[dwm] fibonacci layout patch [update for dwm-5.0.1]

2008-07-29 Thread Madhu
Attached is a slightly different implementation of the fibonacci()
function that respects `mfact' for the master window [and lets you
resize your master window with M-j M-k] This worked under hg tip
(1314).  Comments, insights welcome. --Madhu
fibonacci(int shape) {

/* shape = 2 == dwindle
 * shape = 1 == counter clockwise spiral
 * shape = 0 == clockwise spiral

unsigned int i, n, nx, ny, nw, nh;
unsigned int mw, NX0;
Client *c;

for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(clients); c; c = nexttiled(c-next), n++);
if (n == 0)

/* master */
c = nexttiled(clients);
mw = mfact * ww;
resize(c, wx, wy, (n == 1 ? ww : mw) - 2 * c-bw, wh - 2 * c-bw, 

if (--n == 0)

nx = NX0 = (wx + mw  c-x + c-w) ? c-x + c-w + 2 * c-bw : wx + mw;
ny = wy;
nw = (wx + mw  c-x + c-w) ? wx + ww - nx : ww - mw;
nh = wh;

for(i = 0, c = nexttiled(c-next); c; c = nexttiled(c-next)) {
if((i % 2  (nw / 2)  2 * c-bw)
   || (!(i % 2)  (nh / 2)  2 * c-bw))
if ((i+1)   n) {
if (i % 2)
nw /= 2;
nh /= 2;
if ((i % 4) == 0) {
if (shape == 2)
nx += nw;
else if (shape == 1) {
nx += nw;
if ((i+1)  n)
ny += nh;
nx += nw;
else if ((i % 4) == 1) {
if (shape == 2)
ny += nh;
else if (shape == 1) {
ny -= nh;
if ((i+1)  n)
nx += nw;
else {
ny += nh;
if ((i+1)  n)
nx += nw;
else if ((i % 4) == 2) {
if (shape == 2)
nx += nw;
else if (shape == 1)
nx -= nw;
else {
nx -= nw;
if (i+1  n)
ny += nh;
else if ((i % 4) == 3) {
if (shape == 2)
ny += nh;
else if (shape == 1)
ny += nh;
ny -= nh;
if (i == 0)
nx = NX0;
resize(c, nx, ny, nw - 2 * c-bw, nh - 2 * c-bw, resizehints);

Re: [dwm] way towards 5.0

2008-05-22 Thread Madhu
Wrote on Thu, 22 May 2008 20:17:47 +0200:

| - removed reapply()
| I'm not sure removing reapply() and forcing people to restart dwm is a
| neat idea for those using logon managers. Quitting dwm ends my Xsession,
| kills the X clients and takes me back to xdm.
| Perhaps I'm missing something, if so, please clarify.

The first thing I did on getting dwm was to add a (badly named)

startwm(const char *arg) {
static char *shell = NULL;

if(!shell  !(shell = getenv(SHELL)))
shell = /bin/sh;
execlp(shell, shell, -c, arg, (char *)NULL);
fprintf(stderr, dwm: execlp '%s -c %s', shell, arg);

and then add a keybinding, Mod-q, in config.h keys[] to re-exec the process:

{ MODKEY, XK_q, startwm, exec dwm  /dev/null },

I called it `startwm' because I wanted to exec other window managers
too.  but it is really just an exec(2) and spawn doesn't cut it here.

PS Perhaps this could be folded into, or perhaps spawn() could be
layered on top of a different function which could also be used for this

[dwm] fibonacci layout patch [update for dwm-4.9]

2008-05-15 Thread Madhu
Helu kids, the last fibonacci layout patch was for dwm-4.6:
Preserving the logic of that patch, here is an updated fibonacci()
function which works with dwm-4.9 with the default `single' geometry.
It uses tilemaster() to draw the master window (so it can be resized
as usual), and leaves focus and stacking tasks to arrange(),
elsewhere.  Hopefully this can be tested and used to update the
patch for dwm-5.0 when it happens -- Guby, Madhu.

fibonacci(int shape) {
const float fract = 0.5;
unsigned int i, n = counttiled(), nx, ny, nw, nh;
Client *c;

if (n == 0)

c = tilemaster(n);
if (--n == 0)

nx = tx;
ny = ty;
nw = tw;
nh = th;

for(i = 0, c = nexttiled(c-next); c; c = nexttiled(c-next)) {
if((i % 2  nw / 2  2 * c-bw) || (!(i % 2)  nh / 2  2 * 
if((i+1)   n) {
if(i % 2)
nw *= fract;
nh *= fract;
if((i % 4) == 2  !shape)
ny += nh;
else if((i % 4) == 3  !shape)
nx += nw;
if((i % 4) == 0) {
nx += nw;
nx -= nw;
else if((i % 4) == 1)
ny += nh;
else if((i % 4) == 2)
nx += nw;
else if((i % 4) == 3) {
ny += nh;
ny -= nh;
if (i == 0)
nx = tx;
tileresize(c, nx, ny, nw - 2 * c-bw, nh - 2 * c-bw);