Hi, Antonio,

I would suggest a better approach is to remove html tags from dc values, 
as far as possible.
If there are documents that needs to have html or other formatting codes 
included, attach these documents as bitstream files.

HKU Hub Administrator, http://hub.hku.hk

Antonio Cuomo wrote:
> dear D-Space developer/user
> i have a question:
> i have some html code in my Database in the description field, of 
> course the html have been transformed in plain text.
> so the database entry is:
> <h3> hello </h3> </br><p>it is a description <p>
> when DSpace shows the database content it actually shows the text:
> <h3> hello </h3> </br><p>it is a description <p>
> while i wuold like to say the html resoults instead:
> *hello*
> it is a description
> How can i do it?
> i see two possibilities:
> -  Overwrite the java class that take data from the database and send 
> them to manakin in order to decode the html
> - working at Mankin level(but it seems me pretty much more 
> complicated):in the file DIM-Handler.xsl
>  <xsl:if test="dim:fie...@element='description' and not(@qualifier)]">
>              ...
>                         <xsl:copy-of select="./node()"/>     <-- call 
> some html decoder here
>              ...         
>             </xsl:if>
> I'm sure i'm not the first one who had this need... and i can see some 
> security issues concerned with the solution
> can somebody give me some indication or "a solution"?
> Thank you very much
> Antonio
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