In today's mail came confirmation from the League that my 20 meter DXCC has
been processed.  

All things considered, that's pretty good time.  Our own Steve #1 (of "Three
Steves & a Kurt" fame) KF2TI field checked them for me the Saturday before
Dayton, although he wasn't able to mail them until he returned home.  And
our mail was held for a week while we were on vacation (and boy do I have a
story to tell, but it's not DX related), so call it about a 6 week
turn-around for processing.  Considering the glut of Dayton submissions
about the same time, that's not too shabby!

Now I have to gather together the 40 meter cards.  Two more bands to submit
to complete 5 Band, then 17. leaves me one HF band to finish, but patience
and sunspots will get me 12 soon enough.  Meanwhile, time to work on the 160
antenna. that's going to be the real challenge.

My personal thanks to Steve KF2TI for taking time away from visiting his
family (OK, even though they only live about 3 blocks away from me) to check
the cards.  Hopefully, he isn't too emotionally scarred from his encounter
with Lucy Furr, the coax chewing semi-Beagle, and will be willing to stop by
again during one of his upcoming trips to the area.  (And if he can stick
around long enough, I'll even grill him a burger!)

73, ron w3wn

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