[DX-CHAT] Whatever happened to...?

2009-03-12 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN

While doing a little research on the upcoming K4M Midway DXpedition, I stumbled on the site of the Midway/Kure DX Foundation's K7K  K4M operations circa 1997/8, at http://www.qsl.net/eudxf/stories/k7k.html (The web page is undated, but refers to the "previous" 1996 Midway expedition  a 1997 survey)

At the end of the article is this curious little tidbit:

"Following Kure, the team returned for a 2-night, one-day stay on Midway where they made approx. 3,000 QSOs as K4M before returning to Kauai and onward to their respective homes. As chairman of the Midway-Kure DX Foundation, Frank AHØW and Yuuji Yoshitani JA3IG/K1NT also worked out an arrangement with officials on Midway whereby two permanent HF stations will be installed in Midway's hangar to include two fully-equipped ICOM HF tions and Force-12, Cushcraft and other antennas. The stations should be ready beginning the first of 1999."

Whatever happened to those two stations?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Whatever happened to...?

2009-03-12 Thread Michael Keane K1MK
From Appendix L of the FWS's Midway Visitor Services Plan 

The former amateur radio base station was in the main aircraft hangar, 
a building which is in serious disrepair and contains asbestos. A new 
but much smaller airport operations building will be constructed in the 
near future. We do not believe it would be safe to reopen the former 
base station, and no room will be available for a base station in the 
new facility.

Mike K1MK

On 3/12/2009 10:32 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
While doing a little research on the upcoming K4M Midway DXpedition, I 
stumbled on the site of the Midway/Kure DX Foundation's K7K  K4M 
operations circa 1997/8, at http://www.qsl.net/eudxf/stories/k7k.html 
(The web page is undated, but refers to the previous 1996 Midway 
expedition  a 1997 survey)

At the end of the article is this curious little tidbit:
Following Kure, the team returned for a 2-night, one-day stay on Midway 
where they made approx. 3,000 QSOs as K4M before returning to Kauai and 
onward to their respective homes. As chairman of the Midway-Kure DX 
Foundation, Frank AHØW and Yuuji Yoshitani JA3IG/K1NT also worked out an 
arrangement with officials on Midway whereby two permanent HF stations 
will be installed in Midway's hangar to include two fully-equipped ICOM 
HF tions and Force-12, Cushcraft and other antennas. The stations should 
be ready beginning the first of 1999.

Whatever happened to those two stations?

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