got the ID ...remember that one started in 1991 during the first gulf
war..used to pick them up on 11710 and 9570..this one is // 9570 kHz.

Just in from Tarek in Egypt:

"19.00 UTC I picked the Iraqi Republic Radio - the voice of the Iraqi
with the news and ID  on a new frequency, 4785kHz first time to hear it on
this freq. used to hear it mainly on 11710 and 9570...if I'm not wrong...
still remember when this station started in 1991 they used to play only
songs for 2 hours no IDs at all I was really confused about this one till
they came up with this confusing ID..Idhaat algomhuriya al Iraqiya - sout al
shaab aliraqi.  around that time the ID of the official Baghdad radio was
the same..till baghdad changed it's ID to Idhaat jomhuriyat AL IRAQ.
it may not catch your ears the difference but around that time.... it was
really REALLY confusing."

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