[DX-CHAT] Montenegro

2006-10-23 Thread Linda Sumner
Jim is right. There's been no new allocation of callsigns to Montenegro yet. They can keep using all the old ones until that happens and I'm sure the very active Montenegrin hams will make sure everybody knows it when it does!     Linda  4O6ZD  KA1ZD      Linda Churma Sumner  860-202-2999  
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2006-07-30 Thread Linda Sumner
All very interesting comments, especially reading on a break from operating SSB for a few hours so far this evening.     So what do you do when someone decides it's great fun to qrm your frequency with heavy breathing and panting? Doesn't happen to you? Gee. Best I could do was keep talking and that meant I missed some people who should have gotten through, but I was pretty sure the ***  would run out of breath before I did and sure enough he (I assume) eventually gave up. I suppose I could go on cw and then not be recognized as "the yl" but then I'd have to learn the code. Don't tell Riley. Besides, then Dave and I'd have to fight for the radio--this is the equitable division of labor.     I always hate it when dx decides to go by call areas, but reached a level where the signals were all too similar in strength and too undisciplined so was forced to do it tonight--still there are always a few who don't get the
 word.     As I said earlier, this is not a traditional dxpedition. YT6A actually named it a "festival." Montenegro isn't going away in the near future. There are plenty of hams visiting and plenty of locals so no one should get their knickers in a twist.     Heard plenty of good US ops tonight and I felt good about them--clear, clean signals and good habits.     Have a good time and keep that testosterone under control!     Linda  KA1ZDLinda Churma Sumner  860-202-2999  
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[DX-CHAT] 4O3T operation

2006-07-30 Thread Linda Sumner
Ok, guys, here's the word straight from the horse's mouth.      The operation here in Montenegro at 4O3T is a mix of very experienced ops and really anyone who wants to come down and help get the new country on. This is deliberate on the organizers' part. How are new people going to learn if they never get the chance to jump in and just do it.     I've been licensed a long time myself, but operate only sporadically, being fond of 10m ssb contesting and 10 ghz and the occasional new country, so it's quite an experience to be plopped down in front of a radio I've never seen, pointed to a foot switch sliding around the floor (which I haven't used in at least ten years) and thrown into the mix.     The pileups are indeed not orderly. Often I catch part or even one letter of a call and try that person only to have no response or at least be unable to hear the response so I go on to whatever
 signal I can copy at that point. There's not much point to screaming "shut up" to all the other stations calling out of turn and it would be a waste of time. And being out of practice, I need to repeat the whole call to make sure I've logged it correctly (not to mention ZZ throwing a fit if I make too many mistakes!). What works best seems to be to stay calm, ignore the most egregious idiots if possible, but if they're the loudest thing on the band, drowning out everyone else, I might as well work them and get them out of the mix. If you add in the occasional deliberate QRM (sometimes even worse for a yl op) and it can get a bit tiresome (on both sides).     Still, remind yourselves that this is supposed to be fun, not work! So enjoy.     Linda  KA1ZDLinda Churma Sumner  860-202-2999  
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2005-09-15 Thread Linda Sumner
Here's a start:


--- Frank Macklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A six months trial of BPL is being organised in
> Tasmania.  I am not sure if I have my facts right
> but I am under the impression it has already been
> tried in America.  If this is correct I would
> appreciate any information  as how it went
> particularly in relation to interference to TV and
> other appliances.
> Regards,
> Frank  VK1ZL

Linda Churma Sumner

Connecticut Political and Legislative Director


860-202-2999 (cell)

860-523-1017 (office)

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