[Dspace-tech] DSpace virtual application

2009-06-09 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear community contributors of DSpace,

We have been working with a company called Jumpbox to create an easy  
to install DSpace virtual application. The JumpBox for DSpace allows a  
user to run DSpace locally with a pre-built and pre-configured virtual  
application. The application can be  deployed on Windows, Mac, and  
Linux systems to virtualization platforms like VMware, Xen, Parallels,  
Virtual Iron, Microsoft Virtualization, and Amazon EC2.  If you would  
like to give Jumpbox DSpace a test run before we launch you can  
download at the following link-


The tutorials that are useful :
Installation - http://wiki.jumpbox.com/doc/runtime/faq/install
Enabling Shell Access -
Here is a tutorial that explains how to edit files with a
graphical FTP client:

We plan on launching this to the community next week  to help new  
users to DSpace get up and running quickly without the headaches  
typically associated with installation and configuration.  We welcome  
any feedback you may have, particularly if you find technical issues  
in the installation and set up.

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director, DSpace Foundation--
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Versions 1.5 and 1.5.1 index issue

2009-06-04 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear members of the community,

If you are currently running DSpace 1.5 or DSpace 1.5.1, your site is  
not being indexed by Google, Google scholar or any public search  
engine for that matter.  The issue has been fixed in 1.5.2.  However,  
you can fix the problem immediately by removing the line in the   
robots.txt file that reads disallow:/browse.

I highly recommend you take this simple action as soon as possible so  
your publicly available content is indexed.  As many of you know as  
much as 60% of traffic to your DSpace resources comes from Google and  
other public search engines.
You can find more detail at:  

To improve the ability of your site to be indexed you should also  
install site maps- which makes it much easier for any search engine to  
discover all the links within your site.  This is part of version  
1.5.2, but you can also install a patch at:   

Google and most other search engines do not use OAI-PMH for indexing,  
please do not rely on this protocol for search engine exposure.

Let me know if you have any questions.

best, Michele Kimpton
Executive Director, DSpace Foundation

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] webcasts from DSpace user group meeting

2009-05-27 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community (sorry for cross posting),

For those of you whom could not attend OR2009 in Atlanta, nor see the  
live webcasts, Georgia Tech has archived all the sessions so you can  
view at your leisure.  Below you will find links to each of the  
sessions.  best, Michele Kimpton

May 20th, 2009
Session One
DuraSpace -  Michele Kimpton and Sandy Payette

Session Two
DSpace Technology Overview - Bradley McLean
Repository Software Technical Update with Chris Wilper - Chris Wilper

Session Three
2.0 Demonstration - Ben Bosman

Session Four
XMLUI Modularity in DSpace 1.5 & 2.0 - Mark Diggory
DSpace 1.5 Modifications:  A Technical Overview - Elliot Metsger
DSpace 2 Service Manager Framework - Aaron Zeckoski

Session Five
Designing and Implementing a Learning Object Repository - William E Moen
Using DSpace as a Disciplinary Data Repository - Ryan Scherle
Introducing Vireo - ETD Submittal and Management for DSpace - Adam  
Mikeal, Scott Phillips, John Leggett, Mark McFarland
The Sustainability, Preservation, Accessibility of Internal and  
External Communities by Universities - Jeffrey Trimble and Salvador  

May 21st, 2009
Session One
Depth Customization of DSpace - S.K. Vijaianand and V.D. Shrivastava

EIAH's Experience in Localization and Customization of DSpace - Emad  
Khazraee, Saeed Moaddeli and Hamed Malek

The Myth of Federated Searching - OhioLINK Digital Resoursce Commons  

Session Two
Making DSpace 1.5 Your Own: Customizing Via Overlays - Tim Donohue

DSpace Global Outreach Committee Update - Valorie Hollister

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons join together

2009-05-12 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the DSpace community,

I wanted to let you know the DSpace and Fedora Boards of Directors  
have approved the joining of the DSpace Foundation and Fedora  
Commons.  The new organization will be called "DuraSpace" and will  
support the DSpace platform, the Fedora Platform, the Mulgara semantic  
store, and our new cloud offering DuraCloud (in development).   The  
organization will be led by an executive team consisting of Sandy  
(Chief Executive Officer), Michele (Chief Business Officer) and Brad  
McLean (Chief Technology Officer).

We and our Boards are enthusiastic about the opportunities possible in  
the new  organization, whose purpose  is to provide sustainable open  
technologies and services for building durable digital content spaces  
that support scholarship, science, and culture.  The new organization  
will begin operations on July 1st.

Below is a copy of the press release, more details to follow at OR09.   
You can also view the FAQ's  at www.duraspace.org.  I will do my best  
to answer any questions posted to the list.

best, Michele Kimpton
Executive Director, DSpace Foundation

May 12, 2009
Contact: Carol Minton Morris, c...@cornell.edu, (607) 255-2702
Contact: Michele Kimpton, mich...@dspace.org
Contact: Sandy Payette, spaye...@fedora-commons.org

Fedora Commons and DSpace Foundation Join Together to Create  
"DuraSpace" Organization

Ithaca, NY, Boston, MA --- Fedora Commons and the DSpace Foundation,  
two of the largest providers of open source software for managing and  
providing access to digital content, have announced today that they  
will join their organizations to pursue a common mission.  Jointly,  
they will provide leadership and innovation in open source  
technologies for global communities who manage, preserve, and provide  
access to digital content.

The joined organization, named “DuraSpace,” will sustain and grow its  
flagship repository platforms - Fedora and DSpace.  DuraSpace will  
also expand its portfolio by offering new technologies and services  
that respond to the dynamic environment of the Web and to new  
requirements from existing and future users.  DuraSpace will focus on  
supporting existing communities and will also engage a larger and more  
diverse group of stakeholders in support of its not-for-profit  
mission.  The organization will be led by an executive team consisting  
of Sandy Payette (Chief Executive Officer), Michele Kimpton (Chief  
Business Officer), and Brad McLean (Chief Technology Officer) and will  
operate out of offices in Ithaca, NY and Cambridge, MA.

“This is a great development,” said Clifford Lynch, Executive Director  
of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI).  “It will focus  
resources and talent in a way that should really accelerate progress  
in areas critical to the research, education, and cultural memory  
communities.  The new emphasis on distributed reliable storage  
infrastructure services and their integration with repositories is  
particularly timely. ”

Together Fedora and DSpace make up the largest market share of open  
repositories worldwide, serving over 700 institutions.  These include  
organizations committed to the use of open source software solutions  
for the dissemination and preservation of academic, scientific, and  
cultural digital content.

 “The joining of DSpace and Fedora Commons is a watershed event for  
libraries, specifically, and higher education, more generally,” said  
James Hilton, CIO of the University of Virginia.  “Separately, these  
two organizations operated with similar missions and a shared  
commitment to developing and supporting open technologies.  By  
bringing together the technical, financial, and community-based  
resources of the two organizations, their communities gain a robust  
organization focused on solving the many challenges involved in  
storing, curating, and preserving digital data and scholarship,” he  

New Products

DuraSpace will continue to support its existing software platforms,  
DSpace and Fedora, as well as expand its offerings to support the  
needs of global information communities.  The first new technology to  
emerge will be a Web-based service named “DuraCloud.”  DuraCloud is a  
hosted service that takes advantage of the cost efficiencies of cloud  
storage and cloud computing, while adding value to help ensure  
longevity and re-use of digital content.  The DuraSpace organization  
is developing partnerships with commercial cloud providers who offer  
both storage and computing capabilities.

The DuraCloud service will be run by the DuraSpace organization.  Its  
target audiences are organizations responsible for digital  
preservation and groups creating shared spaces for access and re-use  
of digital content.  DuraCloud will be accessible directly as a Web  
service and also via plug-in

[Dspace-tech] DSpace workshop at OR2009

2009-04-16 Thread Michele Kimpton
Apologies for cross posting-

The DSpace Foundation will host a workshop on Thursday afternoon at  
the Open Repositories conference.  This workshop will feature three  
providing updates on both DSpace 1.5.2 and DSpace 2.0, as well as an
interactive panel discussion.

The DSpace 1.5.2 presentation will focus on new functionality since
1.5.1, and will provide guidance on the upgrade process.  The future
of DSpace 1.X releases will be discussed.

The DSpace 2.0 presentation will introduce the new services based
architecture, and include a walkthrough of the core functionality.
The new versions of JSPUI and XMLUI will be introduced.

The interactive discussion will feature an open conversation among
DSpace users, repository managers, developers, and a panel of DSpace
committers.  Both practical concerns with current DSpace releases, and
ideas for future directions will be considered.

Please go to https://or09.library.gatech.edu/workshops.php for  
information on all the workshops.  You can email me directly(mich...@dspace.org 
) if you are interested in attending, space is limited.

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] OR2009 call for papers-deadine Feb 2nd

2009-01-20 Thread Michele Kimpton
Apologies for posting to both lists, wanted to make sure the message  
got to everyone. Please note deadline for paper submission to OR is  
Feb 2nd, for user group meeting it is March 6th, for posters March  
19th.  We hope to get ample submissions from the DSpace community!

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation, Executive Director

Open repositories 2009 - The Premier Venue for Implementers and  
Managers of Repository Infrastructure and Services

Call for Papers, Posters and Workshops

Repositories are being deployed in a variety of environments  
(education, research, science, cultural heritage) and contexts  
(national, regional, institutional, project, lab, personal).  
Regardless of setting, context or scale, repositories are increasingly  
expected to operate across administrative and disciplinary boundaries  
and to interact with distributed computational services and social  
communities. It is the aim of the Open Repositories Conference to  
bring together individuals and organizations responsible for the  
conception, development, implementation and management of digital  
repositories, as well as stakeholders who interact with them, to  
address theoretical, practical, and strategic issues.

A program of papers, panel discussions, poster presentations, user  
groups, and workshops or tutorials will bring together all the key  
stakeholders in the field. Open source software community meetings for  
the major platforms (EPrints, DSpace and Fedora) will also provide  
opportunities to advance and coordinate the development of repository  
installations across the world. The conference will include a keynote  
address by John Wilbanks, who runs the Science Commons project at  
Creative Commons.

Submission Instructions

Conference Proposals: We welcome two- to four-page proposals for  
presentations or panels that discuss theoretical, practical, or  
administrative issues of digital repositories that focus on areas  
represented by the conference themes. Abstracts of accepted proposals  
will be made available through the conference's OCS site; all  
presentations and related materials used in the program sessions will  
be deposited in the upcoming Open Repositories 2009 community in  
Georgia Tech's institutional repository, SMARTech (http://SMARTech.gatech.edu 

User Group Presentations: Two- to four-page proposals for  
presentations or panels that focus on use of one of the major  
repository platforms (EPrints, DSpace and Fedora) are invited from  
developers, researchers, repository managers, administrators and  
practitioners describing novel experiences or developments in the  
construction and use of repositories.

Posters: We also invite developers, researchers, repository managers,  
administrators and practitioners to submit one-page proposals for  

Workshops: Proposals for workshops for repository managers and  
developers can be accommodated on day four (May 21, 2009) of the  
conference. Please contact the local arrangements team for inquiries  
about workshop facilities at or09i...@library.gatech.edu.

Please submit your proposal through the OCS system administered by  
Georgia Tech. The OCS system will be linked from the conference web  
site (http://conferences.library.gatech.edu/or/or09) and will be  
available for submissions as of December 1, 2008.

Important Dates and Contact Info

2009-02-02: Submission deadline for Conference proposals  
(presentations or panels)

2009-03-06: Notification of acceptance, Conference proposals

2009-02-02: Submission deadline for Workshops
2009-03-06: Notification of acceptance, Workshops

2009-03-06: Submission of User Group Proposals
2009-04-03: Notification of acceptance, User Group proposals

2009-03-19: Submission of Poster Proposals
2009-04-10: Notification of acceptance, Poster proposals

2009-05-18 Conference

Inquiries to:

DSpace User Group meeting Chair mich...@dspace.org
Fedora User Group meeting Chair spaye...@fedora-commons.org
EPrints User Group meeting Chair l...@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Program Committee Chair john.b.how...@asu.edu
Host Organizing Committee or09i...@library.gatech.edu

Conference Themes


* Repositories and scientific workflows
* Managing the lifecycle for scientific data
* Repositories for qualitative data, the humanities, social  
sciences, virtual organizations, grid/cloud computing, etc.

* Integrating with publishing and publishing platforms
* Repositories and HPC applications (models and simulations;  
* Integrating with other infrastructure platforms (e.g., SRB,  

* Scaling repositories to the demands of e-science


* Organizational and financial sustainability, business models
* Organizational and strategic context of repositories  
(libraries, archives, institutes, etc.)
* Challenges in staffing digital repository and  

[Dspace-tech] JASIG conference and call for proposals

2008-12-02 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of DSpace ( sorry for cross posting):

Last year a number of us attended the JASIG conference and it was  
great to learn and share experiences with other developers, managers  
and implementors of open source software.  In one place you can learn  
about five open source platforms in higher ed, what development  
technologies are being deployed, issues running and supporting open  
source ect.  If you are using or developing open source tools, you  
should consider going if you can.  In addition there will be a  
"Getting up and running with DSpace" workshop on Sunday and a DSpace/ 
Fedora developers meeting on Thursday.

Call for proposals is open until December 12th. The program is in 4  
tracks and the proposal can be DSpace specific.  We had some great  
presentations last year from Cornell U and others in the DSpace  
community. The tracks are:
* Community Source Management/Governance: What are best practices  
for managing community source projects or their deployments on campus?  
For encouraging adoption? For gaining acceptance and campus buy-in?  
For engaging your community in the processes? Presentations for  
managers, team leaders, executives, planners and strategists.
* Design and Development: For developers, architects, UX  
designers, testers. Presentations for people who build community  
source products, use them as a development framework or want to learn  
more about doing so. These are technical topics, tips and techniques,  
* Deployment and Integration: Presentations for people who need  
to make applications work on campus: developers, content providers,  
team leaders, evangelists. In particular, we would like to highlight  
work that integrates community source projects within the enterprise  
infrastructure and with each other.
* Multiple Audiences: Presentations that span multiple projects  
or audience types. Community source project introductions and overviews.

I hope to see you there,  best, Michele Kimpton


Higher Education Open Source Communities - Working Together
March 1-4, 2009
Dallas, Texas, USA
Registration for the JA-SIG Spring Conference in Dallas is now open!   
Following the great success of last year's conference, JA-SIG (home of  
uPortal and CAS) is partnering with DSpace, Fedora, Fluid, Kuali,  
Internet2, and Sakai to bring you a diverse and enriching conference  
program and seminar lineup.

Keynote speeches by James Hilton, Christian Crumlish, and Brewster  

Conference events run Monday, March 2nd through Wednesday, March 4th
Supplementary seminars are scheduled all day Sunday and Wednesday  
A BarCamp is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon (See the site  
description for this event)

Developer meetings will follow on Thursday and Friday
Visit the main conference site at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/09spring/index.html 
 for details.
Early registration discounts end January 30, 2009. Register now at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/09spring/registration.html 

We invite you to submit a presentation proposal. We have extended the  
Call for Proposals deadline to December 12, 2008.  Submit your  
proposal at http://www.ja-sig.org/jasigconf/call-form.jsp?conf_id=jasig15 

Join us to learn more about community source projects and technology  
trends, share ideas and collaborate with your peers.  See you in  
Dallas in March!

2009 JA-SIG Spring Program Committee:
Katya Sadovsky, University of California-Irvine, JA-SIG Board and  
Conference Co-Chair
Jonathan Markow, JA-SIG Executive Director, Community Source Liaison  
and Conference Co-Chair

Jim Helwig, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, JASIG Board and uPortal Liaison
John Fereira, Cornell University, Web Master
Benjamin Oshrin, Rutgers University, JA-SIG Board and CAS Liaison
Erik Olsson, University of California-Irvine
Andrew Wills, Unicon, Inc.
Paul Zablosky, University of British Columbia, Fluid Liaison
Jennifer Cummings, CONCENTRA Management Services
Debbie Smith, CONCENTRA Management Services

Community Source Partners:
Michele Kimpton, DSpace Executive Director
Michael Korcuska, Sakai Executive Director
Sandy Payette, Exectutive Director, Fedora Commons
Tom Barton, University of Chicago, Internet2 Liaison
Jennifer Foutty, Executive Director, Kuali

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace 2.0 development

2008-10-22 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the community,

As many of you know the Foundation received funding from JISC, Hewlett  
Packard, and M.I.T to bring together a group of developers to work on  
a re-architecture of DSpace.  The need for this work was informed by a  
DSpace architecture review board that assembled and made  
recommendations. The output and recommendations made can be found  at http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/ArchReviewReport 

A small team has been assembled, working close to full time, on re- 
architecting the core of DSpace based on the recommendations outlined  
in the above report.  The end goal is to have a more flexible, modular  
architecture that can handle a wider diversity of data and associated  
metadata and their relationships.  The team is being led by Brad  
McLean, the Technical Director of the Foundation.  The development  
team working on the core are: Mark Diggory(MIT), Aaron Zeckoski( U of  
Cambridge), Graham Triggs( Biomed Central) and Jim Rutherford (HP  
Labs).  This team began to meet this summer to start initial  
discussions and began work on the project in September.  The first  
meeting of the team was held mid October at MIT, and output from that  
meeting can be found at http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/DSpace_2.0.

At this time we would like anyone in the community interested in  
following the work, participating in the discussion, and possibly  
volunteering to code later in the project please join in at the  
following locations:

-Join the [EMAIL PROTECTED], register at 

-Follow the work being assigned to developers, their progress and be  
able to comment and vote in jira at:  jira.dspace.org  You will need  
to sign up, by supplying username and password.

- View the code in the sourceforge repository: 

-Come see us at PASIG(http://www.sun-pasig.org/), Wednesday afternoon  
November 19 in Baltimore, when Brad will give a presentation of the  
2.0 work. (we also hope to video this for broader distribution)

-watch for Brads weekly email on latest 2.0 developments

The team will make a broader call for coding participation after the  
first release candidate of the core DSpace.  We expect this to happen  
in January 09.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself([EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) or Brad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Executive Director

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Release 1.0 of production OAI ORE Specification

2008-10-22 Thread Michele Kimpton
(The full copy of this Press Release is at http://www.openarchives.org/documents/ore-production-press-release.pdf 

Over the past two years the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), in a  
project called Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE), has gathered  
international experts from the publishing, web, library, repository,  
and eScience communities to develop standards for the identification  
and description of aggregations of Web resources.   These standards  
provide the foundation for applications and services that can  
visualize, preserve, transfer, summarize, and improve access to the  
aggregations that people use in their daily Web interaction: including  
multiple page Web documents, multiple format documents in  
institutional repositories, scholarly data sets, and online photo and  
music collections.   The OAI-ORE standards leverage the core Web  
architecture and concepts emerging from related efforts including the  
semantic web, linked data, and Atom syndication.  As a result, they  
integrate both with the emerging machine-readable web, Web 2.0, and  
the future evolution of networked information.

The production versions of the OAI-ORE specifications and  
implementation documents are now available to the public, with a table  
of contents page at http://www.openarchives.org/ore/toc.  This public  
release is the culmination of several months of testing and review of  
initial alpha and beta releases. The participation and feedback from  
the wider OAI-ORE community, especially the OAI-ORE technical  
committee, was instrumental to the process leading up to this  
production release.

The documents in the release describe a data model to introduce  
aggregations as resources with URIs on the web. They also detail the  
machine-readable descriptions of aggregations expressed in the popular  
Atom syndication format, in RDF/XML, and RDFa.  The documents included  
in the release are:

 ·   ORE User Guide Documents

o   Primer

o   Resource Map Implementation in Atom

o   Resource Map Implementation in RDF/XML

o   Resource Map Implementation in RDFa

o   HTTP Implementation

o   Resource Map Discovery

·   ORE Specification Documents

o   Abstract Data Model

o   Vocabulary

·   Tools and Additional Resources

Carl Lagoze - Cornell University - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Herbert Van de Sompel - Los Alamos National Laboratory - [EMAIL PROTECTED]-
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Invitation to Educause reception, October 29

2008-10-20 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of community,

For anyone who may be attending Educause this year, I would like to  
invite you to a reception hosted by DSpace Foundation, Fedora Commons,  
Sakai, Kuali, and JASIG.  The reception is Wednesday October 29th at  
6:30pm.  You can find out more and rsvp:  http://sakai.pingg.com/EducauseOpenSource

If you attend Educause please come here the five participate in a  
panel discussion about open source solutions for higher Education, and  
what are the advantages and trade offs or running open source  
solutions for academia.  You can find out more about our panel here: http://net.educause.edu/E08/Program/14627?PRODUCT_CODE=E08/ISC01

The time is Wednesday October 29th from 10:30-12:30.

Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone at your  
organization who might be attending Educause.

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director DSpace Foundation-
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace and Fedora Commons form working collaboration

2008-07-29 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the community (apologize for cross posting)-

DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons officially announced our  
collaboration to work together today to clearly communicate to our  
communities the intent and spirit of the collaboration.  I look  
forward to all of your input, feedback and involvement.  Please do not  
hesitate to contact me if you have questions, and I have started a  
forum on the website where you can post ideas, comments, concerns, and  
possible projects in regard to the collaboration.  Go to http://www.dspace.org/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=241 
 and post under DSpace Fedora collaboration. You must register on the  
website to do this, but all you need is an email.

Michele Kimpton

July 29, 2008

Contact: Sandy Payette, Executive Director Fedora Commons, 607  

Michele Kimpton, Executive Director DSpace
Foundation, 617 253-7746, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons Form Working Collaboration

Washington, D.C.—July 29, 2008   Today two of the largest providers of  
open source software for managing and providing access to digital  
content, the DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons, announced plans to  
combine strengths to work on joint initiatives that will more closely  
align their organizations’ goals and better serve both open source  
repository communities in the coming months.

This advance comes as institutions such as universities, libraries,  
museums and research laboratories worldwide are focused on utilizing  
open source software solutions for the dissemination and preservation  
of scholarly, scientific, and cultural heritage digital content into  
the future. Making books, articles, films, music, large and small data  
sets, scholarly works, multi-media, learning objects and mash-ups from  
all parts of the globe discoverable and accessible is at the core of  
the DSpace and Fedora collaboration.

The collaboration is expected to benefit over 500 organizations from  
around the world who are currently using either DSpace (examples  
include MIT, Rice University, Texas Digital Library and University of  
Toronto) or Fedora (examples include the National Library of France,  
New York Public Library, Encyclopedia of Chicago and eSciDoc) open  
source software to create repositories for a wide variety of purposes.

Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) director Clifford Lynch  
remarked, "Repositories are a key part of the infrastructure for  
supporting scholarly work, and they need to integrate more effectively  
with a range of other evolving components. I think there are great  
opportunities for DSpace and Fedora to work together not only on  
repository interoperability but on common approaches to repository  
roles in the scholarly and scientific workflows."

The decision to collaborate came out of meetings held this spring  
where members of DSpace and Fedora Commons communities discussed  
multiple dimensions of cooperation and collaboration between the two  
organizations.  Ideas included leveraging the power and reach of open  
source knowledge communities by using the same services and standards  
in the future.  The organizations will also explore opportunities to  
provide new capabilities for accessing and preserving digital content,  
developing common web services, and enabling interoperability across  

In the spirit of advancing open source software, Fedora Commons and  
DSpace will look at ways to leverage and incubate ideas, community and  
culture to:

1. 	Provide the best technology and services to open source repository  
framework   communities.

2.	Evaluate and synchronize, where possible, both organizations’  
technology roadmaps to enable convergence and interoperability of key  
architectural components.

3. 	Demonstrate how the DSpace and Fedora open source repository  
frameworks offer a unique value proposition compared to proprietary  

The announcement came on the heels of an event sponsored by the Joint  
Information Systems Committee’s (JISC) Common Repository Interface  
Group (CRIG) held at the Library of Congress.  The event, known as  
“RepoCamp,” was a forum where developers gathered to discuss  
innovative approaches to improving interoperability and web- 
orientation for digital repositories.  Sandy Payette, Executive  
Director of Fedora Commons, and Michele Kimpton, Executive Director of  
the DSpace Foundation, reiterated their commitment to collaboration  
and encouraged input and participation   from both communities as work  
gets underway.

About the DSpace Foundation
The DSpace Foundation (http://dspace.org/) was formed in 2007 to  
support to the growing global community of institutions using DSpace  
open source software to manage scholarly works in a digital archive.   
DSpace was jointly developed in 2002 by HP and the MIT Libraries.   
Today, there are over more than 350

[Dspace-tech] DSpace tagline contest

2008-07-21 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear community,  ( sorry for cross posting)

Win $100 amazon gift card if your DSpace tagline is chosen!

The DSpace Foundation is hoping to come up with a catchy tagline to go  
with the DSpace logo. The tagline should consist of no more than 5  
words and describe the "essence" of DSpace.  We are looking to all of  
you to come up with the winning tagline!

Please submit your entry at: 

Contest ends July 31rst, midnight EDT.

Examples of successful taglines would be:
Coke, it's the real thing
Bounty Paper Towels - the quicker picker upper
TNT - we know drama
Bose - Better Sound Through Research

Good luck and thanks for participating in this fun contest.

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director DSpace Foundation-
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[Dspace-tech] Sign up for RepoCamp in DC, July 27

2008-07-07 Thread Michele Kimpton
DSpace developers,

If you are interested in spending a day coding with your fellow DSpace  
and Fedora developers to figure out how to implement ORE, how to use  
SWORD practically for ingest and transfer of objects, how to get your  
repository to work seamlessly with Zotero- or any other cool ideas  
that interest you- please sign up!

RepoCamp is one day on July 27 at Library of Congress, and free to  
attend!  There will be prizes given to the best prototypes developed  
that extend web services and interoperability between platforms.

To sign up go to:

Any questions, please contact David Flanders, the event organizer at [EMAIL 
, or myself at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope to see you there,

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director, DSpace Foundation

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[Dspace-tech] developers needed for one code fest in DC, July 25

2008-06-30 Thread Michele Kimpton
Last chance to sign yourself up to be part of the RepoCamp on July  
25th DC.  You will get to code, share and innovate with other  
developers in the open repository space- including folks from Fedora  
and eprints.  We need more DSpace developers, travel and lodging will  
be paid, please let me know if you would like to attend.

You can see how is going and find out more info at:

Thanks, Michele

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[Dspace-tech] Output from DSpace/Fedora mtg June 10

2008-06-30 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear members of the community,

On June 10th, a small group from both the Fedora commons community and  
DSpace community met for a one day workshop/brainstorm on potential  
projects to work in collaboration.  A full transcript of the meeting,  
including the list of ideas that resulted from the discussion are  
posted on the wiki at 

DSpace Foundation and Fedora commons hopes to pick select projects  
over the next few months to work on with the input, support, and  
assistance from both our communities.  This summer we will work on  
collecting broader input and feedback from both communities to help  
identify the most worthwhile projects that best serve both communities.

We encourage and look forward to your input!  Please feel free to  
email or post your comments on the wiki page noted above. We will keep  
you informed as we advance this process.

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation Executive Director

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[Dspace-tech] DSpace Fedora discussion skypecast tomorrow

2008-06-09 Thread Michele Kimpton
Hi all,

Tomorrow DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons will be meeting with a  
few key folks from each community to begin the discussions on  
identifying ways the communities can work together to advance the  
missions of both organizations and communities.  This will be the  
first in many discussions with our communities in the hopes of coming  
up with tangible ways to easily work together.  In our effort to make  
these discussions as transparent and participatory we have set up a  
skypecast.  Skypecast is a broadcast of the meeting available for  
anyone with a skype account to listen in and participate.  The  
Skypecast can accommodate 100 people.  In addition to the Skypecast,  
we will post the notes from the meeting on our wikis, and hope to have  
a recording of the meeting that anyone can download.

We realize the technology, language and timing to get massive  
transparent participation is very limited.  However, we promise to  
continue to make all discussions open and have multiple opportunities  
to voice your opinion, this being the first of many possible  

If you would like to listen in tomorrow(Tuesday 1pm EDT, GMT-5  
hours) , the meeting will go for 3 or 4 hours and you can log in at:

or search for DSpace at:

You must have a skype account to join the meeting and currently  
skypecast does not support MAC.

I would also welcome any input you would like to send me directly or  
by skype at mbkimpton.


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[Dspace-tech] Hardware requirements

2008-06-04 Thread Michele Kimpton

Hi Simon,

The hardware requirements/recommendations can be found in the forum on  
DSpace.org at:


You need to register to view the forum- but to register takes 2  
minutes and you only need to supply your name and email.

Here is the message posted on the forum:

What sort of hardware does DSpace require? What about sizing the  
server? How much disk space do I need?
There are no specific server requirements for DSpace except UNIX.  
(Because the application is written in Java, in theory it will run on  
other platforms as well.) DSpace is built on top of free, open-source  
tools, such as the Apache Web server, the Tomcat Servlet engine, and  
the postgreSQL relational database system. For your convenience, we  
package the necessary JDBC and other drivers and libraries together  
with DSpace. This set of tools should run on any UNIX-type OS, such as  
Linux, HP/UX, or Solaris, and you can substitute other libraries if  
you need to run on another platform. The system runs on anything from  
a laptop to a $500K server, but there are a few general  
recommendations for hardware architectures. For a research university,  
DSpace requires a reasonably good server (see below) and a decent  
amount of memory and disk storage. Some examples from the community  
(not necessarily endorsements): HP Server rx2600, powered by dual 64- 
bit Intel Itanium 2 processors (900MHz), 2GB RAM, 26 GB internal disk  
storage. HP StorageWorks Modular SAN Array 1000 (msa1000) with a  
single high-performance controller. Options include a second  
controller and, with the addition of two more drive enclosures,  
controls up to 42 Ultra2, Ultra 3, or Ultra320 SCSI drives. Total  
capacity can be six terabytes. Cost starts around $40K and goes up to  
around $1.8M. SunFire 280R Server, two 900MHz UltraSPARC-III Cu  
processors, 8MB E-cache, 2GB memory, two 36GB 10,000rpm HH internal  
FCAL disk drives, DVD, 436-GB, or 12 x 26.4 Gbyte 10K RPM disks, Sun  
StorEdge A1000 rackmountable w/ 1 HW RAID controller, 24MB std cache.  
Around $30K. Dell PowerEdge 2650 with dual Xeon processors (2.4GHz),  
2GB RAM, 2x73GB scsi disks. One 2.5TB Apple XServe. A DLT tape library  
to back up the DB/jsps etc. Around $10K. Of course, your mileage (and  
costs) will vary depending on what you plan to do with the system.

Also if anyone wants to augment or add to the answer posted, they can  
do so in the forum.

best, Michele

Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 20:50:10 +0200
From: Simon Ruetzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Dspace-tech] Hardware Requirement for running DSpace
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I'm looking for some information, but I could not find them in the
Documention and on the Web-Side.

- What is the minimum Hardware Requirement for running DSpace
- What is the maximum Data, DSpace can handle (data volume, number of
files, number of users). Is there any limit.

I'm working with Version 1.5

Perhaps, someone can help me.
Regards Simon R?tzler
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[Dspace-tech] Brad McLean joins DSpace Foundation as Technical Director

2008-06-04 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear DSpace community,

I pleased to announce that Brad McLean has joined the DSpace
Foundation team on June 1 as the Technical Director for the
Foundation.  In his role as the Technical Director he will work
directly with the community, and in specific the committers and
developers to improve the code contribution process, come up with a
technical roadmap, and work on removing roadblocks in getting out new

Brad will also be spearheading the technical coordination required to
work with partners/projects interested in working with the DSpace
community, such as Zotero.org, the driver initiative,Sakai project,
Fedora commons and others that have similar goals of enabling open
source tools for open access and archiving of digital content.

Bradley McLean is a longtime open source contributor starting with
linux 1.x kernel drivers.  His last position was Chief Systems
Architect for Constant Contact, Inc (CTCT), where he migrated their
software platform to an  open source environment.

In past digital information related work, Brad was a major contributor
to both the KnowledgeCite and WebSPIRS products of SilverPlatter
Information Inc ( now Ovid Technologies), and was an active
participant in the development of Z39.50-1992 and 1995, including the
implementations for SilverPlatter and Gaylord Information Systems (now
Polaris Library Systems).

Please join me in welcoming Brad to the community and help us work
collectively to provide innovative open source tools to enable
permanent access to our digital collections.

You can email Brad at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation

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[Dspace-tech] DSpace/Fedora initial discussions on joint collaboration

2008-05-30 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the DSpace community,

Over the last few weeks, we (Michele Kimpton and Sandy Payette) have  
been discussing the possibilities of our organizations collaborating.   
The reasons for exploring the possibilities of collaboration are based  
on the following:

•	The missions of our non-profit organizations are very similar and we  
are motivated to provide the best technology and services to many of  
the same communities
•	Over the next 12-18 months, our existing technology roadmaps suggest  
convergence of thought in several key areas of our architectural visions
•	We are both motivated to show how our open source repositories offer  
a unique value proposition compared to proprietary solutions

Over the past couple of weeks, we have had informal discussions with  
members of our communities, leaders in libraries and higher education,  
and Board members to get initial feedback as to whether they would  
support collaboration and the outcomes they would like to see as a  

This past week, we convened members of both communities during the  
PASIG conference to get input and ideas regarding a collaboration.

Thus far, all of the stakeholders we have had the opportunity to talk  
with have been extremely supportive and excited about the possibility  
of the Fedora and DSpace communities working together in some capacity.

As a result of these discussions, we have agreed to move forward in  
our exploration of collaborative possibilities.  Over the next several  
weeks our organizations will meet to plan the next steps in the  
process. Our intent is to bring together the ideas and expertise  
within both communities to come up with the most compelling issues to  
work on to best serve our communities.

As we move through this process it is our commitment to ensure that  
all discussions, meetings and decisions made are transparent and open  
in the hopes to engage and inform the community.

We look forward to your ideas and inputs!

Best Regards,

Michele and Sandy

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[Dspace-tech] Chance to participate in the "Repository Challenge" roadshow

2008-05-08 Thread Michele Kimpton
Would you like to be part of the "repository challenge" roadshow?  And  
write rapid code to show how all open source repository platforms  
interoperate?  If so, read on

For those of you that attended OR2008, you may recall there was a  
repository software challenge, to develop software rapidly at the  
conference and win a prize.  The team that organized this event,,  
CRIG* will be doing a road show, where the purpose of the roadshow  
will be to promote common interoperability frameworks that work on all  
3 repository platforms.  They have a developer from Fedora and eprints  
and are looking for a developer to represent the DSpace community.   
You will be required to write code.  The time commitment is as follows:

1.) WorldComp'08 July 14-17 in Vegas

2.) Blackboard Developer Conference July 13-15 in Vegas*

3.) EduWeb Conference July 21-23rd in Atlantic City, New Jersey

*also possibility of  a Barcamp venue on the East Coast between July  
16th-21st: most likely the Library of Congress or Boston/NYC area.

Your transportation and hotel expenses will be paid for, but you will  
need to attend all events and donate your time.

If you are interested please let me know.

thanks, Michele Kimpton

*CRIG info here: http://tinyurl.com/yqfhg8

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[Dspace-tech] 1.5 manual

2008-04-17 Thread Michele Kimpton

Hi Mark,
In answer to your questions, see below
Begin forwarded message:

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:51:06 -0400
From: "Mark H. Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.5 manual- reviewers needed
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

A couple of points:

o  Word?  What makes you think we have Word?  ODF, please.

As I think I explained in my email- we are using WORD to start so we  
can easily track changes across multiple reviewers and get it  
reconciled quickly to publish.  Once this is done we will have PDF  
available and hope to post it someway on the wiki and web while  
maintaining a easily printable version.  Sorry if you do not agree  
with this- but we have one person working part time to try and pull  
this together.

o  Uh, 1.5 is released, and the manual is in the docs directory.  Is
  this something different?
All the documentation is available on sourceforge with the download  
( we have pointers currently going to this zip file from the website)  
however- there have been numerous requests for a more user friendly  
set of material- which is why we are trying to take the docs from  
sourceforge and pull it into one manual with links and easily printable.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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[Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.5 manual- reviewers needed

2008-04-16 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear community,

We have completed the draft form of the DSpace 1.5 manual.  Now we  
would like to recruit about 10-15 people from the community that would  
be interested in reviewing a particular section, or using the manual  
to do a 1.5 installation and proofing the manual as they go.  The  
current manual is 260 pages long and is a WORD document.  We have  
decided to use a small group to review it initially to uncover any  
large glaring errors or submissions.  After this process ( which we  
ask take only 1 week) we will release to the entire community.

If you would like to participate in the manual review process please  
email me and I will send you back the document.  You will need to  
review in WORD, and will need to be able to turn "track changes" on so  
we can reconcile all changes from the team.

thanks for your help and participation.

Michele Kimpton

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[Dspace-tech] training material

2008-04-14 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear Dr. Sanajy,

You will find all DSpace training material at 
.  We are continually trying to improve on these materials and are  
starting to work with organizations around the world to give trainings  
to the community.

If you have materials you would like us to post in the training  
section let us know.

thanks, Michele

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[Dspace-tech] OR presentations now available

2008-04-11 Thread Michele Kimpton
All the presentations for Open Repositories 08, including the DSpace  
user group meeting are now available at:


If you could not make the meeting, hopefully you will have time to  
look through the presentations as you will find 1.5 training material,  
interesting use cases of DSpace, and the roadmap for the Foundation  
based in part on the user survey results.

In addition, yesterday the Foundation sent out a survey to get input  
on OR08 and future DSpace user group meetings.  Please look for the  
survey in your mailbox.  If you did not receive it and would like to  
take the survey( it is 12 questions, about 10 min)  please email Val  

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation-
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[Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.5 training

2008-04-11 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear members of the community,

At the upcoming JASIG conference in Minneapolis April 27-April 30,  
Mark Diggory will be giving training for DSpace users (sys admins and  
developers) on how to upgrade your DSpace instance from 1.4 to 1.5 and  
how to develop your site using Manakin.  Mark is a key contributor in  
the DSpace community, a DSpace system manager from MIT and a committer  
in the DSpace community.  He was instrumental in launching 1.5 and  
moving DSpace onto Maven.

The training will take place on Sunday April 27th, prior to the  
conference.  The cost is $150 per seminar if you are not a JASIG  
member.  You can find out more at 

If you choose to stay for the conference there are several DSpace  
presentations at JASIG as well as DLF conference ( in Minneapolis the  
same days).  Some interesting presentations at JASIG are:

Semantic web activities in higher education- this will include some of  
the work done by the SIMILE team, which has created tools that can be  
used with DSpace
Engaging the user community- I am moderating a panel that will include  
key leaders from 3 open source projects.  they will discuss what  
tools, process and techniques they use to ensure all the community has  
a voice in the open source development process.
NITLE-DSpace initiatives for small colleges- will be talking about the  
development of the DSpace community within the NITLE membership  
Google web toolkit- This may be of interest to DSpace users as we  
( the community) looks at the possibility of integrating the google  
toolkit into DSpace

If we build it will they come? Part Deux- Cornell University will be  
giving an update on how they have overcome some of the hurdles  
populating their DSpace repository
Personal repository space vs. the personal portal-I hot topic right  
now, will be interesting to hear what Chris Awre from U of Hull has to  
say even if it is a Fedora repository, maybe we can learn
Shibboleth 2.0- an overview for developers- if you are looking at  
shibboleth for your authentication system this could be of interest.

AT DLF 9-10:30
DSpace Foundation- strategy and roadmap for 08/09 including the new  
architecture work-  if you did not hear my presentation at OR2008- I  
will be giving an abridged version of the talk at DLF
National Library of Medicine- Experiment to investigate the  
scalability of a DSpace based archive.  Apparently NLM has run over  
one million items through the DSpace system with success.

You can find a full list of both programs at:


If you are a DLF member, you can attend JASIG for one day of the  
conference by paying $150 for the day.  You will see this option on  
the online registration, or you can pay the day you show up.

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Executive Director

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[Dspace-tech] SPARC announces November 2008 Digital Repositories Meeting

2008-04-08 Thread Michele Kimpton

For immediate release
April 7, 2008

For more information:
Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296

Organizers put out call for presentation proposals

Washington, DC  April 7, 2008  SPARC, in partnership with SPARC Europe  
SPARC Japan/National Institute of Informatics, announces the SPARC  

Repositories Meeting 2008, to be held November 17-18, 2008 at the
Renaissance Harborplace Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland.

Coming on the heels of two groundbreaking developments‹a recent vote by
Harvard¹s Faculty of Arts and Sciences enabling the university to offer
access to their articles in an institutional repository and  
of a new National Institutes of Health public access policy‹the  
meeting will
enable stakeholders to explore next steps for the burgeoning open  


Librarians, researchers, funders, administrators, government officials,
publishers, and technologists from around the world will share their
experiences and best practices in building and supporting  
institutional and
disciplinary digital repositories. The focus will be on effective  
with scholars and scientists to expand the sharing of research outputs  

open repositories.

The program, developed by a diverse and expert program committee, will  
into four key areas: The Policy Environment, New Horizons, Campus  
Strategies, and Value-Added Services. These tracks will be  
supplemented with
an Innovation Fair, where new technologies, strategies, and approaches  

be highlighted, and a Practicum on marketing and advocacy.

The program committee invites proposals for presentations at the  
meeting. Visit the conference Web site at http://www.arl.org/sparc/ 
ir08/ for

details on the program and how to submit a proposal. The deadline for
submissions is May 30, 2008.

Members of the 2008 Program Committee include: Jun Adachi (SPARC Japan),
Raym Crow (SPARC), Richard Fyffe (Grinnell College), Susan Gibbons
(University of Rochester), Melissa Hagemann (Open Society Institute),  

Hahn (Association of Research Libraries), Bill Hubbard (SHERPA), Rick
Johnson (SPARC), Michelle Kimpton (DSpace Foundation), Norbert Lossau
(Goettingen State and University Library and DRIVER), Joyce Ogburn
(University of Utah), Terry Owen (University of Maryland, College Park),
Kathleen Shearer (Canadian Association of Research Libraries), Alma Swan
(Key Perspectives Ltd.), Sean Thomas (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology), Susan Veldsman (eIFL), and Charles Watkinson (The American
School of Classical Studies at Athens).

This is the first North American SPARC digital repositories conference  
the organization¹s popular 2004 meeting, which drew hundreds of  
from around the globe and set the stage for some of the key  
developments of

the past four years.

Registration will open in May. For more information, visit the  

Web site at http://www.arl.org/sparc/meetings/ir08/. Companies or
organizations interested in conference sponsorship opportunities should
contact Jennifer McLennan at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), with  

Europe and SPARC Japan, is an international alliance of more than 800
academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of
scholarly communication. SPARC's advocacy, educational and publisher
partnership programs encourage expanded dissemination of research.  

on the Web at http://www.arl.org/sparc.

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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace-tech Digest, Vol 24, Issue 12

2008-04-07 Thread Michele Kimpton

Hi John,
Sorry you missed OR2008- we heard your presentation on Quambo, if that  
is any comfort!  Just wondering what you meant by your post?  Fedora  
people are seeing these announcements but "we" are not?  I did look  
through some of the video- seems like mainly marketing fluff, but  
maybe I missed some key interviews.

 Graham is busy getting all the presentations gathered from the user  
group meeting- so everyone can see them.  These will be posted/hosted  
in the conference repository hopefully within the next week.

On Apr 7, 2008, at 12:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

For some reason the Fedora people are seeing these announcements but
"we" aren't:

"...Last week ECS and the University hosted Open Repositories 2008,
which attracted over 450 people from around the world. The conference
was a huge success! Our video podcast gives an impression of the
excitement and interest the conference generated..."

http://tinyurl.com/3j8cmw (soton.ac.uk)

This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference 
Register now and save $200. Hurry, offer ends at 11:59 p.m., 
Monday, April 7! Use priority code J8TLD2. 
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] google summer of code intern application

2008-03-26 Thread Michele Kimpton
If you have a student that would like to be part of Google summer of  
code program, and work on DSpace they need to apply at:


They will need to submit an application and apply to  the DSpace  
Foundation program ( this is detailed in the application process).

The information they will need for their application is:
 * Title/Summary: Make this a very terse description of your  
application, e.g. "Garbage collection tuning for GCC."
 * Organization: Select the organization to which you'd like to  
apply from the drop down list( this would be DSpace). If the  
organization has provided us with an application template, it should  
propagate into the  "Detailed Description" section once you've  
selected the organization.
 * Abstract: A shorter summary of your overall application to be  
linked from the GSoC Program Page. View an example.
 * Detailed Description: Enter the text of your application here.  
Text only, 7500 characters maximum.
 * Link to Further Information: You can only provide a single link  
in this field. If you wish to provide more than one link, include  
additional links in the "Detailed Description" section.

We can not accept and fund interns directly- they need to go through  
the Google summer of code registration process.

Any questions, let us know-  Applications are due by MARCH 31tst.

thanks, Michele

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[Dspace-tech] social networking site set up for OR2008

2008-03-20 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear DSpace community,

If you are attending OR2008 this month I highly recommend you take 5  
minutes and set up your profile at http://or08.crowdvine.com/.  It is  
a great way to let others know you are going to the conference and  
what your interests are, to start the dialog and networking  BEFORE  
the conference begins.  Once you set up a profile for this conference-  
you can reuse it for any conference you go to that uses crowdvine as  
its "social networking" site.

Give it a try-

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Executive Director-
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[Dspace-tech] Program schedule posted for JASIG conf. "Higher education solutions the community source way"

2008-03-17 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear DSpace community,

The schedule is now posted for the upcoming JASIG open source software  
conference which will feature DSpace 1.5 training, presentations and  
panels.  There are technical tracks as well as deployment tracks that  
cover not only DSpace, but open source software programming and  
deployment in general.  I think this is really going to be a great  
conference and a chance to network with other java developers and  
implementors of open source solutions in higher ed.  Software projects  
represented are DSpace, Sakai, UPortal, CAS, Kuali, Internet2 and  

Please join us,
Michele Kimpton

Higher Education Solutions:  The Community Source Way!
April 27 -30, 2008
The Crowne Plaza Hotel
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
We are pleased to let you know that the JA-SIG Spring 2008 program  
schedule is posted at the conference site:

http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/index.html.  (Click the  
"Program" link at the top of the page.)

Conference events run Sunday, April 27th through Wednesday, April 30th.
Supplementary seminars are scheduled before and after the conference.
A BarCamp and a UCamp are scheduled on Wednesday afternoon (See site  
descriptions for these unique events)
Presentations, Panel discussions, Poster sessions, BOF's, Case  
Studies, How-to's.
Keynotes by Ira H. Fuchs, Kaye Howe, and a panel of Community Source  

CAS, DSpace, Fedora, Fluid, Internet2, Kuali, Sakai, uPortal
Join us for the most comprehensive gathering of the higher education  
open source community in 2008!

Early registration discounts are available through March 23, 2008.

Register now at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/registration.html 

Don't forget to make your hotel reservations!  You can make your  
reservations at the Crowne Plaza St. Paul - Riverfront by visiting http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/accom-travel.html 
 and following the instructions for booking online or calling the  
number provided on the page.

Subscribe to the conference blog, The Community Source Way
http://jasig2008.blogspot.com, for news and updates about the  event.

Join the Conference networking site at http://ja-sigspring08.crowdvine.com/ 

We hope to see you there!

The JA-SIG Spring 2008 Program Committee

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Google summer of code projects 2008

2008-03-11 Thread Michele Kimpton
The DSpace Foundation has registered with Google to participate in  
this years Google summer of code internship.  The DSpace community  
participated last year with much success in generating and completing  
four interesting projects which potentially would be useful to the  
community at large.   The purpose of participation is to potentially  
build some exciting add-ons for the platform but also promote the open  
source software and building a community of "future" developers  
worldwide interested in OSS and advancing open access to to scholarly  
digital works.

We would like to encourage users and developers in the community to  
post their ideas for projects on the wiki:

To see ideas from 2007 for reference:

We need to get all ideas posted by MARCH 24th, as this is when the  
ideas need to be submitted to google as possible projects for interns  
to review.

We have identified mentors in the community for 5 or 6 projects,  
however if you would like to be a mentor on the project you proposed,  
and are an active developer in the community please identify your  
interest in mentoring on the wiki page.

Ideally the projects proposed are well defined, can be developed as an  
add-on, and can work with the current platform 1.5.

thanks, Michele Kimpton

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Test-a-Thon is on this week,please help

2008-02-19 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the community,

The test-a-thon for the 1.5 beta release of the DSpace platform is now  
in progress and we would like your help.  If you are a developer  
please download the code, test and report issues.

DSpace 1.5 can be download at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=19984&package_id=143548&release_id=576338 
. There is a 'src' version that requires building with Maven, and a  
pre-compiled binary version.

If you are a USER you can test the site at several test instances that  
have been set up.  Try to upload docs, browse and search docs, ect.   
There are a list of test sites at:


If you find bugs you can login to the IRC chat and report them to the  
team of developers waiting to triage these bugs at:


Or you can list the bugs on the wiki at:

Or you can enter in the source forge bug tracker system at:

The foundation will be giving away a few small prizes to the most  
active testers in the community.  Thank-you for your participation,  
with your help we hope to have a stable release by OR2008!

Michele Kimpton-
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Registration is Open: "Higher Education Solutions: The Community Source Way!

2008-02-13 Thread Michele Kimpton
Please join us at JA-SIG, particularly if you can not make OR2008.  We  
will kick off the week on Sunday April 27th with comprehensive  
developer training on DSpace- "upgrading to 1.5" and "Designing your  
site using Manakin".  Also-we are still in need of proposals from the  
DSpace community at the conference itself- please consider presenting  
to share your experiences developing, managing, integration of your  
digital repository!
This conference will be a great opportunity to hear how other open  
source community projects are working and learn about the world of  
open source in higher education.

thanks, Michele Kimpton
E.D. DSpace Foundation

Higher Education Solutions:  The Community Source Way!
April 27 -30, 2008
The Crowne Plaza Hotel
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Registration for the JA-SIG Spring Conference in St. Paul is now  
open!  This year, CAS, DSpace, Fedora, Fluid, Kuali, Internet2, Sakai,  
and uPortal are planning a joint program.

Conference events run Sunday, April 27th through Wednesday, April 30th.
Supplementary seminars are scheduled before and after the conference.
A BarCamp and a UCamp are scheduled on Wednesday afternoon (See site  
descriptions for these unique events)
Visit the main conference site at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/index.html 
 for details.  Early registration discounts end March 23, 2008.   
Register now at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/registration.html 

We invite you to submit a presentation proposal.  The Call for  
Proposals final deadline is Friday, February 22, 2008.  Submit your  
proposal at http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/index.html.

Developers, designers, content providers, administrators, faculty,  
planners, strategists, decision makers... If you'd like to find out  
more about community source, learn from the experts, and collaborate  
with your peers...Come to "Higher Education Solutions:  The Community  
Source Way!"

See you in St. Paul this April!

2008 JA-SIG Spring Program Committee

Aaron Godert, Cornell University, JA-SIG Board and Conference Co-Chair
Jonathan Markow, JA-SIG Executive Director, Conference Co-Chair
Susan Bramhall, Yale University, uPortal Liaison
Daniel Davis, Chief Architect, Fedora Commons
John Fereira, Cornell University, Web Master
Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin, Madison, JA-SIG Board
Valerie Hollister, DSpace Liaison
Susan Inouye, University of Hawaii, Member
Michele Kimpton, DSpace Executive Director
Michael Korcuska, Sakai Executive Director
Phil McKown, Indiana University, Kuali Liason
Matt Smith, University of Connecticut, CAS Liaison
Ann West, Internet2 Liaison
Paul Zablosky, University of British Columbia, Fluid Liaison
Jennifer Cummings, CONCENTRA Management Services
Debbie Smith, CONCENTRA Management Services-
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] [Dspace-general] New Version (2.0) of the DSpace Statistics Add-on

2008-02-08 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear Eloy,

Congratulations on your teams contribution creating a new improved  
statistics package in DSpace..  The foundation will do what it can to  
help coordinate integration with Manakin, but it will be difficult to  
play an active role in this until we have the Technical Director on  
board.   Also- it may be a good possibility to have this as a  
"community project" within the umbrella of the DSpace 2.0 work that  
will take place starting early summer.

Lets talk about this more and how we can work together at OR2008.

On Feb 7, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Eloy Rodrigues wrote:

> Dear Tim,
> Not at the present time. We will analyse the issue during the coming  
> months.
> We would also be glad if someone else would be willing to  
> collaborate with
> us on that direction (as we will probably have small programming  
> time for
> this during 2008).
> Anyway, as we stated in Rome, as there is an evident need of good
> statistical tools/module for DSpace, what we really want is to  
> contribute,
> to a global, single, comprehensive and highly customizable solution  
> for this
> need.
> I think the DSpace community must really have a SAY, and a  
> DO... :-), on
> this. Some work for the Foundation and Michele?
> Best,
> Eloy Rodrigues
> Universidade do Minho - Serviços de Documentação
> Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
> Tel: +351 253 60 41 50; Fax - 253 60 41 59
> Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães
> Tel: +351 253 51 01 19; Fax - 253 51 01 17
> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Donohue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: quinta-feira, 7 de Fevereiro de 2008 15:19
> To: Eloy Rodrigues
> Cc: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-general] New Version (2.0) of the DSpace  
> Statistics
> Add-on
> Eloy,
> This is good news!  Does Minho University have any plans to build a
> version of the StatisticsAddOn that will also work with the new  
> Manakin
> interface?
> - Tim
> Eloy Rodrigues wrote:
>> Apologies for cross-posting
>> I’m glad to announce that the RepositóriUM team at Minho University  
>> has
>> finished the documentation and packaging off a new version of the  
>> DSpace
>> Statistics Add-on, which we already use in our Repository for 2  
>> months.
>> This Add-on (see description below) is available at:
>> http://wiki.dspace.org/StatisticsAddOn
>> The original purpose of the Statistics Add-on was to promote
>> RepositóriUM and author self(or mediated)-archiving, by demonstrating
>> the worldwide accessibility and usage (access/downloads) of archived
>> documents. We also wanted to provide usage, content and  
>> administrative
>> statistics to IR and community/collection administrators or  
>> coordinators.
>> The Statistics System is an add-on to the DSpace > >
>> platform that allows gathering, processing and presenting usage,  
>> content
>> and administrative statistics. Despite the fact that its  
>> development was
>> done to meet the specific needs of RepositóriUM
>> , the system is completely
>> adjustable to other environments as its components can easily be
>> configured, changed or extended, to respond to different information
> needs.
>> With the release of the version 2.0 of the Stats System the main  
>> focus
>> was solving some problems and limitations of version 1.1, primarily  
>> the:
>>* Increasing degradation of performance/response time as the usage
>>  and the period of the log information grew;
>>* Rigidity of the statistics definition and structure of the Web
>>  interface;
>>* Poor layout and data presentation (e.g. Inexistence of charts;
>>  reduced navigation and limited data presentation).
>> Important features of the version 2.0 of the Statistics add-on are:
>>* Customizable statistics
>>* Customizable web interface
>>* Customizable access policies
>>* Data stored in database
>>* Access origin detection and processing
>>* Crawler exclusion
>>* Real time/Batch statistics
>>* Temporal data aggregations
>>* Dimensional aggregations (e.g. Country, Document type, etc.)
>>* Charts
>>* Multilanguage support
>> You can see the implementation of the Add-on in RepositóriUM
>> (https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt
>> ) where the general (IR level)
>> access/download statistics
> (https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/stats?level=general&type=access&page=do
> wnviews-series
>  wnviews-series>)
>> and individual access/download statistics (eg,
>> |http://hdl.handle.net/1822/4803|) are publicly available.
>> Best Regards,
>> Eloy Rodrigues
>> Universidade do Minho - Serviços de Documentação
>> Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
>> Tel: +351 253 60 41 50; Fax - 253 60 41 59

[Dspace-tech] DSpace survey

2008-01-29 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear members of the community,

Each of you should have received an email today asking for your input  
on what are some of the key projects the Foundation should undertake,  
and how to best serve the DSpace community.  In less than 24 hours we  
have had over 150 responses to the survey, which is great!  However,  
we would like to get as much input as possible from current DSpace  
users.  So if you have not taken the survey yet, please look for the  
email in your inbox.

If for some reason you did not receive the email, let me know and we  
will send you a link.

Many thanks to everyone who has already participated!  We look forward  
to sharing the results with you when the survey is complete.

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation Executive Director

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] NewSpace- DSpace Community Newsletter

2008-01-11 Thread Michele Kimpton
Members of the community,

On Wednesday we launched the first online DSpace newsletter.  The  
newsletter was sent to everyone registered on the DSpace list- servs.   
The purpose of the newsletter is to highlight some of the great work  
going on in our community, keep you informed of upcoming events, and  
share with you what the Foundation is doing.

You will find a copy of the newsletter on the website, under the news  
section at:

If you would rather not get the letter sent to your email box, feel  
free to unsubscribe from the list and check the website.  An RSS feed  
from the website is available for all news items, you will find the  
link for the feed on the left hand side of the home page.

We look forward to your feedback and we hope the newsletter is useful  
to all both inside and outside of our community.  Of course fee free  
to email the newsletter to anyone else whom you feel may be  
interested, there is a link on the bottom of the newsletter to do this.

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation Executive Director

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Upcoming conference sponsored by JA-SIG

2008-01-04 Thread Michele Kimpton
DSpace Community-

The JA-SIG conference this spring is expanding its scope to include  
participants and discussion around a number of open source software  
applications/platforms used in higher education. The DSpace  
Foundation  is participating on the steering committee to come up  
with a compelling program regarding open source solutions for both  
developers and Program/Service Managers.  For those in the community  
who can not make it to OR2008, this would be an excellent venue for  
the DSpace community to convene with others tackling similar problems  
using open source solutions.

In addition to the conference I hope to have a few pre-conference  
seminars specifically for the DSpace community.  If you are  
interested in organizing a pre-conference seminar please let me  
know.  The seminars are typically 3 hours long and focused on  
training, installation, integration and the like.  I am also  
considering having a 3/4 day meeting following the conference to  
bring the Program/Service Managers together to discuss process for  
gathering input from the broad community as it relates to software  
development ,the roadmap, and services the foundation can provide.   
Please let me know if you are interested in working with the  
foundation to organize and chair the post conference meeting.

Michele Kimpton
DSpace Foundation Executive Director

   Hold the Dates!   ***

Monday, April 28th to Wednesday, April 30th
(Pre-Conference Seminars on Sunday, April 27th)
Crowne Plaza St. Paul Riverfront Hotel
St. Paul, Minnesota

JA-SIG presents

The program is being planned jointly by representatives from

DSpace, Fedora, Fluid, Internet2, Kuali, JA-SIG, and Sakai

The aim is to expose our respective communities to the
wide array of community source efforts in our field, to share
technologies across project boundaries, and to approach common
issues and problems together in the areas of planning, strategy,
software development, adoption, and sustainability.

Target audience:  Developers, designers, content providers,
administrators, faculty, planners, strategists, decision makers...
There will be something for everyone!

Watch for registration information and Call for Proposals
in January.

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] why vanilla?

2007-12-13 Thread Michele Kimpton
> Dear DSpace community,
> The Foundation is trying to put a list together of most recent DSpace
> sites, so we can highlight these on our website and quantify for
> others what it takes to get a DSpace site up and running from a
> technical and non technical point of view.  If you have recently
> launched a "vanilla" installation of DSpace please let us know.

Why is a "vanilla" site the benchmark, when hardly anyone is content
with that? A realistic cost/time estimate needs to include design and
customization work.


Hi Dorothea,

I get many requests from organizations evaluating DSpace wanting to  
know the level of effort to install right out of the box, without  
making any customizations.  It is not a BENCHMARK but a BASELINE. If  
you would like to help us identify all the useful and important  
customizations and the level of effort required I welcome your  
input.  The Foundation is just in the stages of getting a team  
together so we can put process and support in to represent the total  
needs of the community to be successful running DSpace.  However, we  
need the help of the community to do this .  Given your experience,  
passion and know how it would be great if you could work with us in a  
positive fashion.

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director DSpace Foundation

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] New DSpace Installations

2007-12-13 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community,

The Foundation is trying to put a list together of most recent DSpace  
sites, so we can highlight these on our website and quantify for  
others what it takes to get a DSpace site up and running from a  
technical and non technical point of view.  If you have recently  
launched a "vanilla" installation of DSpace please let us know.

thanks for your help,


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Check out the new SourceForge.net Marketplace.
It's the best place to buy or sell services
for just about anything Open Source.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace Foundation

2007-12-12 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community,

I would like to introduce to you two new hires to the DSpace  
Foundation, Valorie Hollister ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Lauren L'Esperance  

Valorie is the community outreach manager and her role is to work  
closely  with the community to  promote DSpace, and develop programs  
and tools to support to the DSpace user( non technical) community.   
Some of the key initial projects Val will be working on are-

-Management of content on the website of interest to the community-  
such as the "featured DSpace site", news, events, publications and  
training materials
-Launch of an online Newsletter monthly which will promote the work  
being done in the community, and give updates on what projects the  
foundation is undertaking
-Survey of the user community to get input on how the foundation can  
best serve their needs for the future in developing programs,tools,  
partnerships ect.
-developing a master list of all DSpace sites and contacts worldwide  
to reference for collaboration, promotion, input ect.

Lauren is the webmaster for the dspace.org website and in charge of  
infrastructure, layout, new sections ect. in regards to the website  
and any other communication tools we add to the Foundation.  Lauren  
works for DSpace one day per week, so her time is limited.

In the coming month of January please look for the survey and welcome  
Val and Lauren to  the DSpace community.

DSpace Executive Director
Michele Kimpton

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Check out the new SourceForge.net Marketplace.
It's the best place to buy or sell services
for just about anything Open Source.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Open repositories call for papers deadline

2007-11-30 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear community,

This is just a reminder the deadline for submitting papers to Open  
Repositories 2008 is next FRIDAY Dec 7th.  The conference is in  
Southampton UK April 1-4th 08.  If your proposal is not accepted by  
the general conference it will be reviewed for the dspace user group  
meeting following the conference.  Here are the details:

OPEN REPOSITORIES 2008: Deadline 7th Dec 2007 for Papers & Panels  
(Calls for Posters and User Group Participation to follow later)


We invite developers, researchers and practitioners to submit papers  
describing novel experiences or developments in the construction and  
use of digital repositories. Submissions of UP TO 4 pages in length  
are requested for review. See the CFP page at the conference site for  
submission instructions. Submissions for panel discussions are also  

Repositories are being deployed in a variety of settings (research,  
scholarship, learning, science, cultural heritage) and across a range  
of scales (subject, national, regional, institutional, project, lab,  
personal). The aim of this conference is to address the technical,  
managerial, practical and theoretical issues that arise from diverse  
applications of repositories in the increasingly pervasive  
information environment.

A programme of papers, panel discussions, poster presentations,  
workshops, tutorials and developer coding sessions will bring  
together all the key stakeholders in the field. Open source software  
community meetings for the major platforms (EPrints, DSpace and  
Fedora) will also provide opportunities to advance and co-ordinate  
the development of repository installations across the world.

Paper Submission Deadline: Friday 7th December 2007
Notification of Acceptance: Monday January 21st 2008
Submission of DSpace/EPrints/Fedora User Group Presentations: TBA
Submission of Posters: Monday 4th February 2008
Conference: April 1-4, 2008. University of Southampton, UK.
Enquiries to: Program Committee Chair ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or General  


The themes of the conference include (but are not limited to) the

- Embedding repositories in business processes and individual workflow.
- Change Management
- Advocacy and Culture Change
- Policy development and policy lag.

- Professional Development
- Workforce Capacity
- Skills and Training
- Roles and Responsibilities

- Economic sustainability and new business models,
- Technical sustainability of a repository over time, including  
platform change and migration.
- Technical sustainability of holdings over time. Preservation.  
Audit, certification. Trust. Assessment tools.
- Managing sustainability failure - when a repository outlives its  
organisation or its organisational commitment.

- Embargoes
- Licensing and Digital Rights Management
- Mandates
- Overcoming legislative barriers
- Contractual relationships - facilitating and monitoring
- International and cross-border issues

- Content standards - discipline-specific vs general
- Metadata standards and application profiles
- Quality standards and quality control processes
- Achieving interchange in multi-disciplinary or multi-institutional  

- Semantic web and linked data
- Identifier management for data and real world resources
- Access and authentication

- Beyond OAIS
- Federations
- Institutional Models - uber- or multi-repository environments
- Adapting to changing e-infrastructure: SOA, services, cloud computing
- Scalability

- Multi-stakeholder value: preservation, open access, research,  
management, admninistratiion

- Multi-agenda, multi-function, multi-purpose repositories
- Usefulness and usability
- Reference, reuse, reanalysis and repurposing of content
- Citation of data / learning objects
- Changes in scholarly practice
- New benchmarks for scholarly success
- Repository metrics
- Bibliometrics: usage and impact

- OAI services
- User-oriented services
- Mashups
- Social networking
- Commentary / tagging
- Searching / information discovery
- Alerting
- Mining
- Visualisation
- Integration with Second life and Virtual environments

- E-research/E-science (e.g., data and publication; collaborative
- E-scholarship
- Institutional repositories
- Discipline-oriented repositories
- Open Access
- Scholarly Publishing
- Digital Library
- Cultural Heritage
- Scientific repositories / data repositories
- Interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral repositories

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-15 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear Christophe and DSpace community,

One of the main projects the Foundation ( not federation, and I point  
this out as they are completely different) has taken on is to put  
together a team from the community and get funding for DSpace 2.0.   
The work to be done will involve core architectural changes- under  
the hood, so to speak- that will be somewhat transparent to many end  
users.  However, these changes will have large implications down the  
road, in a good way, for the community at large.

One of the complaints is to be able to easily change the UI, or  
create multiple UI's,  Web 2.0 interactions,ect., is due to the fact  
the code is not modular ( as Tim points out). One of the main goals  
of 2.0 is to make it more modular so organizations can "plug and  
play", meaning choose the interface(s) they prefer.  It also allows  
many more developers to participate in the process- as their  
contributions can be rolled into the releases much more easily, given  
the code will not have complex interdependencies with the rest of the  
core code ( we hope).

If we are successful in putting together a modular architecture- than  
we can have multiple UI's, asset stores, workflows ect.  As there are  
no dedicated developers within the community or the Foundation  
working full time on DSpace- it is important to empower the community  
to be able to contribute code that fits their organizational needs-  
and therefore we must put an architecture in place that supports this  
process.  We hope to start the work for DSpace 2.0 this winter.

Once 2.0 is in place we can start a process where users can assess  
user needs and feature requests(developers can do this now on source  
forge) but realize the work to develop those features will still need  
to be done within the community, and maybe the community will be  
willing to pay for development time to make it happen  
collaboratively, but that remains to be seen.  I plan on hiring a  
Technology Director within the Foundation to help lead this process 
(2.0 and beyond).  We have secured some of the funding and developer  
time to do the work required.  I hope to secure the remaining funding  
needed over the next few months.  If anyone in the community would  
like to help me in this process( getting funding, donating developer  
time, volunteering I welcome your help.

DSpace Foundation Director
On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:09 AM, Christophe Dupriez wrote:

> Hi Tim, (copy to Michele, Dorothea and the Tech list)
> Thanks for your views and congratulations for your work with IDEALS.
> Just to be sure to be well understood: I am not in any way  
> proposing to disturb developpers, I am speaking about organising  
> USERS so they express their needs, build concensus and propose  
> developers to build prototypes they can evaluate. I am also  
> proposing to organize better the commitment process to improve  
> consistency and reliability. This will ask for inter-institutional  
> efforts so I also propose institutions to finance parts of those  
> processes. This is the key of adequation and perenity.
> I am not saying nothing of this is done now, I am just proposing  
> this to be improved under the drive of the Federation.
> Wishing you and all a very nice day!
> Christophe Dupriez
> Tim Donohue a écrit :
>> All,
>> As a Committer, I'm going to go ahead and step out on limb here,  
>> and admit that I agree with most of what has been put forth by  
>> both Dorothea and Christophe.  That being said, I'm not claiming  
>> to speak on behalf of all the Committers :)
>> I would *love* a more beautified DSpace...a clean, "flashy",  
>> web-2.0 interface, a modular system that is easy to extend via  
>> plugins/add-ons, an *easy* way to share/install those plugins/add- 
>> ons between institutions, and an *easy* way to upgrade core DSpace  
>> (without merge nightmares between your local hacks/customizations  
>> and the features of the new version).
>> I'm also in full support of working towards better needs  
>> assessment. But, at the same time, a part of me feels that  
>> different institutions will have some different needs based on how  
>> they are using of DSpace. So, in the end, allowing for easy  
>> extensions/modules, and easy sharing of these community-developed  
>> features is a great way to go.
>> That being said, I'd like to mention just a few things to look  
>> forward to with 1.5 and beyond:
>> 1) I believe there will be vast strides to beautifying DSpace UI,  
>> once we all get our hands on Manakin in 1.5 (many thanks to Scott  
>> P & all at Texas A&M).  The modularity within Manakin should also  
>> allow us to all develop new an interesting Themes & Aspects, which  
>> should be much more shareable amongst institutions. (But, we also  
>> need to find a place to actually post these for sharing!)
>> 2) I believe that our move towards the Maven build system (thanks  
>> to Mark D) with 1.5 

[Dspace-tech] Technology Director DSpace Foundation

2007-10-30 Thread Michele Kimpton

Members of the DSpace Community,

As many of you may be aware the Foundation is looking for a  
Technology Director to help lead the architecture 2.0 project within  
the community and over the long run work with the technical community  
to ensure contributions have a place to live within the DSpace  
platform, and make sure we have a set of tools and infrastructure  
that can support the work of the distributed and diverse community of  

Below is the job description for the Director.  Ideally this person  
would work at MIT, here with me, however I will consider candidates  
that would work remotely.  Please pass this on or post where  
appropriate.  Thanks for you support!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions regarding this position.

Michele Kimpton
Executive Director DSpace Foundation

Technology Director DSpace Foundation
Are you a leader in the open source world?  Are you an advocate for  
public access to digital content?  Are you passionate about internet  
technologies and preservation of digital content?  If you answer yes  
to any or all of these questions, we are looking for someone of your  
caliber to set the technical direction for the DSpace Foundation.

The DSpace Foundation is a non-profit organization located on the  
M.I.T campus. The mission of the DSpace Foundation is to lead the  
collaborative development of open source software for digital  
repositories that enable services for access provision and  
stewardship and re-use of digital assets, with a focus on educational  
and research materials; to promote the adoption of this technology,  
and to provide a platform for innovation in these areas with an  
overarching goal of promoting the dissemination and future utility of  
information and knowledge.

DSpaceä (http://dspace.org) is an open source digital repository  
system, developed collaboratively by the MIT Libraries and Hewlett- 
Packard Company. It is used primarily by academic and research  
institutions to capture, manage, preserve, and redistribute their  
digital research and educational materials and scholarly  
publications, in a variety of formats for a variety of purposes. In  
order to encourage the development of a federation of research  
institutions and other organizations running digital repositories,  
DSpace has been made available as open source software and the open  
source community of users is working actively to further develop the  

RESPONSIBILITIES: The Chief Technology Officer will work in  
collaboration with developers from around the world to preserve and  
provide open access to intellectual output from a community of over  
250 top educational institutions. The CTO will be responsible for  
providing technical guidance, support and leadership to the developer  
community in advancing the platform to be able to effectively manage  
digital assets for a diverse set of requirements and applications.  S/ 
he will work closely and collaboratively with the developers and  
committers on the software to come up with a technical roadmap.  S/he  
will provide technical oversight for key architecture decisions and  
will work with standards bodies to ensure the application adheres to  
applicable standards in the industry. The Chief Technology Officer  
will work with new and emerging applications to access feasibility  
and development required to use DSpace as a platform; will work with  
the community to integrate stand alone applications as extensions  
into DSpace; will maintain code base infrastructure and all developer  
tools required to support the work; and, will manage release and test  
functions for code base.

QUALIFICATIONS: Required - Bachelors degree in computer science,  
engineering, math or physics. Minimum of ten years work experience in  
a technical or internet industry. Work experience on an open source  
project. Effective leadership ability within a team environment.  
Ability to collaborate successfully with other organizations. Ability  
to document processes and specifications. Experience in a start up  
environment. Fluency in internet technology. Proficiency with Java.  
Excellent communication skills, both oral and written.  Desired -Good  
familiarity with academic institutions and scholarly communication.  
Experience in working with a diverse and international community.

Position available immediately.  Apply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Dspace-tech] Rome user group meeting

2007-10-23 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community,

For those of you that were unable to attend the conference in Rome,  
you will find all ( or most) of the presentations and training done  
online at http://www.aepic.it/conf/program.php?cf=11

Please look through the content when you have time.  After talking to  
several participants, the feedback I got was it was the best user  
group meeting thus far due to the richness of content presented.

As it was my first official DSpace user group meeting as the  
Executive Director of DSpace Foundation, I did a presentation  
outlining the role and projects to be undertaken by the Foundation.   
You can find this presentation  http://www.aepic.it/conf/ 
viewabstract.php?id=326&cf=11  for those interested in learning about  
what activities the Foundation plans on initiating on behalf of the  
community over the next year.

I would like to especially thank Imma ( from FAO), Paola ( from  
Caspur) and all their staff for doing a great job organizing and  
hosting the conference!

Michele Kimpton

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[Dspace-tech] Transfer of copyright to the Foundation

2007-09-28 Thread Michele Kimpton

Dear members of the DSpace community,

It's now seven years since HP and MIT first collaborated to create the
initial version of DSpace.  Since then, further developments by HP, MIT
and a significant constituency of contributors have refined, added to
and improved that initial version. DSpace has been widely adopted by the
research library community worldwide so that DSpace is  the
leading opensource institutional repository systems in use today.

In 2006 HP and MIT convened an advisory board comprised of  
representatives from

organizations who were using or developing DSpace.  This group
recommended that an independent not-for-profit organization, the DSpace
Foundation, be established to continue to promote and develop the DSpace
system on behalf of the user community. This year, HP and MIT have
set up the DSpace foundation for this purpose.

As a result of the size and complexity the Dspace codebase has now
acquired, as well as the significant DSpace user constituency, both HP
and MIT now feel that it is time to pass over stewardship of the DSpace
codebase to the new DSpace Foundation so that the Foundation can support
the ongoing development of the code and seek funding that will be
necessary to implement enhancements in the future. Both HP and MIT  
are still heavily involved
as board members of the foundation, and both organizations are  
actively working to enhance the

DSpace platform through code contributions and research.

As the joint owners of all copyright in Dspace, HP and MIT have  
all copyright to the Dspace Foundation to enable it to achieve these  
aims. The code remains under the BSD license
and the Foundation will ensure the code continues to be opensource  
and freely available.

We now write to you to inform you, in your role as a contributor to the
Dspace codebase, of this of this exciting new development, and to thank
you once again for your contribution.  We hope that you will feel
inspired and encouraged to continue to contribute in the future to add
to the success of Dspace.

If you have questions or would like more information please contact  


Nick Wainwright,  HP Labs
MacKenzie Smith, MIT
Michele Kimpton, DSpace Foundation

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Register on the new DSpace Website

2007-09-27 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear member of the DSpace Community,

As many of you are aware we have launched our new website,  
www.dspace.org, a few months ago.  We have been slowly developing the  
site to make it easier to find information and keep the content fresh  
for the less techie folks.  So you will find on the home page news as  
it relates to the DSpace community and featured DSpace sites- that we  
would like to rotate every few weeks if possible.

Now you can help us in our quest to keep the content fresh and inform  
us of great work going on in your organization regarding DSpace.  To  
do this you first need to register on the site.  Go to Community  >   
join.  Fill out the form.

Once registered you can do the following-
-submit a content item to be featured in the "DSpace spotlight"
-submit a weblink you feel is relevant to share with other registered  
-submit an event to the DSpace calendar ( you can find the link right  
on the main page by the calendar icon)

You will see the menu bar to do all of these actions on the left hand  
navigation bar once you login.

Still to come- is the discussion forum and community blog.   Stay  
tuned for launch of these 2 modules in the next month.

Michele Kimpton

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] looking for DSpace contractors/consultants

2007-09-25 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community,

I would like to put together a list of potential contract developers,  
service providers, installation consultants and project consultants  
who can help others with their DSpace efforts as needed.  There is a  
current list on the wiki :  http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/ 
ServiceProviders  however, I would like to expand this if possible  
and be more specific about the services/skills associated with each  
person or organization.

If you would like to be considered for this "vendor" list, which has  
been put together by the Foundation, to be posted on the website and  
augmented in the wiki, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can discuss further about what additional  
information I will need in order to list your services.

Michele Kimpton

Exec Director, DSpace Foundation

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Looking for DSpace contractors/consultants

2007-09-25 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace community,

I would like to put together a list of potential contract developers,  
service providers, installation consultants and project consultants  
who can help others with their DSpace efforts as needed.  There is a  
current list on the wiki :  http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/ 
ServiceProviders  however, I would like to expand this if possible  
and be more specific about the services/skills associated with each  
person or organization.

If you would like to be considered for this "vendor" list, which has  
been put together by the Foundation, to be posted on the website and  
augmented in the wiki, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can discuss further about what additional  
information I will need in order to list your services.

Michele Kimpton

Exec Director, DSpace Foundation

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] (no subject)

2007-07-17 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear members of the community,

Today we have officially launched the new foundation, with the  
support and help of the HP Press Relations team and MIT Library Press  
( they did a fantastic job!).  To coincide with the Foundation  
announcement we have redesigned and launched a new DSpace.org  
website.  The purpose of redesigning the website was to achieve the  

-Give the website broader appeal from those outside or new to the  

-move it to an opensource platform, called Joomla, so the community  
can actually add content once they are registered users ( like news/ 

-Be able to incorporate forums, blogs ect if these become useful to  
the community.

The website is in no way intended to replace or duplicate the content  
on the wiki.  The wiki is the key place for all the developers and  
interactive users to find the most complete sources of information.   
The website is just a "lightweight" more organized slice of what the  
community at large is doing.

I would welcome any feedback you have, please remember this is a work  
in progress, and it was produced in the true- start up fashion- on a  
shoe string budget with a few people putting in very long hours.  In  
particular I would like to thank Margaret Waters for all her hard  
work on this.

If anyone in the community knows Joomla- or is interested in becoming  
a content producer on any section of the website- let me know and we  
can set you up with access to do so- in the true open source way!

Michele Kimpton
Exec Director, DSpace Foundation

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Submissions to User Conference this fall

2007-06-05 Thread Michele Kimpton
To all:

This fall, October 17th-19th, there will be a user group meeting for  
DSpace held in Rome, sponsored by Casper, CILEA, and FAO.  If you are  
interested in attending and presenting at this conference ( the first  
user group meeting in Europe since April 2006) please submit your  
abstract by June 15th to the program committee.  The abstract should  
be a brief summary of your presentation.  The committee is most  
interested in the following topics, however all presentations are  
welcome for submittal:

*those who have mature installations, and can share their experience  
of what
works both with the technology and with persuading content-owners to  
* those with innovative applications of Dspace, perhaps for content  
than research outputs;
* those for whom their Dspace repositories are an important element in
digital object preservation.

For more information on the conference please visit http:// 


We hope to see you there,

Michele Kimpton
Exec Director DSpace Foundation

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] editing the Wiki

2007-05-23 Thread Michele Kimpton
To the DSpace Community,

Many of you have had issues editing the DSpace wiki over the last  
several weeks unless you were promoted to "cadet" status.  I am happy  
to say, thanks to the hard work of Alex Brennan, the problem has been  
fixed for now.

Over the past several months the wiki needed to be locked down due to  
spam issues.  We have now installed a captcha pass- so for a new  
user, during registration, they must type in the funny looking  
letters into a box to verify it is a real person. Once registered the  
person has full edit capability.

For those of you who are already registered- your full editing  
capability has been restored on the public pages.  If you had cadet  
status- your system capabilities remain the same.

If you are still having issues or have questions on being able to  
edit the site please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Request from the DSpace Foundatin

2007-05-10 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear DSpace  community,

I have recently accepted the position as Executive Director for the  
DSpace foundation.  The foundation will be newly formed non-profit  
corporation that will supply organizational, legal and financial  
support to the DSpace software project.  I expect  the corporation  
will become a legal entity in the next two months, the papers are  
currently being filed and a Board of Directors has been established.

Over the next several months I hope to get input from many of you in  
the community as to how the foundation can assist the community in  
the short and long term.  I plan on putting together a roadmap for  
the foundation to outline a plan for the next several years, and  
sharing that with you at upcoming conferences and online.

I do have a few projects in the short term I would like to ask for  
your help.  We would like to submit all the current public DSpace  
sites to Internet Archive for the public two billion page crawl  
funded by the Mellon Foundation(find out more at http:// 
wa.archive.org/aroundtheworld/).  I n order to do this I need a  
complete list of sites.  If you have not done so, please add you site  
to the DSpace wiki over the next few days at http://wiki.dspace.org/ 
index.php/DspaceInstances.  Note that you may need to register  
yourself to edit the page and if you have problems with that please  
let me know.

To announce the formation of the DSpace Foundation and help promote  
the DSpace projects we would like your help in coming up with some  
success stories, for example, how items have been used in your DSpace  
installation to promote further research and collaboration.  We would  
also like to know what is the most popular or unique item in your  
DSpace installation.  Please email me back with the next two weeks  
with your stories and favorite items.  Or you can post on the wiki at  

Thank-you for your help, and I look forward to a successful launch of  
the new DSpace Foundation.


Michele Kimpton
Exec Director, DSpace Foundation

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