuration (log.init.config)
 INFO [main] (ConfigurationManager.java:1233) - Loading:
Exception: null
    at org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient.main(IndexClient.java:146)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)


El 25/11/13 18:39, Pascarelli Luigi
  Andrea ha escrit:

  Dear Daniel,
  to use DSpace-CRIS is mandatory migrate to Solr 4.1.0.
  To rebuild solr data index in the right format for the 4.1.0, you
  can call the optimize command directly to the solr server:
  DSpace-CRIS have 5 solr core (3 derived from DSpace - 1 core for
  network feature - 1 for pubmed feature) so for example you can
  call via http (open your browser or use wget or curl
  tool) the follow link:
  If your installation of DSpace-CRIS is derived from an old DSpace
  installation (<1.8) then before to migrate data index to 4.1.0
  you need to optimize index with the optimize implemented on solr
  server 3.5.0(after that you can turn off this and migrate to 4.1.0
  optimize core again). For other details see https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1776
  BTW for the solr search core you can remove manually the index
  data directory [dspace]/solr/search/data and run from [dspace]/bin
  the "dspace update-discovery-index" command (recall that solr
  server must be up and running before launch indexer). After this
  you can rebuild also index data for network feature running
  "dspace dsrun org.dspace.app.cris.batch.ScriptIndexNetwork -a" or
  if you have interest only to create the network for coauthored
  publications launch "dspace dsrun

[Dspace-tech] Upgrade Solr 3.5 to 4.1

2013-11-28 Thread Ruben


Now I have 3.5 version of Solr installed with DSpace 3.2 + CRIS module 
and I want to upgrade to 4.1 version, because it's a pre-requisit of 
DSpace + CRIS module. I downloaded Solr from:


I don't know which files of Solr modify or copy into DSpace, so I need 
your help to upgrade Solr succesfully.

Thanks in advance


  / /   Rubén Boada Navarrete
C E / S / C A   Tècnic de Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) . 08034 Barcelona
T. 93 205 6464 (ext. 302) . F. 93 551 62 13 . rbo...@cesca.cat
Subscriu-te al butlletí (www.cesca.cat/butlleti)

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List Etiquette: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Mailing+List+Etiquette

[Dspace-tech] Driver and Openaire sets under "request" URL

2013-11-28 Thread RUIZ MORENO, ROBERT
Hi everyone,

I'm using DSpace 3.1 XMLUI.

I'm experimenting with the new xoai OAI 2.0 implementation.

As I've seen, now the implementation is DRIVER and OPENAIRE compliant, and
thus exists three availables url's:


Re: [Dspace-tech] Difference between Lucene and Solr Indexing Commands

2013-11-28 Thread helix84
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 3:01 AM, David Cook  wrote:
> 1) Is it necessary to run "index-update" and/or "update-discovery-index" as 
> cronjobs? The indexes and browse tables appear to be updated automatically 
> (notwithstanding that cocoon caching issue), so it doesn't seem necessary.

Ideally, it shouldn't be necessary. However, there may be situations
that DSpace doesn't handle correctly, your 3) is likely one of them.
It doesn't hurt to run them once a day from a cronjob, if there are no
new changes, they should take relatively shortly.

The other use case is if you want to modify contents directly in
database, then you have to run them manually to update the index.

> I imagine "index-update" should only need to be run after changes to the 
> indexing structure have occurred?

Depends on what you mean by indexing structure. When adding/removing
indexed fields, you have to run index-init / update-discovery-index
-b. index-update and update-discovery-index only add/remove new
records. Think of it as columns vs. rows.

> Also, "update-discovery-index" might only need to be run regularly (i.e. 
> daily) with the optimize option?

It is recommended to run the optimize option once in a while,
especially on the Solr statistics core if you use it.

> PS: Withdrawn items still appear in Solr usage statistics in the DSpace UI 
> but they show a number (perhaps their internal UID?) instead of their title. 
> Is this intentional or should withdrawn items not appear in the usage 
> statistics?

I think it's debatable. Please, file a Jira issue to make sure the
developers will discuss it in the future.

> 3) As for the cocoon cache, I've followed your suggestion of using 
> "index-update", but it hasn't changed anything.
> Any time I change the title of an item, the old title is presented when 
> browsing (in the XMLUI - no the JSPUI) but is updated everywhere else.
> This behaviour is identical even when using the SolrBrowseDAO.
> So far, the only way I've gotten the correct title to show in the browse is 
> to clear the cache or to add a new item (which must trigger a new page to be 
> created and cached).

OK, as I said, this might be an oversight. Please, file a Jira issue.


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