[DX-CHAT] XR7W team accident

2008-02-12 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
Maybe this will put DXpeditioning into perspective for some folks.


Dear all,

Last Friday we successfully arrived to Caleta Tortel after abt 450 km
driving on gravel roads on very mountainous terrain. We boarded our boat
Jorge Montt and left for Wager Island. Due to the bad weather conditions in
the Messier Channel we had to stay overnight in a protected bay. We arrived
to Wager Island on Saturday noon. We quickly set up the antennas at the
tideline and the pileups started. At around 1800 the rain started too and
was followed by gale force winds. The tents were deformed by the wind and
even the ?all weather proof?tents could not resist the sheer pressure of
water and soon we were all soaked. Food, clothes, everything. In the
meantime our boat sought protection from the elements in a protected bay in
Byron Island. By  2000 local we lost contact with them too. We spent the
rest of the night trying to operate, communicate with the CE Navy and
protect ourselves from the rain and wind. At 9 AM we had to reduce operation
to minimum to
 spare gasoline for emergency communication. At 1 PM we were told by the CE
Navy base to leave the island immediately and seek refuge. I had a last
frenetic hour on 17m running EU at 5q/min rates under a piece of plastic
hand keying on my knee and paper logging until the captain gave the final
order to leave. At that moment we had 2400 QSOs from XR7W in the log.
Crossing the channel again at the PeƱas Golf was horrifying. We got back to
Tortel by 5AM Sunday morning. After obtaining the necessary documentation to
Roger we left Tortel at 11AM. Everything was ?fine? until 1930 when near to
a small place called Bahia Murta our rented/borrowed van slipped of the
gravel road and hit a rock frontally and turned upside-down. The car was
frontally damaged and we were first taken to a nearby village called Rio
Tranquillo which  had a first aid outpost where our injuries were inspected
and we were immediately sent to Coyhaique abt 200 km away in an ambulance
car,  the nearest place with a hospital.

There we were inspected more thoroughly and xrayed. Vlad RV1CC was diagnosed
with a broken left upper arm, Marco CE6TBN with cuts and bruises and a
broken rib, Yuri RA0FU with cuts and me  with a broken finger (not cw!), a
broken rib and am suffering from compression on the torax bone. The question
this morning was if Vlad had to be operated here or can be flown home to
SPB. I feel very lucky to survive that accident  and I hope we all get the
fit-to-fly (sic!) clearance asap.

Of course our first priority at the moment is to get out from Coyhaique. The
damage in car, equipment and additional costs are estimated in excess of 11k
euro. Some photos were taken, as soon as I will a bit more fit, I will
publish them somewhere. If you can and want to contribute to lessen this
damages please feel free to contact me via this email. Please feel free to
circulate this info bulletin.

This expedition took us to the most difficult places in non-Antarctic Chile
and it frustrates me that we missed the very last step.


zoli ce7/ha1ag from Coyhaique, Chile 

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[DX-CHAT] BCI on FT rigs???

2008-02-12 Thread Charles Harpole
Any DXers who can comment on BCI control/elimination via the FT-2000/9000 
series using the DMU filters, pse send privately to me.  HELP!Charles [EMAIL 

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2008-02-12 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Thanks to all who responded with information about Andy N4OT.  I've been
able to make contact with him and take care of the matter at hand.

Without getting into specifics, something was mailed to me that should have
gone to him.  I guess whomever was putting the labels together somehow got
his call and my last name mixed up, or got our labels mixed up, or whatever.
Andy is now aware that the information has been delayed but is on it's way.

Nice guy.  And I'm impressed.  He tells me that he's worked 160 Meter DXCC
(his 9th band) with 100 W on a Carolina Windom at 35 feet!


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ron Notarius
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 6:02 PM
To: DX Chat Reflector
Subject: [DX-CHAT] N4OT

Anyone on the list know Andrew N4OT, or better yet, have an email address
for him?

73, ron w3wn

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