[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Multiple 2820s / one callsign question

2010-06-02 Thread ae5pl

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Gary Pearce KN4AQ kn...@... wrote:

 Is the 8th position ID character included in call sign routing to 
 individuals? If I have KN4AQ and KN4AQ^^A both registered (which I do, with 
 ^ meaning the space character), are they treated totally separately?

Yes.  John is correct; all 8 characters are used for the routing.  A better 
term than call sign routing might be station routing.  The D-STAR spec 
defines the first 7 characters as the callsign and the 8th character as the 
station ID.  All 8 characters are used for station to station routing.

Hope this helps.


Pete AE5PL

[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Multiple 2820s / one callsign question

2010-06-01 Thread ae5pl
Per my prior post: the 8th character is considered an ID character.  Within the 
current confines of the Icom gateway software, that character can be a space or 
A through Z.  Program each radio with an unique ID character and you are good 
to go.  If you intend to use a gateway, be sure to log into your registration 
page and register each ID you select.

Hope this helps.


Pete AE5PL

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Steve Lewis n8...@... wrote:

 Which is what I was afraid of.  How have other users worked around this?


2010-05-23 Thread ae5pl
The issue is the symbol (or actually the lack of a symbol).  The APRS packet 
should actually be
where 's' is a character denoting the symbol used for your station. The symbol 
is a setable value in the 2820, consists of 2 characters, usually '/' (between 
the latitude and longitude) and another character denoting what symbol to use.  
If you manually set this up (I am not fully familiar with the 2820 programming) 
to something other than one of the 2820's predefined symbols, I am guessing 
that you tried to use a space or something else that is not allowed and the 
2820 choked on it.  Try using one of the predefined symbols in the 2820 and 
that should take care of it.


Pete AE5PL

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Steve Lewis n8...@... wrote:

 Although I won't do it on a permanent basis, I want to be able to 
 broadcast my location via DPRS.  I set the radio for GPS-A, set the 
 unproto for API282,DSTAR* .
 My packets are sorta getting out there, but aprs.fi says this:
 2010-05-23 04:02:09 UTC: 
 N8TFDAPI282,DSTAR*,qAR,K8BIG-B:!3912.21N08421.73W/ [Unsupported packet 
 Any thoughts?


2010-05-23 Thread ae5pl
Go to http://www.aprs-is.net/dprs.aspx for information on the D-PRS translation 
and how to configure your radio.

As far as GPS-A vs. GPS modes, the D-STAR radios are not designed as 
interactive tracking radios.  Some radios will show a transmitting station's 
position information if the transmitting station is in GPS mode.  However, 
there is no memory and little error control.  GPS-A mode is not displayed on 
remote D-STAR radio displays but is much more reliable due to the use of a CRC 
to error check the received data and due to the transmission of a single line 
instead of a group of lines.  This is very important considering that the 
portion of the DV bit stream that is used for the GPS information has no error 
protection and is very susceptible to bit errors (the bit stream is a 4800 bps 

If your intent is to be seen in the APRS world via D-PRS, then GPS-A mode is 
the more reliable.  If your intent is to have some other D-STAR users see your 
position on their display while you transmit, the GPS mode is the way to go.  
GPS mode if properly configured (see link above) will get you into APRS as 
well; just not as reliably.  Use what fits your intended goals.

Hope this helps.


Pete AE5PL

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, J.Gordon Beattie, Jr., W2TTT 
w2...@... wrote:

 What do RMC and GCA mean?

These are GPS strings that the radios use to send over the air.  The selection 
is done via menu (or software) in the radio.

 Do I need to register somewhere for my DSTAR position reports to show up on

No, just follow the instructions at http://www.aprs-is.net/dprs.aspx

 I have already registered as a user on the NJ2DG system and can access
 Thanks  73,
 Gordon Beattie, W2TTT


2010-02-03 Thread ae5pl
--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Radioman \Tony\ n...@... wrote:
 i was wondering now that i have the GPS mic on the 92AD where can i see 
 this data on a map...
 does it show up on UI-View? via APRS?

Check out http://www.aprs-is.net/dprs.aspx for information on how to configure 
your radio to show up on APRS.  D-STAR DV (D-PRS) and AX.25 (APRS on RF) are 
two completely different protocols so transmitting D-STAR on 144.39 will not 
get you seen on APRS.  You must either use a D-STAR repeater or a frequency 
that has a D-STAR D-PRS IGate listening.


Pete AE5PL


2010-01-22 Thread ae5pl
--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Francis f...@... wrote:

 I have a friend running a hotspot, with DPRS interface in Aspen Co., N1GAU-E, 
 which is connected to REF010-c.
 It is sending out it's location just fine. However, the user there, KB1AEV is 
 sending his location info from his 92AD with GPS mic and his location is not 
 showing up. We tested this with the equipment here in CT and it all worked 
 fine. He has not changed anything. The question is, what sends the DPRS info 
 to the internet when a hotspot is involved.
 I see his GPS data on my DVtool screen and it looks correct.

His D-PRS Interface will be the application to send the positions to APRS-IS.  
To do this, he must have the server passcode entered in D-PRS Interface and an 
APRS-IS server and port set into the configuration.  He can contact me at pete 
at ae5pl dot net to receive his passcode if he has not done so already.

The 92AD must be programmed per the instructions at 
http://www.aprs-is.net/dprs.aspx for the position reports to show up on APRS-IS 
and the GPS must have a position lock.  Be advised that connecting a GPS mic to 
the 92AD causes it to default to a beacon every 5 seconds and should be reset 
to a much longer interval (or not at all for normal D-STAR usage).  The radio 
will send position reports everytime he transmits voice.

Hope this helps.


Pete AE5PL


2010-01-22 Thread ae5pl
D-PRS Interface lets you look at the serial stream directly (without 
interpretation) by selecting Direct under View in the main menu.  If Direct is 
not selected, it only shows you what passes CRC or FCS per the D-PRS 
specification.  If it is not connecting properly to the hot spot serial TCP 
port, that should show in the Error Log (under Tools in the main menu).


Pete AE5PL

--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Francis Miele f...@... wrote:

 Thanks Pete. The DPRS interface is setup correctly. I have asked him to
 check his radio again.
 Fran, W1FJM

[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Finally, an Open G2 that runs on ICOM repeater-controller hardware.

2009-10-03 Thread ae5pl
--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Bob McCormick W1QA ya...@... wrote:

 D-STAR is not a trademark of ICOM America.

Umm, yes it is in the US.  Actually, it is a trademark of Icom Incorporated, 
not Icom America.  
http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=docstate=4001:80rd3f.2.1  I believe, 
specifically, this is in reference to their D-STAR logo but nonetheless...


Pete AE5PL