My observation is that going by the numbers has become less effective over time.  When I only have a limited time in the shack on a given evening or afternoon, I don't see the point anymore in waiting out what is more often than not a futile effort.
I've also observed that some of the best DXpedition ops -- Martti OH2BH for one stands out, but many others as well including many on this reflector (you know who you are) -- do two things to effectively manage the pile-ups over time:
1.  Call by regions, based on where propagation has opened -- and sticking to it.  If they call "EU ONLY" or "NA ONLY" or "OC ONLY" then that's who they work.  Period.
2.  Spread out the pileup.  Don't just listen up 1 or 2, but listen up 1 to 5 (CW) or 5 to 10 (SSB).  Find a frequency, work one or two people, then move up or down within the window.  Sooner or later, everyone gets heard. 
Oh, and a #3 & 4 ought to go without saying:
3.  Ignore the deliberate QRM & jammers & frequency cops.  Don't respond.  Send "UP" or "listening up" often, and ignore anyone on your frequency.  Not even give a humorous "Alpha Bravo, you're in the log" like 9K2ZZ used to do with "lass too" partial calls. 
4.  ID often.  If not after every QSO, no more than every third.  If someone realizes that you're not the droids they're looking for, they'll move on; if they waste time listening because the DX hasn't ID'd for 10 minutes, you end up with somoene annoyed or frustrated -- and they may take it out by turning into a jammer.
73, ron w3wn

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