Re: [DX-CHAT] logs on laptops

2008-02-11 Thread lmecseri -KE1F

What a sad but good advise for today's age.

Lou   KE1F

Charles Harpole wrote:
Now that it is common knowledge that US Customs Agents (and maybe 
other countries' agents) can and will search and even seize travelers' 
laptop computers at border crossings, it is even more important for 
DXpeditions, and others, to store their computer logs in several 
places and several media to avoid loss or delayed access.

When entering the US, let the white guy carry the computer.  73

Charles Harpole

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2008-02-11 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Anyone on the list know Andrew N4OT, or better yet, have an email address
for him?

73, ron w3wn

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[DX-CHAT] call out of turn

2008-02-11 Thread Charles Harpole
When someone calls me several times out of turn when I am calling clearly 
some other call sign I usually then call the offending station and ask Is 
it possible that you heard ABC (your call sign) when I was calling XYZ?  If 
that is true, please tell me so that I can speak more clearly.  Maybe I 
shouldn't do that, but I have done it.
73, HS0ZCW

DXpedition ExpectationsDate: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 23:45:23 +
Superbly stated!
John Owens - N7TK
-- Original message -- From: rfman45 [EMAIL 

  Many of the problems already cited in these current threads are certainly 
contributing factors in today's chaotic world of pileups. Civility in general 
in society is woefully missing and its absence is also felt on the bands.  
Another contributing factor, I believe, is the very high set of expectations 
that DXpeditions set for themselves through advance publicity announcements. 
The high hopes of planners is evident in the press releases, requests for 
information on needed band/modes, planning for favorable propagation and times 
to various areas of the world, real-time online logs, etc. They, and we, want 
the very best possible results.  While I and all DXers wish all DXpeditioners 
the very best success, planners may well be painting themselves into a corner 
in an effort to put their efforts in the best favorable light. DXpeditions to 
difficult-to-reach spots and/or places with problematic governments are, by 
definition, outs ide of the normal course of things and many unexpected events 
can therefore more easily present themselves, derailing even the best laid 
plans. It's not difficult to activate Spain; Heard Island is another matter.  I 
am as enthusiastic as any when an expedition is announced; I have nothing but 
respect for our fellow hams who devote themselves to my favorite aspect of 
operating.  However, the combination of the anticipation of a rare place being 
QRV, the talk of needing this or that band and the final event of the station 
coming on the air makes for an explosive mix that finally ignites in the 
inevitable fracas of the resulting pileup. I'm definitely in favor of advance 
publicity and any necessary fundraising, assistance, etc. but planners must be 
careful not to raise expectations too high and we, in the pileups, have to act 
more reasonably in our conduct and in what we expect. n bsp;   
Best DX es 73,
Mike W2LOSubscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL 
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: Ungrateful

2008-02-11 Thread GERRY
Well said Tom.

ARRL DXCC Card Checker
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-6520
ve6lb (at) telus (dot) net

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom Wylie 
  To: DX-CHAT 
  Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 3:47 AM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Re: Ungrateful

  This is one of my pet subjects.   How I hate it when all you 
  ARMCHAIR DXERS criticise others who are out there busting a 
  gut so that YOU can tick a box on 80m or RTTY or whatever. 
Why don't you put you're destructive thoughts to better 
  use.   The next time they are looking for volunteers for an 
  expedition to a remote, stinking, hot-as-hell, flea ridden, 
  un-populated with no drinking water - Island, WHY DON'T YOU 
  VOLUNTEER TO GO and demonstrate to us that you are such an 
  expert in all things pertaining to an expedition.

  Its not uncommon in the first two or three days of an 
  expedition for everybody to be exhausted by the heat, 
  antenna erection, lack of proper food and water (due to the 
  effort and time required to construct antennas), yet, there 
  are people who love radio and expeditioning so much that 
  even at the end of the working day, will spend a couple of 
  hours on the radio just to give the deserving (AND THAT'S 
  YOU BY THE WAY) the opportunity to have a QSO, even though 
  they should actually be in bed, preparing the the next day's 
  work.   They may not be at their best as they become 
  acclimatised to the heat and humidity, unlike YOU who sits 
  in their air conditioned shack, sipping an ice cold beer and 
  grumbling, about the state of the dollar, your sore back, 
  the fact that you have to get up at 4am to make a contact on 
  160m, the fact that the operator at the other end is a 
  little unskilled etc etc.   How easy it is for you to sit 
  anonymously behind a keyboard and spill your stupid thoughts 
  to anybody who will listen.

  Everybody has to go on an expedition at some point FOR THE 
  FIRST TIME.Being at the DX end it a totally different 
  experience from sittin at home.   I know lots of good CW 
  operators, who will never run a pileup nor be a good contest 
  operator but can sit and rag chew at 35wpm, read the 
  newspaper, talk to their wife and watch TV at the same time. 
 Its a different skillset and one that can only be learned 
  by doing and listening to the other operators in the 

  There may too, be a language difficulty.   Many people who 
  go on expeditions, may not have English as their first 
  language.   It seems to me that sometimes even Americans 
  don't have English as their first language.

  Yes there are a lot of problems planning, organizing and 
  carrying out an expedition.   We don't get it right first 
  time, all of the time.   Sometimes it takes just a small 
  thing to go wrong for the wheel to come off the cart.   I 
  remember as a school kid being told a Moral of the battle 
  that was lost because a horse lost a nail out of its shoe.
  Some operators will always be more skilled than others, as 
  are football and baseball stars, but according to MY ham 
  radio licence, I am taking part in a learning process where 
  I am self taught.

  Someone in an earlier message suggested that you should have 
  a banned list.   I can tell you now, that there are 
  several callsigns IN MY HEAD which I will never work when 
  taking part in an expedition.   They can call me till they 
  are blue in the face but will never get a QSO from me.

  I suspect that many of the contributers to this list are 
  also the policemen of the bands,  the guys who sit and 
  shout, UP UP UP, split, split, split, and other equally 
  un-required and unhelpful remarks, and who cause more QRM 
  than the guy who has simply pressed the wrong button or 
  forgotten to press the right button, but will eventually fix 
  his problem.

  So gentlemen if you have nothing sensible to say then better 
  you say nothing.   Better to be thought a fool than open 
  your mouth and confirm it.

  Just a final comment.   When I was on T33C, we had TWO 
  operators who were 70 years of age.   One has since been to 
  BS7H and he is currently on Cocos.

  73 de Tom
  GM4FDM  (T33C, VP8SDX, OY7TW, TY4TW, V8FDM, GJ4FDM) to name 
  but a few.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition Expectations

2008-02-11 Thread Norm Gertz
Mike and all...human nature will prevail in amateur radio as it does in the 
population as a whole.

The bad actors on the air are the same guys that were the schoolyard bullies' 
those who sneak into lines ahead of you and those who cut you off in traffic.

Their behaviour rarely changes throughout life  The best we can do is to ignore 
them;  they are after all looking for attention.

  - Original Message - 
  Cc: DX Chat 
  Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition Expectations

  Superbly stated!
  John Owens - N7TK

-- Original message -- 
From: rfman45 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Many of the problems already cited in these current threads are certainly 
contributing factors in today's chaotic world of pileups. Civility in general 
in society is woefully missing and its absence is also felt on the bands.
 Another contributing factor, I believe, is the very high set of 
expectations that DXpeditions set for themselves through advance publicity 
announcements. The high hopes of planners is evident in the press releases, 
requests for information on needed band/modes, planning for favorable 
propagation and times to various areas of the world, real-time online logs, 
etc. They, and we, want the very best possible results.
 While I and all DXers wish all DXpeditioners the very best success, 
planners may well be painting themselves into a corner in an effort to put 
their efforts in the best favorable light. DXpeditions to difficult-to-reach 
spots and/or places with problematic governments are, by definition, outs ide 
of the normal course of things and many unexpected events can therefore more 
easily present themselves, derailing even the best laid plans. It's not 
difficult to activate Spain; Heard Island is another matter.
 I am as enthusiastic as any when an expedition is announced; I have 
nothing but respect for our fellow hams who devote themselves to my favorite 
aspect of operating.
 However, the combination of the anticipation of a rare place being QRV, 
the talk of needing this or that band and the final event of the station coming 
on the air makes for an explosive mix that finally ignites in the inevitable 
fracas of the resulting pileup. I'm definitely in favor of advance publicity 
and any necessary fundraising, assistance, etc. but planners must be careful 
not to raise expectations too high and we, in the pileups, have to act more 
reasonably in our conduct and in what we expect.
 n bsp;   Best DX es 73,
   Mike W2LO

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2008-02-11 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX
Gotta give them praise for low band CW operations!  They're really
holding it down on 80/160 tonight.

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[DX-CHAT] Re: Ungrateful

2008-02-11 Thread Tom Wylie

This is one of my pet subjects.   How I hate it when all you 
ARMCHAIR DXERS criticise others who are out there busting a 
gut so that YOU can tick a box on 80m or RTTY or whatever. 
 Why don't you put you're destructive thoughts to better 
use.   The next time they are looking for volunteers for an 
expedition to a remote, stinking, hot-as-hell, flea ridden, 
un-populated with no drinking water - Island, WHY DON'T YOU 
VOLUNTEER TO GO and demonstrate to us that you are such an 
expert in all things pertaining to an expedition.

Its not uncommon in the first two or three days of an 
expedition for everybody to be exhausted by the heat, 
antenna erection, lack of proper food and water (due to the 
effort and time required to construct antennas), yet, there 
are people who love radio and expeditioning so much that 
even at the end of the working day, will spend a couple of 
hours on the radio just to give the deserving (AND THAT'S 
YOU BY THE WAY) the opportunity to have a QSO, even though 
they should actually be in bed, preparing the the next day's 
work.   They may not be at their best as they become 
acclimatised to the heat and humidity, unlike YOU who sits 
in their air conditioned shack, sipping an ice cold beer and 
grumbling, about the state of the dollar, your sore back, 
the fact that you have to get up at 4am to make a contact on 
160m, the fact that the operator at the other end is a 
little unskilled etc etc.   How easy it is for you to sit 
anonymously behind a keyboard and spill your stupid thoughts 
to anybody who will listen.

Everybody has to go on an expedition at some point FOR THE 
FIRST TIME.Being at the DX end it a totally different 
experience from sittin at home.   I know lots of good CW 
operators, who will never run a pileup nor be a good contest 
operator but can sit and rag chew at 35wpm, read the 
newspaper, talk to their wife and watch TV at the same time. 
  Its a different skillset and one that can only be learned 
by doing and listening to the other operators in the 

There may too, be a language difficulty.   Many people who 
go on expeditions, may not have English as their first 
language.   It seems to me that sometimes even Americans 
don't have English as their first language.

Yes there are a lot of problems planning, organizing and 
carrying out an expedition.   We don't get it right first 
time, all of the time.   Sometimes it takes just a small 
thing to go wrong for the wheel to come off the cart.   I 
remember as a school kid being told a Moral of the battle 
that was lost because a horse lost a nail out of its shoe.
Some operators will always be more skilled than others, as 
are football and baseball stars, but according to MY ham 
radio licence, I am taking part in a learning process where 
I am self taught.

Someone in an earlier message suggested that you should have 
a banned list.   I can tell you now, that there are 
several callsigns IN MY HEAD which I will never work when 
taking part in an expedition.   They can call me till they 
are blue in the face but will never get a QSO from me.

I suspect that many of the contributers to this list are 
also the policemen of the bands,  the guys who sit and 
shout, UP UP UP, split, split, split, and other equally 
un-required and unhelpful remarks, and who cause more QRM 
than the guy who has simply pressed the wrong button or 
forgotten to press the right button, but will eventually fix 
his problem.

So gentlemen if you have nothing sensible to say then better 
you say nothing.   Better to be thought a fool than open 
your mouth and confirm it.

Just a final comment.   When I was on T33C, we had TWO 
operators who were 70 years of age.   One has since been to 
BS7H and he is currently on Cocos.

73 de Tom
GM4FDM  (T33C, VP8SDX, OY7TW, TY4TW, V8FDM, GJ4FDM) to name 
but a few.

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[DX-CHAT] logs on laptops

2008-02-11 Thread Charles Harpole
Now that it is common knowledge that US Customs Agents (and maybe other 
countries' agents) can and will search and even seize travelers' laptop 
computers at border crossings, it is even more important for DXpeditions, and 
others, to store their computer logs in several places and several media to 
avoid loss or delayed access.
When entering the US, let the white guy carry the computer.  73

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RE: [DX-CHAT] logs on laptops

2008-02-11 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Actually, no it's not nonsense, John.

I've heard some stories about some of the actions that US Customs  Border 
Patrol have taken with certain individuals entering the country.  And there was 
a story about this on Ed Foster's GripeLine Blog over on Infoworld's site (see ).

You may not know Ed Foster, but trust me, he wouldn't talk about this without 
solid background information.  

So there is some validity with the general suggestion to be cautious when 
entering the US with a laptop.

The slightly racist wisecrack, however, should be ignored.

73, ron w3wn

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of john
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] logs on laptops

It's also nonsense, from a habitual US basher and list troll.

John K5MO

 lmecseri -KE1F [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 What a sad but good advise for today's age.
 Lou   KE1F
 Charles Harpole wrote:
  Now that it is common knowledge that US Customs Agents (and maybe 
  other countries' agents) can and will search and even seize travelers' 
  laptop computers at border crossings, it is even more important for 
  DXpeditions, and others, to store their computer logs in several 
  places and several media to avoid loss or delayed access.
  When entering the US, let the white guy carry the computer.  73
  Charles Harpole
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2008-02-11 Thread Tom Wylie
You can find a picture of the operators including the YL who 
has been on 20mssb  at:

73 de Tom

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