Here's my latest DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi in the Finnish Lapland: It was a bit delayed due to a reporting assignment in the Amazon, but here it is, finally. Neat catches especially from North America keep on coming now that we are reviewing recordings with fellow DXer Jim Solatie. I promise to try to get the full log published within a decade or so... ;)

In addition to fervent DXing, I snapped loads of photos and videos, also with a drone. I have inserted three drone videos in the report. Just click the still image, and you get redirected to Youtube to view the videos. They're all HD quality, so set your video quality as good as your internet connection allows. These as well as older videos from Aihkiniemi can be found also directly at

73 & Season's Greetings!
Mika Mäkeläinen on Facebook: (only MW DX)

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