Sarjassamme hienoja vastauskirjeitä:
Kalifornialaisen KSCO:n omistaja Michael L. Zwerling kirjoittaa:

Wow Jim, you get KSCO better than I do!  (just kidding... :-) 

Thanks for the nice note; you INDEED monitored our station, including a spot 
that is most representative of how we are able to survive and thrive as an 
independent in a world of predatory mega-corporate media-owned stations.

When I bought the station on January 31, 1991, a large broadcaster remarked, 
"if you can make money with that station, I'm going to want to read your book."

Well, selling advertising alone we have never been able to make a profit even 
once in the last 22 years, BUT-- we found that when we combined the power of 
talk radio with the power of network marketing, THAT was a different story!

Our mission is to be the ultimate community resource radio station, but to do 
so means we have to employ REAL, QUALITY PEOPLE, not just be a computer in a 
closet that switches between network feeds from the above-mentioned 

We discovered that educating people about the importance of taking charge of 
their own health, and by suggesting premium quality supplements to service that 
end, we were able to bring in more than enough revenue to achieve our goals -- 
and feel quite good about it.

We have since introduced our simple but powerful business model to other 
stations, networks, radio hosts, and podcasters for them to replicate if 
revenue is in short supply for them -- as it is for most....

Two years ago Alex Jones from InfoWars out of Austin TX joined our team.  He 
has an enormous worldwide internet audience including some who listen in 
Finland; I know because we actually have people from Finland who have joined 
our marketing company because of Alex.

Thanks for the invitation to visit; I may just take you up on that someday; 
same goes out to you when you make it to the San Francisco Bay area.

Just to make you feel at home I'll take you to the cold plunge at my local 
fitness club... :-)


Tilaa WRTH 2011 nyt:
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