[DX-CHAT] Propagation

2004-02-07 Thread Dean Norris
Has 10 meters been open much lately?  It seems to me that the MUF hasn't 
quite gotten up there much yet!


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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX Cluster help/suggestion

2003-10-10 Thread Dean Norris
At  19:57 10/10/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   And I want it RIGHT now with a QSL card 
tomorrow!!  This whole hobby is becoming such a joke (after 
50 years) because of people  who have no concept of what Amateur Radio is 
really all about or what it is supposed to be.

   Amateur radio is no longer about finesse or expertise or waiting 
long hours in a pile up to work a new one or using a technique that you 
recently learned by experience.

   I'm glad i enjoyed the good old days of ham rdio in the past 
because they sure ain't gonna come around again.

73 de

Dave, WT8R
I can't believe someone hasn't come along with voice recognition to morse 
conversion software.  Hmmm.

Do I smell $$?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Yemen

2003-09-02 Thread Dean Norris
At  18:26 8/31/2003, Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
Well Dean, got to admit, it doesn't look good.

Considering the political situation(s) in that part of the world, I suspect
that it will prove somewhere between very difficult and virtually impossible
for someone to get official permission (ie a license, written permission to
operate,  or something like one or the other committed to paper).   Without
said paperwork, I strongly suspect that it will be equally difficult to get
approval for said operation at the DXCC, though of course I could be wrong!
Verbal permission won't be enough (ala 7O1YGF), and permission will have to
come from the central government, not local authorities (ala 7O1A).   That's
just the way it is.
Now, one may argue, and argue well, that the DXCC rules on this are
exceedingly strict.  Be so as it may, that's the way the rules are.
73, ron wn3vaw

We're not going to fall for a banana in the tail pipe.

Well, I guess that I will start selling off the 'stuff' and get ready to go 
mobile in the motor home.  To be honest, ham radio just doesn't have the 
glitter it did back in the 50's-80's.

I would rather find a nice forest site to park a MH and enjoy nature with 
maybe a few hands of cribbage with the missus.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Yemen

2003-09-02 Thread Dean Norris
I love the turn my original post has taken.

I am not complaining that I have been chasing DX for 47 years and have yet 
to get to the top.  I am just wondering if I should retire from work and 
travel; taking the chance of missing my last needed country.  OR, should I 
stay the course for the next few years with a fairly competitive station 
and hope.

I am almost sorry that I opted to return to school for my law degree at age 
50+ when the GOOD operation was on in ~1990.  I didn't even know it was on 
and even had a station set up at the time (FT757/SB220/Hytower).

I sincerely believe the DXCC should require a massive operational effort to 


At  16:33 9/2/2003, Garth wrote:
Remember, Yemen was on the air with a legitimate, DXCC approved operation in
May of last year.
Just 16 months ago.
Garth, KW4MM

- Original Message -
From: Dean Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Yemen
 What would you assembled masses consider the probability (educated
 guessSWAG??) that Yemen, 7O, will be on the air in the next year.  I
 rapidly approaching retirement and me  the missus are looking at buying a
 motor home and traveling until we decide not to travel any more.

 Doing so will likely result in selling the home and getting rid of the
 tower/beam, a few hundred pounds of 'stuff' and maybe the IC756ProII OR
 706 MkII.

 Anyway, since the last country I need to make Top 'o d' Roll is the
 7), I wonder if I should start selling off now or wait a while for a
 possible opportunity.


 BTW, I have learned one or two things recently...

 1)  Kids don't think it is funny at all when you tell them that you plan
 travel until you are unable to continue and then you will pull up in front
 of their house and say, Here I am!

 2)  Be kind to your kids because they determine which nursing home you
 die in!


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Yemen

2003-09-02 Thread Dean Norris
Me too, Bill.  I am resting comfortably at 334 and long for Yemen.  BUT, 
you know what?  If I don't get 7O, not one person in the whole world will 
care ('sides me).

The following sums up what is really important in life-

Golf balls, Pebbles  Sand
 A professor stood before his Philosophy 101 class and
 had some items in front of him. When the class began,
 wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty
 mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

 He then asked the students if the jar was full. They
 agreed that it was.
 The professor then picked up a jar of pebbles and
 poured them into the jar.

 He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course,
 rolled into the open spaces between the golf balls. He
 then asked the students again if the
 jar was full. They agreed it was.

 The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it
 into the jar and of course the sand filled up
 everything else. He asked once more if the
 jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous yes.

 The professor then produced two cans of beer from
 under the table and proceeded to pour the entire
 contents into the jar, effectively filling
 the empty space between the grains of sand. The
 students laughed.

  Now, said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
 I want you to recognize that this jar represents your
 life. The golf balls are the
 important things -- your family, your partner, your
 health, your  children, your faith, your friends, your
 favorite passions -- things that if everything else
 was lost and only they remained, your life would still
 be full.

  The pebbles are the other things that matter, like
 your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else -- the small

  If you put the sand into the jar first, he
 continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the
 golf balls. The same goes for your life. If you
 spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you
 will never have room for the things that are important
 to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical
 to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time
 to get medical checkups. Take your partner out dancing. Play another 18.

 There will always be time to go to work, clean the
  house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. Take
  care of the golf balls first -- the
  things that really matter. Set your priorities. The
  rest is just sand. One of the students raised her
  hand and inquired what the beer represented.

  The professor smiled. I'm glad you asked. It just
  goes to show you that no matter how full your life may
  seem, there's always room for a couple of  beers.

At  17:09 9/2/2003, Bill Hawkins wrote:
Well. I'm setting here at 333 and I have no likely chance of getting the 
last 2 before I croak.
But then, I remember when it was no likely chance that I would get 
Albania or North Korea.
Heck, I remember when it was doubtful that we would have a shot at China. 
In the meantime there are still some  countries I don't have on the WARC 
bands and most of them are pretty easy. That and
PSK 31 provide some interesting stuff whilleI am waiting. I just hope its 
not too long. I quit buying green bananas.
Bill W5EC

Well, for what it is worth here is my thoughts.  I am sitting at 325 and 
of the 10 I have left, several (3 or 4) have no likely chance of 
operations.  Why keep them on the

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[DX-CHAT] Yemen

2003-09-01 Thread Dean Norris
What would you assembled masses consider the probability (educated 
guessSWAG??) that Yemen, 7O, will be on the air in the next year.  I am 
rapidly approaching retirement and me  the missus are looking at buying a 
motor home and traveling until we decide not to travel any more.

Doing so will likely result in selling the home and getting rid of the 
tower/beam, a few hundred pounds of 'stuff' and maybe the IC756ProII OR the 
706 MkII.

Anyway, since the last country I need to make Top 'o d' Roll is the elusive 
7), I wonder if I should start selling off now or wait a while for a 
possible opportunity.


BTW, I have learned one or two things recently...

1)  Kids don't think it is funny at all when you tell them that you plan to 
travel until you are unable to continue and then you will pull up in front 
of their house and say, Here I am!

2)  Be kind to your kids because they determine which nursing home you will 
die in!


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted vs Expunged

2003-06-16 Thread Dean Norris
At  06:47 6/16/2003, Ron St.Laurent ND5S wrote:

I may be missing something, but using your logic, a new guy could NEVER
get to the top of the all time list as there are entities he couldn't
possibly work as these entities are on the deleted list.  The current method
levels the playing field as available entities are available to all.  Under
the new rules attrition will eventually take care of the deleted good ones
out there.
Best 73,

Ron ND5S

I started DXing in 1957.  I will never have all the countries which enjoyed 
listing as DXCC entities.  I have 354 Possible to confirm and set currently 
at 353.  I do have 334 of the 335 current.  If we have to level the 
playing field (Read: lower the standards) this detracts from the 
accomplishments of those who expended time and money to get to a past goal.

Just to whom is it fair?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted vs Expunged

2003-06-16 Thread Dean Norris
At  09:14 6/16/2003, bruce makas wrote:

No one alive can get to the 'worked and confirmed them all' list.  The last 
ham with a  possibility died some years back.

The rest of us come an at some lower number.  I, for one, enjoy seeing my 
self up with those I most admire.

When I started DXing- (here comes the when I was a kid, I had to walk 10 
miles through 10 feet of snow to go to school. Nostalgia BS)- no one was 
even close to top 'o the roll.  Now, it can be accomplished in a few years.

Heck, there were countries on the list that we were NOT ALLOWED to contact, 
e.g. U* and BY.  What a challenge.

Now, shack-on-a-belt types can link through some group of capital letter 
technoconcept and get DXCC from his bedroom while recovering from the flu, 
send in the log via e-mail and have the Plaque in less than a week!

I think I will learn to crochet.  Wanna doily?


Ron, You are right and wrong and this is the mis understanding everyone has.

On the one hand, you can work all of the CURRENT countries, qualify for the
DXCC honor roll and top of the honor roll (Number 1 plaque) on that basis.
On the other hand TOTAL countries is kind of like a life time achievement
score. It recognizes that you were in the hunt for many years and yes,
there is always someone out there with more than me and I've been at it for
44 years. That's fine with me, just let me keep my all-time country credits;
I earned each one of them. I know that I'll never get to the top of the all
time list and, you know what, I don't think that anyone will ever get there.
So what? What I've earned is still an accomplishment as far as I'm
concerned. Let's keep 2 scores, current and all-time.
73, Bruce K1MY

- Original Message -
From: Ron St.Laurent ND5S [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: bruce makas [EMAIL PROTECTED]; DX chat submital [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted vs Expunged

 I may be missing something, but using your logic, a new guy could NEVER
 get to the top of the all time list as there are entities he couldn't
 possibly work as these entities are on the deleted list.  The current
 levels the playing field as available entities are available to all.
 the new rules attrition will eventually take care of the deleted good
 out there.

 Best 73,

 Ron ND5S

 Visit my Website at:

 - Original Message -
 From: bruce makas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: DX chat submital [EMAIL PROTECTED]; DX submital
 Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:42 AM
 Subject: [DX-CHAT] Deleted vs Expunged

  Apologies to Bernie W3UR and the Daily DX Bulletin but the following is
  copied from today's edition (you really should subscribe if you are
  Reader K9KK, Rick, asks for an explanation of the difference between
  deleting a DXCC entity and removing it.  I believe this comes up in
  connection with the recent discussion of East Timor/Timor-Leste, the
  operations during the UNTAET period and post-UNTAET period.  W3UR
  says this has been asked a lot lately.  I'll try my best to explain
  this, according to my understanding of it.  I do think it's kind of
  hard to understand.  First, the way it used to be:  When a country
  ceased to exist, it became a deleted country but still counted
  toward your DXCC grand total of countries.  Hence, some old timers
  have had 390 or so countries, though there currently are only 335
  countries in existence.  When DXCC was revamped in 2000, that concept
  was changed to this:  When a country ceases to exist it does not go
  into you deleted entities list but is taken away from your all-time
  total.  Hence, there will be no new deleted entities that count in
  your total.  Bernie and I both prefer the old way.
  My comment is that I, and all DXers that I have discussed this with,
  agree that the old way is better. I do not see any logical reason to
  expunge (hope the spelling is right) a credit that was earned by a
  The only possible reason that I can even think of is so the new guys,
  whoever they are, can get at the top of the all time list without having
  work at it for years. Seems foolish to me to ignore the accomplishments
  long time DXer and his high all time count when the previous current
  country count is also available. Number 1 plaques are available as is
  of the honor roll listing for all current countries. Keep the all time
  counts going.
  Any chance that we can get the League to reverse this absurd position?
  73, Bruce K1MY
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[DX-CHAT] K1MY's mail

2003-06-16 Thread Dean Norris
For some reason, My mail sent to both K1MY and DX-Chat get rejected at K1MY 
as being spam.  I can only wonder why replies to his mail are spam when his 
mail is not?  What say Bruce?

Dean {8^,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] any news on accepting 7O1YGF cards

2002-08-02 Thread Dean Norris

At 08:02 8/2/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has anybody heard any news on the 7O1YGF cards for which, I 
 understand, some documentation has been submitted to ARRL?

 A legitimate QSL from 7O1 would be my last DX entity.

 Thanks much.

  Tom,  W6HT

Me too.  Considering the current warming relations with Yemen, I hope for 
the best!



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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Interesting Twist -Under God

2002-07-14 Thread Dean Norris

At 06:59 7/8/2002, B.P.Treml wrote:
Crosswalk.com News Channel - The study of law includes the legal element
perjury. This means lying to a court of law under oath for which
is required to keep our legal system workable. In the now infamous
where the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision declared the
Pledge of Allegiance illegal because it contains the phrase, under
God, a
case can be made to charge the plaintiff in that case with perjury.

The suit was brought to court by Michael A. Newdow, an atheist from
Sacramento who claimed that his second grade daughter was required to
recite the Pledge of Allegiance against her will at the Elk Grove
School District.

The reference, under God, claimed Newdow, that my daughter was forced
recite, caused her emotional damage, stress, anxiety and a sense of
left out. I'm an American citizen. I don't like my rights infringed upon
my government, he said.

Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, of The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San

Francisco, a court known to lean to the left of Berkeley, hastened to
the gavel and declare the Pledge of Allegiance, unconstitutional.

An investigative report by WorldNetDaily.com revealed that Newdow has
separated from his wife and daughter, who want no part of his ravings.
are in fact, Christians and members of Rev. Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel
Costa Mesa, California, where they live.

The daughter, who was involuntarily dragged in as a pawn in this case,
daily recited the pledge in school (including the phrase, under God),
willingly. She was not emotionally injured or damaged in any way as
claimed by her absent father, Michael Newdow, in order to deceive the
into making this insane ruling.

Furthermore, Newdow stated this over CNN: The only way I could file
case was to use my daughter as a hook. A daughter he was separated
and a daughter who, with her mother, disagrees with her father's actions

and atheism.

The courts of America have been swift to apply the laws of perjury. This

infamous case, which has outraged most Americans, even more so due to
fraudulent manner in which this case was brought to the court, dictates
that perjury charges be filed against Newdow.

He lied to the court under oath. This is a crime. The public must demand

that The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco charge
Newdow with perjury and punish him to the full extent of the law.

The law applies to everyone, even liberals. This charge of perjury
be ignored by Judge Alfred T. Goodwin.

Rev. Austin Miles, a former law student, is an interdenominational
based in Northern California and a college instructor.  He can be


Hi Pete.  I just spent 5 days in Branson, MO and would love to see the 
black robes bring their special brand of US hate down to that part of the 
US of A.  Every show we saw went out of their way to recite the PoA with 
Under GOD especially emphasized.  Each show was based on Country music, 
Country humor and Country respect.

I think the black-robed bozos would be as welcome in Branson as the Sierra 
Klub is in Arizona.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Interesting Twist -Under God

2002-07-14 Thread Dean Norris

At 18:12 7/14/2002, Dean Norris wrote:

Sorry,  I moved my comments to DX-CHAT but now realize they are not really 
appropriate here either.  I sorry.

bad dean


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