[DX-CHAT] Best Practices for DXpedition Operating

2012-12-12 Thread Kostas SV1DPI

First of all i don't like the way leaderboard works. The leaderboards 
help activity of big pistols who want to satisfy their ego and they work 
a dxpedition agn and agn even they have worked agn in all modes and 
bands that country. But i don't think clublog blames on it. Clublog does 
a perfect job, it helps all of us with propagation, online logs, etc and 
it is finally a very useful tool. We are the problem when we don't use 
as it should. It's about the same when ARRL introduced dxcc challenge. 
Now is tougher to work a dxpedition than before challenge. And maybe was 
similar when they introduced dxcc modes... If ARRL makes a dxcc blabla 
where we must work 3000 entities in several modes and several bands... 
then all will be ok? It will make more difficult a little pistol to 
catch a new one. The other way it is sure that if a dxpedition selects a 
different approach on leaderboards, the activity will be reduced. Maybe 
a solution is Clublog publices the number of unique calls worked and not 
the number of qsos. This will be a motive for the dxpeditioners. But i 
insist that the problem, first of all is our ego... Let's try to see our 
hobby in a different way...

73...Kostas, SV1DPI

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2004-10-26 Thread Kostas SV1DPI

Our club, Radio Amateur Association of West Greece 
(RAAWG) will participate in cqww in a multi single hp effort with the club's 
call SZ1A. We hope to work all of you. Qsl via buro ok or via RAAWG, PO Box 84, 
30100 Agrinio, Greece. LOtW ok also.