thanks Stuart! It is working like a charm now.



On 7-Jan-08, at 11:05 PM, Stuart Lewis [sdl] wrote:

> Hi Maike,
>> For some reason the generated reports keep on displaying the title
>> Statistics for Edinburgh Research Archive on neptune <== our server
>> name>
>> The dspace name setting in dspace.cfg is set to our own name, and I
>> can find nowhere in the, the stat executables,  
>> the
>> dstat.cfg or anywhere else where this can be changed. I did restart
>> the tomcat server after doing the necessary changes.
> Have you changed the last two lines in [dspace]/config/dstat.cfg:
> # the name and url of the service being reported on
> Research Archive
> host.url=
> Once those have been changed, you will probably need to (AFTER  
> BACKUP) remove all the files: [dspace]/log/*.dat (NOT *.log) which  
> are the
> data files created by the statistics log analyser. These dat files  
> hold the
> Edinburgh name and URL. You can then re-run all the stats scripts  
> (including
> the stat 'initial' scripts) and hopefully the problem might be solved.
> Thanks,
> Stuart
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