A bstack plugin would totally make my day ^^

The togglebar functionality can also be accomplished with DEFGEOM:

DEFGEOM(nobar,  -bw,  0, sw,  0, 0, sw, sh, wx, wy, 0.55*sw, wh, mx+mw,
wy, ww-mw, wh,  wx, wy, ww, wh)


On Tue, 13 May 2008, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:

> a possible bottomstack or togglebar for current tip with a modified 
> updategeom()
> showbar: bar is visible (or invisible)
> topbar: bar position is at top (or bottom)
> verticalsplit: master/stack split is vertical (or horizontal)
> topleftmaster: master is on top/left (or bottom/right)
> these can be macros in config.h so compiler can optimize away the ugly
> conditions or can be ints so eg togglebar() can be implemented as
> int showbar = 1;
> void up(void) {updategeom(); updatebar(); arrange();}
> void togglebar(const char *arg) {showbar = !showbar; up();}
> void
> updategeom(void) {
>       /* bar geometry */
>       bx = 0;
>       by = showbar ? (topbar ? 0 : sh - bh) : -bh;
>       bw = sw;
>       /* window area geometry */
>       wx = sx;
>       wy = showbar && topbar ? sy + bh : sy;
>       ww = sw;
>       wh = showbar ? sh - bh : sh;
>       /* master area geometry */
>       mw = verticalsplit ? mfact * ww : ww;
>       mh = verticalsplit ? wh : mfact * wh;
>       mx = verticalsplit && !topleftmaster ? wx + ww - mw : wx;
>       my = !verticalsplit && !topleftmaster ? wy + wh - mh : wy;
>       /* tile area geometry */
>       tx = verticalsplit && topleftmaster ? wx + mw : wx;
>       ty = !verticalsplit && topleftmaster ? wy + mh : wy;
>       tw = verticalsplit ? ww - mw : ww;
>       th = verticalsplit ? wh : wh - mh;
> }

 Andy Nagels                         
 Astridlaan 29                       
 2580 Putte                          
 tel.: 015/756822                    

 mobile: 0474/827578
 e-mail (privat):                    
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]            

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