[DX-CHAT] ty0t

2002-10-27 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE
Can anyone give me the qsl mgr of TY0T in the contest? Jim N4JA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[DX-CHAT] high power hams

2002-12-17 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE
I saw many posts saying it is impossible to run 5 kw on 240 single phase service. An electric range in the kitchen pulls more power than that. I am going out on a limb and name two hams who have admitted they used to run Henry 8 K amps. One drove it with a GLA 1000 dentron and the other drove it with an Ameritron ALS-600. One was AE4N of 3915 and 3898 fame and the other was K4OKA. The latter had the Henry 8 K in his shack when he was visited by Riley during an inspection. I believe this was mentioned in one ARRL article. I heard AE4N brag on 3915 about selling the 8K to a CB'ER. I have never approved of this practice. My amp only runs 1200 or 1300 Watts and I seldom run it.As a matter of fact the AM broadcast station where I work used to run a transmitter that used a 4CX3000A as a linear amp. The input power on 125 percent modulation peaks exceeded 12000 watts input with 5000 watts p.e.p.output on modulation peaks running class AB1. That transmitter ran on 240 v 3 phase.

[DX-CHAT] 4w3dx

2003-06-14 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

I worked 4w3dx on june 6th and forgot to log the time. I can't get the 
4w3dx listings on my packetcluster node for june 6th. If some one has the 
approximate time he was on the air on 20m ssb and was posted on the cluster, 
please send me the times he was on the air.
Thanks in advance,

[DX-CHAT] 4w3dx

2003-06-14 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

Thanks to all who answered my query. I can't narrow it down since he was on 
so long.I appeciate all of you who sent me the log pages from the 
packetclusters. Will have to work him again if the ARRL makes this a new entity. 
I worked them back when they first came on originally and have credit for that 
Jim N4JA


2003-08-20 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

>I just got back from Alaska. I took a 2 meter handheld with me 
because I >didn't think I could operate H.F. from the hotel. This is just 
a piece of >advice only: Don't take a two meter rig to Fairbanks, because 
contrary to >what the ARRL repeater directory says, there were no 
repeaters there. I >tried calling CQ on 146.52 but no answer. I didn't 
see a single 2 meter >antenna on any car and saw no HF antennas on any 
house. No wonder we don't >hear much activity from there. I was hoping to 
meet shome KL7 hams and possibly operate HF from one of their 

[DX-CHAT] opdx bulletins

2003-10-05 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

What happened to the OPDX bulletin we used to get on DX News?

[DX-CHAT] Qsl mgr to4e

2003-11-25 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

What is qsl info for TO4E?
E-MAIL me direct.
jim N4JA

[DX-CHAT] to4e

2003-11-25 Thread JAMES ABERCROMBIE

Thanks for all the replies. Got it as F5OGL.
Jim N4JA