Re: [dwm] Suckess Code Management

2009-03-13 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 22:57:08 -0600
Neale Pickett wrote:

 I am astounded by how many respondents regularly use file managers!

I couldn't live without them.  I used to use dired in Emacs, now I use
the corresponding vim functionality.

If you know what you want, then it is quicker to enter the filename
with completion, be it in bash or zsh or Emacs or vim.

But if you are not sure which files there are and which one you might
wish to operate on, it's surely nice to get a list, to be able to move
the cursor to one of them, and to hit some key to open the PDF in
Evince or the source file in the editor.

I think I want to try TuxCmd, it looks quite cool.


Re: [dwm] more consistent codestyle patch

2008-05-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann

Marc Andre Tanner wrote:

[...] That is, use tabs for indention and spaces for further alignment:
---XGrabButton(dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, c-win, False,
---BUTTONMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);

This way the user can set the tabwidth to whatever he likes and the code
will still look decent.


Is there a tool that does this?


Re: [dwm] Nice suckless password manager

2008-01-25 Thread Kai Grossjohann
I put accounts.txt in an encfs-encrypted directory.  Each password has a 
nickname and a value.  Then I have a script that can

   * list all nicknames
   * print the password for a given nickname
   * put the password for a given nickname into the X selection (for
 pasting with mouse-2)

I think the idea sucks less, but the script itself sucks more.  (It 
tries to support multiple passwords on one invocation, but fails.)  Btw, 
does anyone know how to insert something into the buffer that is used 
for Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V in Gnome-ish and KDE-ish apps?


Amit Uttamchandani wrote:

Hey guys,

I posted a thread on the debian-user mailing list titled Nice GUI/CLI Password 
Manager for Linux.

I got some interesting answers. Mainly:

 1. vim + encfs
 2. Revelation - GTK app
 3. pwsafe - CLI solution but looks like it hasn't been updated in a while
 4. KWallet

After DWM, I've been in a suckless mindset. So from the above looks 
like vim + encfs is a good solution.

What do DWM users use?


if [ $1 = -a ]; then
grep ^PW: $HOME/crypt/accounts.txt | awk -F: '{print $2}'
exit 0
cmd=xclip -i

if [ $1 = -l ]; then
shift 1
for pw in $@; do
case $first in
sleep 1
grep ^PW:${pw}: $HOME/crypt/accounts.txt | awk -F: '{print $3}' | $cmd

Re: [dwm] Xinerama support

2008-01-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann

Stefan Maerkl wrote:

Christian Garbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 12.01.2008 um 00:36:

The inactive head gets a static, perhaps greyed out version of the
window in question.  The active head has the real window with focus,
input and output.
When you move your mouse to the inactive window or select it
otherwise, the inactive and active windows get swapped.

Yes, that's more or less what I was thinking about. Might be better
than windows appearing and disappearing when switching to the other
Note that with my original proposal, windows appeared and disappeared 
only when one toggled the visibility of tags.


Re: [dwm] Xinerama support

2008-01-11 Thread Kai Grossjohann

Anselm R. Garbe wrote:

One problem with using a subset of your tags for a different
screen occures, if a window is tagged with a tag from one screen
and with another tag from a different screen. We cannot display
a window on two screens, at least not mirrored (Xinerama allows
to display portions of windows on different screens however) ;)
IMHO this is a non-problem.  If the tags say that a window should be 
visible on more than one head, then just display it on one of those 
heads and omit it on the others.  Who needs to see the same window twice?

Of course, that opens the question of which head to choose, but I 
believe that a very simplistic approach of assigning a global order to 
the heads would suffice.  Make that order configurable.

There is only one situation where I imagine that the user might be 
surprised: Say the left head displays tags l1 and l2, and the right head 
displays r1 and r2.  And the window has tags l1 and r1.  Say that the 
left head is preferred.

So the window is displayed on the left head.  Suppose the user then 
removes the tag l1 from the left head.  This means that the window will 
jump to the right head.  This jumping of windows might be surprising.

But I do not consider this a major hindrance.


Re: [dwm] Characters still mess up in Xterm/RXVT

2007-12-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann
Pieter Verberne wrote:
 So from 'stand' and 'sys' the lines are cut off! This really makes -much-
 less usable. This occurs both with Xterm and rxvt. (Kai once gave me the
 advice to use urxvt but OpenBSD does not have a port for it.)
At home, I started to use gnome-terminal.  I like it.  I turned off all
decorations, so now it looks like xterm and urxvt: no menubar, no
scrollbar, just the text.


Re: [dwm] Characters in Xterm messed up after window resize.

2007-10-18 Thread Kai Grossjohann
urxvt works better in this regard.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 09:10:40PM +0200, Pieter Verberne wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've got a problem:
 I have a Xterm window in the master area en resize this window by
 placing it in the stacking area (Mod1-Enter). (Ofcourse) my characters
 get messed up because they can't use the full window width anymore. But
 if I press Mod1-Enter again, and the Xterm window goes back to the
 master area, all the characters are (still) messed up! This is really a
 problem becaulse sometimes even ctrl-l can't clean it.
 How do you handle this?
 nmaster patch description:
 This patch restores the ability to have multiple clients in the master
 area of the tiled layout. This feature was dropped from vanilla dwm in
 version 4.4.
 Why should you prevent users from having multible clients in the master area?
 It is also clumsy for me that I can't make a window fullscreen without
 leaving tilling mode.
 Pieter Verberne

Re: [dwm] Triple Screen xorg.conf ?

2007-10-15 Thread Kai Grossjohann

| dwm has no multihead support. It is not designed to work well with
| Xinerama setups: it is designed to work well with high-resolution
| notebook setups and wide-screen setups instead - the default window
| arrangement algorithm seems mutually exclusive of multihead or Xinerama
| setups.

But there is awesome, a fork of dwm, which provides this feature.


On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:43:45AM -0600, A A wrote:

 Anyone out there have a triple screen xorg.conf (individual screens) running
 DWM that you would be willing to share with me?  I can't seem to get DWM to
 treat each screen as a single desktop for some reason.

Re: [dwm] Console Music poll: cmus/moc/mpd

2007-10-05 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 04:23:52PM +0200, Antoni Grzymala wrote:

 It's pretty cool, however I have some major application shortcuts under
 some of these keys which I'd need to redefine and get used to :).

Use a distinct modifier for the WM.  Such as the flag key on a 104/105
key keyboard being Super_L/Super_R, say.


Re: [dwm] Console Music poll: cmus/moc/mpd

2007-10-05 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 04:21:25PM +0200, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 09:06:40AM -0400, Jeremy O'Brien wrote:
 Totally offtopic, but I like your idea to have 1 2 3 4 5 q w e r
 as tags instead of 1 - 9.

z x c v b n m

(Actually, my tags are 1-9 and I just set up keybindings Mod-z through
Mod-m to be aliases for Mod-1 through Mod-7.)


Re: [dwm] [PATCH] An experiment with X resources

2007-09-25 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 10:58:40PM +0200, markus schnalke wrote:

 just want to mention, that this file's name '.Xresources' has changed to
 '.Xdefaults' in newer versions of X

~/.Xdefaults is read by the client on startup.  (This is important for
remote clients -- the ~/.Xdefaults file of the machine running the X
client, not the machine running the X server, is read.)

~/.Xresources is feed to xrdb during the X session startup phase.  The
resources are stored by the X server (in main memory, I guess).  (In the
case of remote clients, the file on the machine running the X server is

Besides the machine, it is also relevant that xrdb preprocesses the file
with ccp.  I use that feature a lot.


Re: [dwm] [patch] Stack columns patch for dwm-4.4.1

2007-09-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann
It would be very useful to have this on


Re: [dwm] [patch] Stack columns patch for dwm-4.4.1

2007-09-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann
I wonder whether it would be good to make this a new layout.  arg keeps
suggesting the name supertile, which I think very well applies to your

That might make future maintenance easier.


[dwm] Dwm and Ubuntu -- how to keep nifty UI features?

2007-09-09 Thread Kai Grossjohann
Having been a Debian user, I now got an Ubuntu box and I wonder what is
the best approach to running dwm on it, so that I won't lose the nifty
UI features that Ubuntu offers, such as the Network Manager and the
update notifications.

Any advice?

(Actually, I use xmonad, but the answers will be applicable to both
window managers, I'm sure.  I ask here because I believe that arg
mentioned Ubuntu before.)


Re: [dwm] column layout revival?

2007-09-05 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 10:34:21PM -0400, voltaic wrote:

 And I don't think a simple layout for DWM will accomplish what Anselm is
 suggesting. Moving clients around in the column goes hand in hand with state
 preservation: One feature would be useless without the other.

Perhaps it works to have a layout with an ncols parameter.  Windows are
arranged in N columns, like so (3 columns, 6 windows):

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |

If the number of windows is not a multiple of N, then the left columns
get fewer windows.

The digits in the above picture show the position of the window in the
window list.  Dwm already maintains a window list: the first window goes
in the master area, the following windows are arranged from top to
bottom in the slave area.

I'm not sure if dwm already has a function to move a window up/down in
the list.  Then moving up/down by 1 would be moving the window to a
different column, and moving up/down by N would be moving to a different
position in the same column (approximately).

I see nothing fundamentally different in this type of layout, I guess it
would fit in well with the existing dwm concepts.


Re: [dwm] column layout revival?

2007-09-05 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 10:34:21PM -0400, voltaic wrote:

 I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but I'm often wondering why other
 people are using DWM if it's not for the tags? If I didn't care about the
 tags and wanted a workspace based WM with layout preservation I feel like
 there are a lot of alternatives that do this already (xmonad, ion, etc.).

In my view, the ability to view more than one tag at the same time is
but one of many useful dwm features.  I use xmonad myself, mainly
because of the Xinerama support, but besides Xinerama, it wouldn't hurt
at all to use dwm.


Re: [dwm] column layout revival?

2007-09-05 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 10:34:21PM -0400, voltaic wrote:

 To me DWM means a window manager that does its job and actually manages my
 windows for me. I have to do as little managing as possible.
 This also means that DWM is completely predictable. Since there is no
 hierarchy other than master/stacked, I know what will happen when I spawn a
 new client or add another tag to my current view.

Well, the windows have an order.  At which position in the order will
the new windows be inserted?

 And I don't think a simple layout for DWM will accomplish what Anselm is
 suggesting. Moving clients around in the column goes hand in hand with state
 preservation: One feature would be useless without the other.

I imagine that one doesn't need much more than the order of windows to
maintain a column layout.  The only additional bit of state I can think
of is the number of windows in each column, which is similar to nmaster:
nmaster applies to the master column only, and the column layout might
need one value for each column except the last.

The order of windows in a column would be determined by the global order
of windows, which is already maintained as state by dwm.


Re: [dwm] layout state per workspace?

2007-08-09 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 08:20:12AM -0500, Kurt H Maier wrote:

 And what happens when my xterm window is tagged with 3(tiled) and
 6(floating)?  What happens when I'm viewing tags 1+3+6?

I thought that wmii could assign more than one tag to a window, but only
display one tag at any given time,

whereas dwm only assigns one tag to a given window, but can display more
than one tag at a time.



Re: [dwm] start maximized patch

2007-07-30 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 08:49:36PM -0400, Jeremy O'Brien wrote:

 Do you use [the monocle layout] personally? Just curious. I couldn't
 find a logical place I'd ever need to use such a layout. For me, it
 became hard to manage all the windows I might have open on one view
 while only being able to switch between them one at a time. Just
 looking for insight into this. :)

I use it often.  I have several programs that I always want to be in
fullscreen mode: Firefox, OpenOffice, Adobe Reader.  I have a tag for
them and then I can easily switch between them.

If a view in monocle layout contains too many clients, then it becomes
difficult to maintain state in the head which clients exists and where
we are in the order.  But if it is just 3 or 4 clients, then one doesn't
need to keep track of things in the head -- it is enough to just cycle
all clients until the one you want pops up.


Re: [dwm] start maximized patch

2007-07-30 Thread Kai Grossjohann
On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 08:01:11PM +0200, pancake wrote:

 ion solves this by showing all the client's title on a single line

I had abandoned all hope and managed to forget, but you put salt into
the wound.


Re: [dwm] LimeWire does not work with dwm

2007-07-10 Thread Kai Grossjohann
From man dwm:

   Java applications which use the XToolkit/XAWT backend may draw
   grey windows only. The XToolkit/XAWT backend breaks
   ICCCM-compliance in recent JDK 1.5 and early JDK 1.6 versions,
   because it assumes a reparenting window manager. As a workaround
   you can use JDK 1.4 (which doesn’t contain the XToolkit/XAWT
   backend) or you can set the following environment variable (to
   use the older Motif back‐end instead): AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit.


Vikas Gorur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,

 I've noticed that LimeWire ( an open source
 P2P client) does not work with dwm. Specifically, the initial Upgrade
 to PRO dialog box appears, but the main window itself is not drawn,
 instead appearing as a grey blob.

 This might be a general problem with the Java UI toolkit, though I
 haven't tested it with any other Java apps.

 Also, I've faced the same problem with ratpoison, but sending a
 repaint event to the window used to fix it..

 Thanks for a great WM!

Verizon Deutschland GmbH - Sebrathweg 20, 44149 Dortmund, Germany - Amtsgericht 
Dortmund, HRB 14952 - Gesch�ftsf�hrer: Donald Badoux - Vorsitzender des 
Aufsichtsrats: Mark Kearns

Re: [dwm] environment var tags

2007-05-20 Thread Kai Grossjohann
xterm -xrm dwm.tags: 1 5


Enno Gottox Boland wrote:

 The X protocol does not transmit any environment variables... There is
 no easy/elegant solution to make this work.

 2007/5/18, carmen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   It would be cool to be able to store/restore the layout composed by
   multiple applications, i mean...

 id like to figure this out, without hacking the config.h

 DWM_TAGS=1 5 xterm

 is it even possible for a window manager to see the environment
 variables of a client?

[dwm] Re: [wmii] 9ubuntu?

2007-03-14 Thread Kai Grossjohann
I would like to suggest going for a plain-X11 variant.  That would
gain a larger user community than the wmii/dwm approach: ctwm, wmaker,
blackbox, fluxbox, fvwm, wm2, wmx, ... users could join in on the fun.

Then you'd get what you want by just adding the wmii and/or dwm

Not sure what to do about the live CD, though.



Anselm R. Garbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi there,

 during last week I evaluated Windows Vista during my freetime -
 I'm not surprised... The whole system is too slow for me and
 contains only few innovations I consider useful (well most of
 them are also part of OS X, though I'm not uptodate with OS X).

 To a long-year X/wmii/dwm user the most annoying part in Windows
 Vista is the inefficient cut'n'paste handling and the manual
 window organization (even the mouse-driven Snarfing of Plan 9 is
 faster than this braindamaged and inconsistent cut'n'paste
 handling of Windows).

 The trip with Windows Vista lead to a reinstallation of ubuntu
 on my notebook (because I had to re-partition my disk), but the
 ubuntu installation also was very disappointing, because of
 this retarded Gnome environment (XFCE, KDE and Gnome altogether 
 are pretty similiar to the Vista Desktop)...

 With each ubuntu/debian installation I have to install dozens
 of packages to setup my system as I like it to be, this sucks.
 I can't even use a live cd to run my environment on any computer
 - the stuff by Michael Prokop called grml (
 contains too much stuff I don't regularly use - although it
 comes very near to what I'd like to have.

 I also notice that there is no real Linux distribution with the
 flavor 'designed for C hackers and 9 lovers' out of the box
 (grml closes the gap for sys admins). So I got the idea that I'd
 like to see a new ubuntu flavor called 9ubuntu for '9 lovers and
 C hacker ubuntu' which comes packed with dwm/wmii and all
 necessary tools for developing C code (*-dev, vim, gcc,
 make, plan9ports,...) instead of those clunky desktop

 What do people think about this idea? Even if this might not
 be officially supported by the ubuntu community, I'd like to see
 something like this, because I need it. Is there anyone
 interested to initiate such a project?

  Anselm R. Garbe  GPG key: 0D73F361

Verizon Deutschland GmbH - Sebrathweg 20, 44149 Dortmund, Germany - Amtsgericht 
Dortmund, HRB 14952 - Geschäftsführer: Donald Badoux - Vorsitzender des 
Aufsichtsrats: Mark Kearns