[dwm] horizontal/vertical tiling behaviour

2008-03-21 Thread Anthony Brown

I'm using the latest dwm version from the repository and I noticed the
following behaviour when switching between vertical and horizontal

When in vertical tiling mode and then pressing mod-h and then repeatedly
pressing mod-h the tiling toggles between horizontal and vertical. The
same can be done with mod-v. From the function names in config.h I
assume this is not the intended behaviour?


Re: [dwm] java 7 and dwm

2008-01-22 Thread Anthony Brown
On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 12:07:51PM +0100, Richard Pöttler wrote:
   With this Java and dwm-4.7, I'm still getting the gray windows.
   java -version
   java version 1.7.0
   IcedTea Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b21)
   IcedTea Client VM (build 1.7.0-b21, mixed mode, sharing)
   Any suggestions?
  Is IcedTea based on the Sun source code?
 According to [1], yes (at least most of the parts, it seems):

The JDK I tried is:

java version 1.7.0-ea
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-ea-b24)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 12.0-b01, mixed mode)


[dwm] java 7 and dwm

2007-12-27 Thread Anthony Brown
Hi All,

FYI: I just downloaded and early binary release of JDK 7 and it looks
like the new Java version behaves properly with dwm (using 'standard'
dwm-4.7). I tried using some Gui apps that gave me the infamous grey
windows with Java6 (or Java5 without setting AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit) and
so far no problems occured.


Re: [dwm] column layout revival?

2007-09-04 Thread Anthony Brown
Hi Anselm,

I never really view more than 1 tag at a time so I would certainly be
interested in giving your suggestions a try.


On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 05:57:49PM +0200, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 A couple of weeks ago I decided to cancel my mail concerning
 about changing dwm the wmii-way somewhat, because I got afraid
 for some reason.
 But now I wanna ask you as dwm-community, what do you think
 about the idea to change dwm more into the wmii-way?
 What I have in mind from time to time, esp. when being forced to
 work with a standard resolution monitor is, that I'd like to see
 the basic wmii column layout - but without column modes (simply
 equal) and without all other clunk. To achieve this, we would
 loose the ability to view more than one tag - but gaining the
 layout preservation on the other side and having a real column
 layout, which means allowing to move windows between the columns
 left- and right-wards (which may create new columns) resp. up-
 and down-wards to move them in the stack.
 For simplicity reasons I won't like to see any layout modes
 (they won't work anyways with decor-less windows).
 So what do you think about this idea?
  Anselm R. Garbe  http://www.suckless.org/  GPG key: 0D73F361

Re: [dwm] Please test hg tip

2007-02-13 Thread Anthony Brown
On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 03:02:50PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 02:28:48PM +0100, Anthony Brown wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 01:49:16PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
   I made configurerequest() simplier, so please test hg tip, would
   like to know if dwm behaves still correctly. For me it works so
   far correctly (having tested gvim, emacs, ff, mplayer,
   If there are no complains I'll release 3.5 in the evening...
  Hi, I have a problem with gvim. It starts up fine but as soon as a
  switch to a different tag the window is resized to a size larger than the
  screen size (I start gvim with a keyboard shortcut, specifying a
  geometry and position for the window).
 Please recheck, I pushed a fix.

Yes, works fine now, I also tested a few other floating apps and found
no problems.


Re: [dwm] Please test hg tip

2007-02-13 Thread Anthony Brown
On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 03:02:33PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 03:57:22PM +0200, Can Burak Cilingir wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 01:49:16PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
   I made configurerequest() simplier, so please test hg tip, would
   like to know if dwm behaves still correctly. For me it works so
   far correctly (having tested gvim, emacs, ff, mplayer,
   If there are no complains I'll release 3.5 in the evening...
  I do not have idea about the code background ow dwm, but I spotted a bug.
  I get a fresh dwm copy, and confirmed the bug.
 Hehe, that is a great bug report! Thanks for your work. I think
 I fixed it in hg tip. Please recheck.

Just out of curiousity I tried the same thing with seamonkey (using hg
tip) and after closing the second window the one in the master area gets
resized to the whole screen, so far so good,  but then when I press F11
it occupies only the master area (the stack area shows the remnants of
the full screen seamonkey window and when I switch to another tag and
then back the stack area shows whatever was there in the other tag).


Re: [dwm] Please test hg tip

2007-02-13 Thread Anthony Brown
On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 05:41:52PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
   Hehe, that is a great bug report! Thanks for your work. I think
   I fixed it in hg tip. Please recheck.
  Just out of curiousity I tried the same thing with seamonkey (using hg
  tip) and after closing the second window the one in the master area gets
  resized to the whole screen, so far so good,  but then when I press F11
  it occupies only the master area (the stack area shows the remnants of
  the full screen seamonkey window and when I switch to another tag and
  then back the stack area shows whatever was there in the other tag).
 I believe the F11 handling in ff is totally broken, I can't
 speak of seamonkey, but F11 does not respects the client window
 geometry in all cases as far as I tested it. And I believe it is
 not a dwm issue, because it also occures in earlier dwm issues
 and in other wms, which I tested so far.

Well, it's not a useful sequence of operations in any case, so not much
to worry about I guess.


Re: [dwm] uriel sez the default config is retarded

2007-02-09 Thread Anthony Brown
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:32:35AM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 So out of curiosity, I ask, who uses the default config? And if
 not, what changes do you make (you can diff the default config
 to mine, I use dmenu and some different shortcuts).
 Maybe it would be time to rethink some values of the default
 config, esp. some shortcuts?
 1. You stick with default config?
 2. You basically stick with default config, but
a) use different colors/font
b) use dmenu
c) use some different shortcuts
d) use more rules
 3. You use totally different shortcuts?
 4. You use totally different config?

Hi Anselm,

Option 2 in my case. I use dmenu and have my specific shortcut for a new
xterm. Otherwise I only change the colours and add rules for clients
that I often use that need to be in float mode.


Re: [dwm] Again client titles and nmaster indicator

2007-01-15 Thread Anthony Brown
On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 07:33:42PM +, David Tweed wrote:
 Anyway, the nice thing about title windows is that they provide
 the SAME visual interface for various applications. For example,
 my xterms are configured with only a $ as the visible prompt and
 put the current directory into the window title; otherwise I'd have to
 find the line with the cursor on to find out what the current directory is.
 With vim, if the current file isn't put in the title I've got to find it
 on the line at the bottom of the screen. With an document viewer
 (eg, evince, etc) I've got to open the file menu. Etc.
 The point I'm trying to make here is that there's a different thing
 to do to find out the window title for each application, rather than
 one global action for all the applications. That's why window
 managers ( to an extent toolkits) exist right? So each application
 doesn't define it's own way of performing common acitons like
 moving windows, etc.
 Anway, I wouldn't object to titles being configured out by default
 but I don't see much actual practical gain (as opposed to LOC bragging)
 in removing the code.

I agree that window title bars remain very useful, even if they are
annoying sometimes for small windows. I do like the added visual clue
for focus with a different border colour. I see now that the status area
has the same colour as the unselected tags. In previous versions my
colours for the status area were the reverse from those for unselected
tags, making the status area stand out more. Maybe you could consider
such a reverse video scheme for the status area? (I admit this depends
on the colour scheme one uses)


Re: [dwm] Java Saga Continues...

2006-12-21 Thread Anthony Brown
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 09:35:50PM -0500, Pavel Tatashin wrote:
 Good day everyone!
 I understand Arg has done a good investigation into Java problem, but
 it is  still an actual problem.
 To set AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit Is a good solution until you need to use
 Java's drag 'n drop operations. I spent half night debugging my JTree
 to find out that DnD does not work because of Java vs. DWM issues...
 Is this is not enough?
 Well here is a more serious problem on Java's side. If
 AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit is set Java VM 6, 64 bit version segfaults...
 At least on Linux (checked with FC6) (JDK 5 64 bit works fine)
 While the later one is purely Sun's fault, has anyone found a solution
 to the first issue? I so got used to DWM and really hate to start
 other WM just to work on my project.. :-(

Same here, on my amd64 system with Java6 and MToolkit my java app
crashes. Without MToolkit the behaviour of the app (reaction to menu
button clicks) is not quite as I would expect so Java6 seems to have
even more problems with dwm. I seem to remember from what I read on
Sun's web pages that MToolkit will be removed from Java in the future
(maybe it's already gone) so this problem will remain.


Re: [dwm] Java Saga Continues...

2006-12-21 Thread Anthony Brown
On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 12:44:28PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 12:41:03PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 12:15:42PM +0100, Sander van Dijk wrote:
   On 12/21/06, Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I fear there is no simple solution unless Sun don't fixes the
   JDK properly. Introducing frames for each client would mean much
   more resource consumption of X, and the dwm codebase would get
   more complex - one would need to change nearly all
   resize-related stuff, manage() and unmanage(), besides extending
   Client struct with Client-fwin.
   Just a (probably silly) idea: would reparenting to the parent help? I
   haven't read Sun's sources myself, but from what I understand these
   java progs discard all configurenotify's and resizes if they are not
   reparented (or rather, _until_ they are reparented). If one would
   reparenting such a window to what already is its parent, this java
   stuff might still react to the ReparentNotify this generates. For the
   rest nothing would change, so dwm's codebase wouldn't need to change
   any further. If this works, a nice /* stupid hack to work around java
   issue */ above the code would suffice I think.
   Note that I don't really have a clue about this stuff, so this might
   all be nonsense; decided to share it anyway in case it isn't garbage
   though :-)
  I checked this already a while ago, but no that won't help. In
  the Java Odyssey discussion I pointed to the Insets method, which
  performs an XQueryTree(3X11) to check the window hierarchy.
  We need a real parent window which is not the root window.
  One ugly trick which comes to my mind is, using a parent window
  for all, which is not the root window. This could be a solution,
  but I'm not sure about its impacts yet. Will investigate further
  during 23c3 into this issue.
 Nah nah nah, when remembering how the insets were calculated,
 that's not a solution... This stupid Java crap would determine a
 window decoration of the rest screen space which is not covered
 by a client window in such a situation.

I don't think dwm should be adjusted to the fact that Java developers
did such a poor job at writing the backend for X. Complaints should be
directed to Sun. That's of course all fine as a principle but in the
meantime some sort of practical solution would be nice (although for now
continuing with Java5 is just fine).

I'll try and experiment a bit more over the holliday period.


Re: [dwm] Please check no-gravitate() hg tip

2006-12-12 Thread Anthony Brown
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 07:55:43AM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 I'd like to see people testing hg tip, I removed gravitate().
 Does this break anything?

Hi Anselm,

Worked without gravitate() for a whole day now (using xterms, seamonkey,
vim, eclipse, acrobat) and didn't notice any problems so far.


Re: [dwm] Fwd: Re: dwm + java

2006-12-08 Thread Anthony Brown
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 10:52:17AM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 - Forwarded message from Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 10:51:50 +0100
 From: Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sander van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: dwm + java
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i
 Another idea which could be related to it? Maybe this Java
 toolkit stuff has trouble if the client window border is set to
 1px? That might also be an interesting check, because it might
 be that those apps work fine without a WM, because in such a
 situation no border is set (however, usually any WM sets the
 border of client windows at least to 0).

Hi Anselm,

Does this require a straightforward change to the DWM code (setting the
border to 0px or not setting a border)? I'd be happy to test what the
affect on my Java app would be.


Re: [dwm] Fwd: Re: dwm + java

2006-12-08 Thread Anthony Brown
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 12:30:01PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 12:21:56PM +0100, Anthony Brown wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 10:52:17AM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
   - Forwarded message from Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 10:51:50 +0100
   From: Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Sander van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: dwm + java
   User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i
   Another idea which could be related to it? Maybe this Java
   toolkit stuff has trouble if the client window border is set to
   1px? That might also be an interesting check, because it might
   be that those apps work fine without a WM, because in such a
   situation no border is set (however, usually any WM sets the
   border of client windows at least to 0).
  Hi Anselm,
  Does this require a straightforward change to the DWM code (setting the
  border to 0px or not setting a border)? I'd be happy to test what the
  affect on my Java app would be.
 No, I think consider all places which match 'Border' being
 uncommented (and in manage being set to 0 instead of 1)...
 But I'm not sure those Java apps really have problems with
 border=1... Let me know!


I changed the value of BORDERPX in dwm.h to 0 and then to 3, this has no
effect on the Java app. Without setting AWT_TOOLKIT to MToolkit I
still get the same problems.

I will do the other test later when I have more time on my hands.


Re: [dwm] unicode characters in status

2006-12-07 Thread Anthony Brown
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 10:23:43AM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 Hi there,
 I've good news, I believe I have fixed all locale/UTF-8 related
 problems in dwm and dmenu.
 Actually for me it works fine, if I use en_US.UTF-8 as locale
 and the terminus-UTF-8 capable font. All glyphs are rendered
 correctly when visiting following URLs with firefox in the dwm
 title rendering:
 The following does not work:
 (but related to terminus font that does not contain fontsets for chinese)
 Well, how does the fix look like?
 I moved the setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ); from draw.c to main.c, and
 I use locale.h instead of Xlocale.h - basically that's all
 already. Xlib seems to work improperly if that is not done

Yep, works for me (I can't check the russian though, no cyrillic fonts



Re: [dwm] unicode characters in status

2006-12-07 Thread Anthony Brown
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 12:20:00PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 I'm not sure if something like a -u toggle for dwm and dmenu
 could be considered useful for such people, which has the effect
 to disable the whole locale/UTF-8 handling. But who uses such
 locales still today? Or in other words, who uses a font which is
 not compatible with the locale in use? Shall we ignore the


I think the best way to tackle this issue is to point the fonts/locale
issue out in the manpages for dwm and dmenu (or in a readme) so that
people are at least encouraged to look into their font setups before
complaining about dwm. I have had lots of trouble in the past with font
in other WMs and at least with dwm things are relatively simple (if one
is happy with a font like terminus and simple xterms).

I don't think dwm should try to anticipate all possible font/locale
setups. Given that dwm will be used by people who are already happy to
configure and compile it by themselves, they should also be willing to
invest a little effort in getting the fonts right.


Re: [dwm] tag-used indicator dots

2006-12-01 Thread Anthony Brown
On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 04:54:25PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 04:53:45PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 04:26:22PM +0100, Sander van Dijk wrote:
   On 12/1/06, Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 03:29:11PM +0100, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
Making a release?
   No, let's wait some days... This change needs a mental settle first ;)
   Hm, this is better than the full rectangle, yet I find it visually
   unpleasing; I'd like to see the following (I'd already have tried it
   if I were at a unix box, but I am not):
   - dot in the bottom right.
   - line on top 3/4 width, line on the left side 1/2 height, both 1 px
   from the side, joining at the topleft corner.
   This would be pretty much like some of the stuff we've seen today, but
   less 3d and maybe nicer to see than the current situation (basically I
   just don't like the line being angleless).
  Yeah, I also don't feel so well with the hg tip atm. I got a
  different idea, which basically would work as follows:
  - no dot at all
  - tags of focused client are indicated through border and bottom

Hi Anselm,

This does not work for me. It's not clear to which the tags the vertical
lines belong and I find I have to look at the status bar longer to
figure out what's going on.

The original set-up with the dots was quite satisfactory as far as I'm
concerned. A combination of dots for occupied tags and a rectangle for
the tags of the focussed client is also okay but more obtrusive than
just the dots.


Re: [dwm] Interesting idea by Gottox

2006-11-30 Thread Anthony Brown
On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 10:54:27AM +0100, Enno Gottox Boland wrote:
 I don't want to get rid of view() completely. I only wouldn't use it
 in my environment anymore, because it let me work in a workspace way.
 I don't think kicking view out of the main distribution is the way to
 make non-power-users happy.
 My idea is to make it easier to work only the tagging way. Not to make
 it difficult to use dwm's tags as workspaces.


I basically use tags as workspaces, i.e., as a way to organize the
clients depending on what they are used for. So for me removing view()
would be annoying, although I could live with it if the CTRL would be
dropped from the shortcut for adding/removing clients from the view (to
keep the number of keystrokes down). (I know I could configure this
myself but it would be a nice default if view() is removed.)
