Title: No, I didn't work a pirate.
This is from the ARRL site
Montenegro International DX Festival ready to roll
(Jul 18, 2006) -- Radio amateurs and equipment from all over Europe and from a few countries outside the continent are already converging on Montenegro for the International DX Festival. Among the nearly four dozen operators already recruited are ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, and his wife Linda, KA1ZD. Using the call sign 4O3NT and operating from several sites ( see one in photo), the DX special event was conceived as a way to introduce the new Republic of Montenegro to the worldwide DX community. Operation gets under way July 20 and will run until August 13. Look for 4O3NT on or about these frequencies: CW: 1826.5, 3522, 7022, 10,106, 14,022, 18,072, 21,022, 24,892 and 28,022 kHz; SSB: 3795, 7055, 14,190, 18,145, 21,290, 24,945 and 28,490 kHz; RTTY: 7035, 10,135, 14,085, 18,105, 21,085 and 28,085 kHz; 6 meters, CW/SSB: 50,106 kHz. While the DX operation will be the most visible part of the festival, some participants also will conduct meetings with local telecom authorities and help the Amateur Radio Union of Montenegro gain International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) membership. Yaesu, SteppIR, Acom and the Northern California DX Foundation have supplied equipment for the event. There's still room for more operators, especially during the second and third weeks of the event. Contact YT6A (with a copy to OH2BH). QSL via YT6A.
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